What Breakfast Pastry Are You?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
What Breakfast Pastry Are You?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

You can tell a lot about someone, or yourself for that matter, by what kind of pastry they eat first thing in the morning. So what kind of breakfast pastry are you?
What do you do on a typical Friday night?
Hang out and watch TV.
Go out and party.
Have a nice dinner.
Go for a run.
How often do you work out?
I don't.
A couple times a month.
A couple times a week.
Almost every day.
How often do you eat fast food?
Almost every day.
Every once in a while.
Hardly ever.


Where would you go on vacation?
To an amusement park the next state over.
To a city with lots of nightclubs.
To Europe.
To an exotic island.
Which sport do you like the most?
How often do you eat pizza?
A few times a week.
Once a week.
Once a month.
Hardly ever.


Where would you get a burger?
A national fast food chain.
A regional fast food chain.
At a local restaurant.
I don't eat meat.
Where would you meet up with a friend?
A sports bar.
A dance club.
An upscale bar.
A coffee shop.
What would you most likely do in the middle of the day on the weekend?
Take a nap.
Go to a movie.
Start a project around the house.
Go to a spin class.


What is your grocery shopping style?
I only shop when I need food and only grab a few things.
I shop every ten days, and get whatever appeals to me at the time.
I shop every week on the same days, and always get the same type of food.
I shop once a week and use a lot of coupons and search for deals.
Which season would you feel is the best time to eat a pastry for breakfast?
What time do you feel the best?
6:00 p.m.
6:00 a.m.


Do you ever feel sluggish or hyper after you eat?
All the time.
Not usually.
Have you ever tried a paleo based diet?
A what?
No way.
No, but I have thought of it.
Sure I have.
How would you describe your current weight?
More than a little overweight.
A little overweight.
Average sized.
In really good shape.


Do you tend to do things and not worry about the consequences?
All the time.
Not usually.
Were you good in school?
Not at all.
I could have been, but it was boring.
I did okay.
Yes, I did great.
How important is money to you?
Not at all.
Well, it is important only because it helps me do what I want.
Very important.
Extremely important.


What is your highest level of education?
A high school.
I've had some college.
I have a college degree.
I have a graduate degree.
What political party do you align with?
None, I hate politics.
At a birthday party, how much cake do you have?
Two big pieces.
One huge piece.
One tiny piece.
I don't eat cake.


What kind of music do you like best?
Rap or dance music.
Which "Seinfeld" character is your favorite?
Do you think most people are too stuck on themselves?
Yeah, so many people are.
Well maybe, but I kind of am too.
No, I think most people are fine.
It never occurred to me to think about it.


What kind of books do you like to read?
True crime.
Classic literature.
Historical Nonfiction.
What do you do most on the computer?
I spend most of my time gaming.
Using social media.
Visit news sites.
How have you met most people that you have dated?
At clubs or bars.
At work.
Through friends.


Are you a good flirt?
Not really, but I keep trying.
I am awesome at it.
I am okay, I just try and show I am interested.
No, I never flirt.
How do you entertain at home?
I might have someone come over to watch a game or a movie.
I like to throw big parties.
I like to have people over for dinner.
I like to have small gatherings.
Do you like your job?
I hate it.
Umm, I actually am unemployed right now.
I like it.
I love it.


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