What % Mermaid Are You?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
What % Mermaid Are You?
Image: Robbie Goodall / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

If you've always wanted to explore the depths of the ocean, now's your chance to embark on some aquatic adventures with us in this oceanic quiz! You'll find plenty of fish, seashells and best of all, mermaids! You can't deny the existence of mermaids either because guess what? You're actually a mermaid and we're about to explore some of your lively personality traits.

A mermaid is a hybrid of a female human being and a fish. Such sea creatures are able to breathe underwater and have mastered a variety of swimming skills and techniques. Some mermaids also love to sing, while others prefer to watch a sunset by sitting on a rock. If you're curious about where to find mermaids, you may have a hard time spotting them in the ocean. But don't worry, because you can always escape into classic films like "The Little Mermaid," "Aquamarine," "Splash" and "A Mermaid's Tale." While a mermaid refers to a female type of sea creature, there are also male "mermaids" as well, which are actually called "mermen." So if you're excited to splash around in the ocean, we encourage you to take our oceanic quiz to find out what types of mermaid traits you possess!

If you were a mermaid, would you swim in the depths of the ocean during the morning, afternoon or evening hours?
All three
One of the best parts about being a mermaid is having a tail! What color would your mermaid tail be?
Ocean blue
Happy pink
Sunny yellow
Earthy green
On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being the highest), how much does your personality resemble Ariel from "The Little Mermaid?"


Some mermaids have long, flowy hair while others have super short hair. If you were a mermaid, what would be the length of your hair?
Super long
Super short
I'm not really sure.
As a mermaid, your new home is now the ocean! Which of these oceans would you want to live within?
Pacific Ocean
Atlantic Ocean
Arctic Ocean
Indian Ocean
Would you find the depths of the ocean to be a beautiful and amazing place to live within or a place that is more scary and mysterious?
The ocean resembles both of these things.
The ocean is definitely more beautiful than scary.
I think the ocean is more scary than beautiful.
It depends on how far deep you're swimming in the ocean.


Which of the following aquatic creatures would you want to become BFF's with?
Do you think that you would become friends with other mermaids or would you swim within the ocean as a lone wolf?
I would love to be friends with other mermaids.
I would probably have only one mermaid BFF.
It depends on how nice the other mermaids are.
I'm more of a lone wolf.
Are you willing to leave your friends and family behind to start a new life as a mermaid?
Can I at least see them while I'm a mermaid?
I haven't really decided yet.
No, not at all


Let's talk about how well you can swim for a moment! On a scale of beginner to advanced, how would you rate your current swimming skills?
I'm not really sure.
As a mermaid, you have to sleep somewhere! Which of the following places would be your go-to spot for some beauty rest?
I wouldn't sleep as a mermaid.
In a cave
On the sea floor
In an underwater hotel room
If you were a mermaid, would you ever come up to the surface of the water to interact with other human beings?
Probably not
Only if I was near a beach
Maybe, but I'm not sure yet
Of course


Yikes! You notice that a shark is rapidly approaching you, which means that the only thing left to do is ...
Talk to the shark
Try and tame the shark
Swim for my life
Attack the shark
Before you become a mermaid, there's just one little test you have to take. We need to know how long you can hold your breath underwater!
At least 5 minutes
Between 3-5 minutes
Between 1-3 minutes
Less than 1 minute
Finish this sentence: Life would never be boring as a mermaid because you would primarily spend your time ...
Exploring the ocean
Collecting various items
Hunting for food


The ocean can be a dangerous place for mermaids sometimes, which means it's time for you to master one of these water-based Pokemon attack moves!
Hydro Cannon
Water Pulse
Aqua Jet
Rain Dance
Would you describe your own personality traits as mysterious and dark, or is this the opposite of who you are as a person?
That's the opposite of who I am.
I'm not really sure.
It depends on the day I'm having.
I'm pretty dark and mysterious.
Are you the type of person who would rather live near the beach, in a small town or in a big city?
I would love to live near a beach.
I prefer big cities.
Small towns are perfect for me.
I have something else in mind.


Keep this in mind: 1 league is equivalent to about 3.45 miles. How many leagues under the sea would you want to explore as a mermaid?
20,000 leagues
10,000 leagues
5,000 leagues
Less than 1,000 leagues
There are times where you'll have to swim in dark environments as a mermaid. The real question is, how well can you currently see in the dark?
Very well
Somewhat well
My night vision is about average.
Not well at all
If you were given the opportunity to trade your mermaid tail for a pair of wings, would you accept this offer?
Not a chance
Can I choose both?
I'll have to think about it first.
Most likely


Let's say that you're swimming with some dolphins when you notice a cruise ship in the distance. Are you going to casually approach it?
Probably not
It depends on what time of day it is.
It depends on how many people are on that cruise ship.
Of course
Being a mermaid may sound cool, but you wouldn't be able to use your smartphone or computer underwater. How would you feel about this?
I wouldn't care at all.
I would feel upset by this, but I would still want to be a mermaid.
I would find a way to use technology underwater.
Nevermind, I don't want to be a mermaid anymore.
Would you be able to navigate through the depths of the ocean by using your instincts or would you need some kind of map?
My instincts are good enough.
I would talk to other types of fish for directions.
I would just need a compass.
Can I use a GPS underwater?


How would you communicate with one of your mermaid BFF's if they lived 3,000 miles away from you?
I would call them up using seashells.
I would use telepathy.
I would just swim to them.
I probably wouldn't even try to communicate with them.
Think carefully now! Would you rather live as a human being for 200 years or as a mermaid for 100 years?
I would rather be a mermaid for 100 years.
I'm not really sure.
Is there a way that I can be both?
I would rather be a human.
Your mermaid tail wouldn't be the only part of you that shimmers! Which of your other physical features would also shimmer during daylight hours?
My hair
My eyes
My face
My arms


Some mermaids are more evil while many others have angelic personalities. Which of these categories would you fall under?
I would be an angelic mermaid.
I would be somewhere in the middle.
I would be a hybrid of both.
I would be a more evil mermaid.
If you were a mermaid, would you accentuate your appearance with pearls or diamonds?
Would you get sick of eating seafood as a mermaid or are you always craving fish for dinner?
Fish are my friends and I would never eat them.
I would eventually get sick of eating seafood as a mermaid.
I have no preference in this matter.
I'm always craving seafood.


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