What Apex Creature Matches Your Dark Side?

By: Marie Hullett
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Apex Creature Matches Your Dark Side?
Image: Javier Zayas Photography / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Decades before Star Wars, psychologists like Freud and Carl Jung theorized on one's dark side, which they called the "shadow." Jung viewed the dark side as the id, which is irrational and instinct-based, much how we view the processing of other animals. Thus, you don't even need to become Darth Vader or betray your family members to join the dark side - it already exists inside each and every one of us.

Think about it: as humans, sometimes we seem so composed and logical, and other times, a flip seems to switch and we seem to revert to primal impulses. While everyone can develop coping skills to prevent our dark sides from coming out, at some point, it's bound to happen. During these times, humans often become aggressive and feel the need to dominate, much like predators in the animal kingdom.

So, do you know what it takes for you to transform from a human into a ferocious apex predator? When it happens, do you snap like a saltwater crocodile or lunge like a tiger? There's only one way to find out. Take the following quiz to reveal which apex predator matches your dark side. Let's just hope the results don't bring out your worst, because a mere human is no match for you when you decide to bare your fangs.

Every villain has a motive. What is your dark side most interested in?
Defending my loved ones to death
Picking fights
Eating everything in sight
Which events (past or present) in your life fuel your inner darkness?
Being bullied as a child
Familial or relationship issues
Existential crises
Financial struggles
Do you think people feel intimidated by you?
Not at all
Sometimes; it just depends on the situation.
Absolutely. Most people will clear a sidewalk when I walk down it.
Yes. Although I'm usually quite nice, I guess I look or sound intimidating.


How long does it take you to become upset?
I stew quietly for a long time before I have an outburst.
Not long. I'm a bit of a hot-head.
I snap swiftly and suddenly.
I usually only get upset when I'm hungry, so as long as it takes for my stomach to start to rumble.
What are you most likely to be found doing when you're mad?
Pitying myself
Throwing things
You have to wear one of these colors every day for the rest of your life. Which will you choose?
Army green


Bloodhounds are known for their super keen sense of smell, while owls possess razor-sharp hearing. So, which of your senses is most acute?
Be honest: do you yell at and curse other drivers while on the road?
No way
It's my favorite pastime.
Maybe under my breath
Time to grab a bite to eat! What are your eating habits like?
I like to eat small portions constantly throughout the day.
I go for hours and hours without eating and then indulge in a big meal.
I eat three regular meals and maybe a few small snacks here and there.
I'll really eat anything, any time.


Which element do you most closely identify with?
Let's face it; you look great. So, which physical feature are you most proud of?
My glowing skin
My excellently manicured nails
My magnificent teeth
My luscious locks
If someone tries to provoke you, how are you likely to react?
I like to turn the other cheek when possible.
I'll walk away, but if they persist, believe me, I'll fight back.
I'll snap back so fast they won't know what hit them.
I'm a little slow to react in general, to be honest.


What's your relationship with your family like?
We talk all the time and do everything together.
We don't spend much time together now that I've left the nest, but we are always there to help each other out.
To be honest, I'm a pretty solitary individual.
We always love to get together for a delicious meal; it's how we bond.
Which Disney movie do you want to watch today?
"The Little Mermaid"
"The Jungle Book"
"Peter Pan"
What brings your dark side the most satisfaction?
Hunting innocent animals
Causing trouble in the darkest hours of the night
Instilling fear into my enemies
Stealing people's food


How do you look when you're angry?
Remarkably composed
Red-faced and roaring
The same, I just stomp around more.
It's time to pack up and move! Where would you most like to go?
By the sea
To the jungle
On a tropical island
In the mountains
Uh oh, you're in a physical fight. What's your weapon of choice?
My impressive size
My pointy nails, which are like knives
My razor-sharp teeth
My powerful arms


Your dark side needs a rest. Where would you like to doze off?
On the beach at sunset
In a hammock in the jungle
Alongside a quietly babbling river
On a mountain underneath the stars
What sounds like an ideal lifespan to you?
20 years
18 years, but then you have seven more lives.
100 years
30 years
Eeeek. Which monster haunts your nightmares?
Loch Ness Monster
Sea serpent


Which main course sounds the tastiest right now?
A huge salad
Let's fast-forward to your obituary. What do you want to be remembered as?
Intelligent and beautiful
Sleek and fierce
Cunning and savvy
Strong but warm-hearted
Time to talk about your love life. What's your ideal romantic interest like?
Honestly, I can't stick to just one.
I like someone who's willing to fight for me.
Someone who gives me plenty of space
Someone who loves to cuddle


What really makes your blood boil?
People who invade my space or privacy
Time to hit the gym. What's your biggest physical strength?
Fast swimmer
Powerful muscles
As it turns out, you will be reincarnated as an animal in your next life. What type of skin and hair will you have?
Rubbery, hairless skin with lots of blubbers
Thin skin with short, dense and coarse hair
Bony scales, no hair
Thick skin with lots of soft, long fur


Zzz. How would you describe your sleeping habits?
Regular - I sleep about six to eight hours per night.
I'm a huge advocate of cat naps.
I'm a total night owl, so I don't usually get the deepest sleep.
I can sleep forever - even when I set seven alarms.
Everyone has one. So, what's your downfall?
Would you describe yourself as more introverted or extroverted?
Very extroverted
Very introverted
I'm an extroverted introvert.
I'm an introverted extrovert.


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