What Animal Was Your Dog in a Past Life?

By: Bri O.
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
What Animal Was Your Dog in a Past Life?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

How well do you know the furry creature you call your pet-friend? Can you predict their every need? Do you get confused about why they're barking at nothing? Do they have strange quirks you ever wonder about the origin of? Do they have a bad habit you just can't get them to stop doing, like relentlessly digging up the lawn or barking at the delivery person?

Even if you spend day-in and day-out with your dog, there is only so much you can know about their past lives. This quiz will help you uncover even more about how your pup has come to be the amazing and unique dog that they are today. You might be surprised at the answer, even if you think you know your pet so well!

Whether or not you believe in all this past life "mumbo jumbo," as long as you love and want to understand your pup better, this is the quiz for you! It might help you think about things you otherwise wouldn't and/or learn more about animals who share interesting similarities with your dog. 

Test how well you know your pup with this quiz and we'll tell you what animal they were in a past life! 

How old is your pup?
Under 2 years old.
2-5 years old.
6-9 years old.
10+ years old.
Are they good listeners?
Only when they want the treat I have in my hand.
Nope, never.
Yes, they're surprisingly observant.
It depends on how much energy they have and the physical distance between us.
Does your dog like to chew on bones?
Only certain kinds of bones.
Yes, my pup will chew on pretty much anything.
I don't give them bones, but they like most of the alternatives and treats.


What color is their fur?
Orange or red
Black or white
How much does your pup weigh?
35-50 pounds
50 or more pounds
20-35 pounds
Less than 20 pounds
Do they get along with other dogs?
Nope, they do best on their own.
Sure, as long as they are the only alpha.
For the most part, but larger dogs tend to overwhelm mine.
Yes, they get along with all different types of dogs.


What causes more of a response in your pup?
Other dogs.
Small animals.
About how energetic is your dog?
About as energetic as I am.
They spend most of the time resting.
They seem to have endless amounts of energy.
They have more energy than me, but it's not limitless, so there's hope.
Would you say your pup is a cuddler?
No, they prefer their space.
They try to be, but they're a bit too big.
They're a total lap dog.
Yes, it's their favorite thing ever.


Do you ever have conversations with your pup?
No, it's not like they can understand or talk back.
I wouldn't say we have full-fledged conversations, but I might direct a sentence or two at them from time to time.
Yes, they're my best friend; we talk all the time.
Sure, but in a normal, non-crazy or weird type of way.
Do you feel like your dog usually understands commands?
About half the time, yeah.
They might understand but if they do, I have no indication of it since they never follow through on the commands.
For the most part.
Yes, they respond every time.
Is your pup known for ripping up their chew toys?
With some chew toys, yes, but others they seem to be more gentle with.
They don't even bother with chew toys any more.
Yes, within a matter of hours of first receiving it.
No. If a toy breaks it's usually from normal wear and tear.


What is your pup more likely to do out of retaliation for not getting enough attention?
Bark, whine and lick.
Rip up a shoe.
Have an "accident."
Get into the trash.
Does your pup ever "talk back?"
No, they only bark when someone approaches us.
Yes, if I bother them enough they'll start howling back at me.
They whine, bark, growl, etc. sometimes to let me know they need something.
Yes, they're constantly talking, grumbling, snorting, or something.
Do they struggle with separation anxiety when you leave?
Not unless I'm leaving them in a strange place or with a strange person.
No, they could not care less.
Yes, but they're easily distracted.
Yes, it's becoming a real problem.


Where do you live?
Small town
Rural area
Is your pup a beggar when you're eating or food is out?
No, they usually do their own thing whether or not food is around.
If I don't put them out of the room, they sneak and steal food off the table and from unaware hands.
Usually only when they can smell meat.
Yes, they're absolutely relentless.
Has your dog ever accidentally knocked someone over when trying to greet them?
They're constantly knocking people, including me, around and over.
My pup usually doesn't jump up on people, so it hasn't been a problem.
They're too small to knock someone over.
A few times, but it hasn't happened in awhile.


How much does your pup bark?
They don't bark much at all.
Whenever they hear dogs off in the distance start barking.
It seems like they're always yapping about something.
A few times a day or so.
Has your dog ever brought you a "present" (small animal carcasses, bones, garbage, etc.)?
They like to chase after small animals and sometimes they actually catch them and usually end up bringing it in to me.
Yes, it's so disgusting and they do it almost every time I let them off leash.
No, fortunately this hasn't come up.
They've done it at least a few times.
At what time of day does it seem like they're most active?
Early morning/pre-dusk


Would you say they have an alpha personality?
Sure, but they aren't like that with everyone.
Definitely, they are the leader of the pack and household.
No, they're definitely submissive.
It's hard to tell.
Who's in charge on walks, you or the dog?
We cooperate with each other.
The dog
It's usually a power struggle.
Do you have to watch their food intake to make sure they're not overeating?
They seem to go through phases of overeating, kinda like me and my dieting.
For sure. If they could they'd eat everything in sight.
No, they're pretty good at self-regulating.
When it comes to certain foods, yes. And I have to be careful they're not getting into things.


How does your pet signal when they need to go out?
They run frantically run around the house.
They nibble on my hands/feet until I pay attention.
They don't. I just know when to take them and stick to a schedule.
They have a special bell or something similar they've learned to use to signal to me they need out.
Do you have to go out of your way to place even non-edible items out of your dog's reach so they don't get into and eat everything?
Yes, I have to put pretty much anything they can't bite into away otherwise it'd be destroyed.
Definitely when it comes to food, but not usually with other things.
No, they know what they are and aren't supposed to be getting into.
Certain things like wooden objects and shoes have to be put up, but other than that it's not an issue.
How does your pup respond when they feel threatened?
They can get pretty aggressive when provoked.
They bark/growl and defend themselves.
They run to me for reassurance.
They whine, put their tail between their legs, and run to cower under something.


Does your dog like to play fetch?
They prefer tug-o-war.
No, they aren't interested in playing unless it's rough housing.
Yes, they'd chase toys around all day.
Only when they're in the mood, which isn't often.
Do they have any allergies or sensitivities?
Their stomach can be a bit sensitive to certain foods.
No, they're completely healthy.
A big yes to both.
They have some minor sensitivities.
Would your pup let you dress them up in clothes and/or costumes?
Probably not.
I wouldn't even dream of it.
They'd fight me about it, but they'd also give up and in very quickly.
Maybe, if I caught them while they were nice and relaxed.


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