About This Quiz
Decades before Star Wars, psychologists like Freud and Carl Jung theorized on one's dark side, which they called the "shadow." Jung viewed the dark side as the id, which is irrational and instinct-based, much how we view the processing of other animals. Thus, you don't even need to become Darth Vader or betray your family members to join the dark side - it already exists inside each and every one of us.
Think about it: as humans, sometimes we seem so composed and logical, and other times, a flip seems to switch and we seem to revert to primal impulses. While everyone can develop coping skills to prevent our dark sides from coming out, at some point, it's bound to happen. During these times, humans often become aggressive and feel the need to dominate, much like predators in the animal kingdom.
So, do you know what it takes for you to transform from a human into a ferocious apex predator? When it happens, do you snap like a saltwater crocodile or lunge like a tiger? There's only one way to find out. Take the following quiz to reveal which apex predator matches your dark side. Let's just hope the results don't bring out your worst, because a mere human is no match for you when you decide to bare your fangs.
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