What % Superior Are You?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What % Superior Are You?
Image: TimeStopper/Moment/Getty Images

About This Quiz

It's not good to be a doormat in this world. After all, if you don't take credit for your ideas, it's very hard to advance in your chosen field. If you constantly put yourself down - whether out loud, because you think it makes people like you, or in your head because the bullying demon on your shoulder is just a lot louder than the encouraging angel - that negative thinking can become a habit that is very hard to break. Eventually, if you keep telling the world you're not worth anything, people might believe you, and take advantage accordingly.

On the other end of the scale, however, some people are quite convinced that they are the proverbial bees' knees. They often don't have much of a resume to back this up, or they're relying on things that don't really matter, like living in a fancy house or being conventionally good-looking. Sometimes they're financially successful but come from a background where this wasn't actually the hardest thing in the world to achieve. These are the people who the rest of us call superior, and we don't mean literally.

It's great to be proud of things you've worked for, but there's never a good reason to look down on others, be ungracious or to lack humility. If you're in danger of heading down that slippery slope, it's important to know so that you can get a few people in your life - and hopefully, a little voice of warning in your head - to point you back in a healthier direction. As with so much in life, the key is finding the right balance! Let's see if we can help you identify where you are on the scale, so you know which way balance is for you!

Do you find it hard to stay friends with people from very different economic backgrounds?
Not really, though I am the richest in my friend group.
Yes, obviously
No, it's never a problem.
Yes, I am poorer than my old friends, so they dumped me.
If you come up with a witty comment that's a little mean, can you resist saying it?
Depends who is there
I can resist, and usually feel a little guilty.
I'm not witty enough for this to be an issue.
How important is it to be liked?
It's essential - I want everyone to like me!
It's important if the person doing the liking is important.
I want to be liked by good people and disliked by bad people.
I don't think people like me much, and I hate it.


What animal would you be, if you were one?
To which TV character do you often find yourself compared by others?
The president in "The West Wing"
The matriarch on "Dallas"
Any character played by Anna Kendrick
The animal sidekick in a Disney movie
Do you watch a lot of reality TV?
Just the stuff about real estate
Yes, I love makeover and dating shows!
Only a couple shows
No, it's too mean.


If you see a fashion disaster in the street, what do you do?
Feel glad it isn't me
Instagram a picture and say mean things
Tell myself not to judge - a moment after I kinda did!
Assume it's a trend that I don't know about
If you see someone very beautiful, what's your first thought?
I must enlist that person as an ally.
I hope we don't move in the same circles.
Wow, that person is beautiful.
I'll never look that good.
Did you ever raise your hand in school when you didn't have the answer?
No, I liked to be right, not just to speak.
Yes, constantly
Only if I thought I had a good guess
I didn't raise it when I DID know the answer!


What sport do you play?
What's your favorite way to hang out with friends?
Go to a nice dinner
Go to the country club
See a movie
Hang at home
Is it very important to you to speak a certain way?
It certainly helps grease the wheels of life.
Yes, I would hate to sound like trash.
I code switch a little to get by, but it's not very important.
I hate how I talk, but I can't fix it.


What's the decor scheme in your house?
Bold colors
White and gold
Pretty eclectic - I get what I like!
Earth tones
Would you ever pop to the corner deli in your PJs on a Sunday morning when there's no milk?
No, I'd dress fully - and well.
I would be at brunch, so this is moot.
I'd dress, but only in jeans and a ratty tee.
What do your kids - current, future, or hypothetical - wear to kindergarten?
OshKosh B'gosh dungarees!
Little pinafores with white socks and buckle shoes
Cheap jeans and shirts - they'll just grow out of it anyway.
Whatever they want


What book do you recommend to people most often?
"How To Win Friends And Influence People"
Something by Tony Robbins about becoming powerful
Cool novels like Tom Clancy writes
Romance books like those from Mills & Boon
What is your most important criterion for marriage?
Compatible life goals
Good earning potential
Kindness and integrity
Being willing to put up with me
Where do you vacation?
The fancy part of Florida
I can't afford to vacation, but I'd like to go to Cancun if I could.


Would you go to a state school to guarantee debt-free graduation?
Only for undergrad
No, brands matter.
Yes, I'm not stupid.
I don't think I'd get in anywhere else, so sure.
Which is worse - everyone thinking you're broke when you're not, or being broke but everyone thinking you're rich?
It depends on what life stage I'm at.
I'd rather be broke but look good.
I don't care what people think - I don't want to be broke.
I guess it's better not to be broke, though I wouldn't know since I have always been broke.
Which celebrity's lifestyle do you really admire?
Meghan Markle
Kim Kardashian
Natalie Portman
Melissa McCarthy


What do you consider a sign of a "bad" neighborhood?
Drug dealers in the streets
Poor people everywhere
No public transport
When I try to rent a place, they let me pay in actual cash.
What career would you really hope your child goes into?
High-powered white collar work like CEO, politician, etc.
Something lucrative that makes them famous
Whatever makes them happy
Whatever pays the bills
Can you take a compliment?
Yes, and I always give one back.
Of course. I deserve it.
Sometimes I get a bit flustered!
No, they're just being nice.


Have you ever had dance lessons?
Just a few for my wedding
Yes, my parents made me get classes for the cotillion I made them throw me.
I did a bit of ballet as a kid.
How's your self esteem these days?
Very, very high
Towering but brittle
Healthy, I think.
As an adult, have you ever been in a medical situation, either temporary or permanent, where you were totally dependent on others?
Yes, but only for a day or two at most
No, that's for weak people.
Yes, now and again I find myself in a pickle.
Yes, more than once and for a long time


What's the best way to give back to the community?
Fund a grant
Throwing fundraisers - that way I can network as I donate.
Volunteer with a charity
Ask neighbors what they need and help them
Would you like to be a member of a country club?
No. My country house is already near better facilities than they have, and everyone there is so nouveau riche.
I already am. More than one, in fact.
Yes for the facilities, but the people are probably awful.
I wouldn't fit in.
What is the most humiliating financial event you can imagine?
Losing an election or being fired from a C-level job
Having the house repossessed
Having to declare bankruptcy
Having to ask family for money


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