We Can Guess Your Heart's True Desire in Just 30 Questions

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
We Can Guess Your Heart's True Desire in Just 30 Questions
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

No matter who you are or how closely your life hews to your ideal vision of what your life should be like, you probably want something you don't have - or you have it, but not enough of it, or it doesn't look exactly how you hoped it would look. Your dream man or woman might occasionally be a nightmare. The riches you hoped would come your way thanks to that promotion are great but the things you have to do and the hours you have to work to get them make you feel absolutely drained at the end of the day. It can feel like the Lord has opened a door but closed a window.

Still, it's important to have goals, not least because every so often when you get hold of one of them, sometimes it's everything you hoped it would be. Sometimes you really do have a moment where you feel like you reached the pot of gold at the end of the figurative rainbow, and for a little while, you know in your heart that everything is going to be all right. 

Meanwhile, striving toward the right goal will fill you with purpose and contentment that are a special kind of happiness far more fulfilling than pleasure can ever be. So let's see what you truly desire, in the hope that it might just help you get it!

When you were a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?
I wanted to be a movie star!
I wanted to be President!
I wanted to be a CEO!
I wanted to be a vet!
What was missing in your life in high school?
I was unable to find a date.
I was deeply unpopular.
I was broke.
I was unhappy at home.
What did you study in college?
Political Science.
Abstract Theory of Dead Languages.


What did you resent about your origins?
I felt ugly.
I felt helpless.
I felt poor.
I felt unloved.
What was missing from your childhood?
What is it about your job that you find unsatisfying?
I feel like no one appreciates me.
I feel like I'm not feared at all.
I'm not paid enough.
I spend too much time at work.


Are you in a relationship?
Yes, and it's great.
Yes, but we are very stressed out.
Yes, but we need something else.
What was missing from your last romance?
I felt like they called all the shots.
They controlled all the finances.
What quality would your ideal partner have?
Own a dog!


If you could have any dream job, what would it be?
Head of a hedge fund.
Dog walker.
If you could have any magic power, what would it be?
Shape shifting.
Mind control.
Being able to talk to animals.
If you could make some small change to your life right now, what would it be?
I'd be in a new relationship.
I'd have more authority.
I'd get a raise.
I'd make a new friend.


What would improve your health right now?
Someone to kick my butt to go to the gym.
Not having to spend so much time at work.
Being able to afford healthy food.
Having a friend to motivate me.
What would improve your love life right now?
Less pressure on the job.
More spare cash.
A friend outside my relationship who can help with emotional support.
What would expand the reach of your influence right now?
Someone to have my back.
I have no idea.
Jut some financial wiggle room, honestly.
Nothing I'd need.


What would put you in the black right now?
I'm in the black!
Some better contacts.
Got a few grand?
I don't need much.
What would make you proud to walk down the street?
Someone to hold hands with.
People recognizing me.
Some sweet threads.
A friend.
If you could change something about your looks, what would it be?
My nose.
My hair.
My waist.
My hands.


If you could wake up tomorrow and be an expert in something, what would that be?
How the mind works.
How to pick pockets.
How to invest.
If you could have the object of your desire, but rather than you having more of something, everyone else had less of it, would you be okay with that?
No, that's terrible.
Yes, I'm fine with that.
I think that could be very complicated.
That'd be unfair.
At the end of the day, what do you viscerally need when you get home?
A kiss from someone I love.
To know there is no threat waiting at work.
To be able to stop working.
To be greeted enthusiastically.


What keeps you up at night?
Feelings of inadequacy.
Money troubles.
The vague sense of having missed something.
How much does envy drive you?
Not at all.
To a large extent.
Not much.
How much does pride drive you?
A little bit.
A lot.
Not much.


How much does lust drive you?
Only insofar as it's a badge.
A bit.
Not at all.
How much do you worry about appearances?
A little.
A lot.
Not at all.
Do you have a lot of people who love and support you?
Yes, a lot.
A few.
One or two.
Just one.


Do you feel like you have control over your life?
A bit.
No, not at all.
I feel like a lot of outside stuff influences it.
Yes, I have control.
Do you worry about not being able to afford the good things?
Not often.
Only the big things.
All the time.
Some of the time.
Do you ever find yourself in the midst of an inexplicable sadness?
No, but anger instead.
Not often.


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