About This Quiz
An "aura" describes the human energy field that is ever-present around you. It's not something you can turn on or off; it's just always there. It's not just limited to humans, either. Animals and even inanimate objects can radiate an aura seen to those with the "gift." The reading of auras and the ability to see them are mentioned a lot in the paranormal world and by those who believe in the paranormal and otherworldly encounters.
Sometimes the reading of an aura can lend insight into the health of a person and is used in New Age medicine, although there is no scientific backing to this method. Auras are also closely related to chakras: There are seven points, or chakras, on the body that are said to aid in things like confidence, love and dominance in your career, etc. As an interesting fact, the idea of auras was popularized by a Church of England priest, who was also a member of the Theosophical Society, which was created to advance the esoteric religion called theosophy.
The aura color wheel consists of seven colors, all representing different things. The colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. So which aura color is drawn to you? Take this quiz and find out!
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