About This Quiz
After spending what feels like an eternity in a creatureless home, you decide it is time to get another pet, specifically a cat. You hop on the web, looking at cute face after cute face and try to pick out your potential new roommate. Of course, there are other things to consider, like size, age and disposition. Kittens can be cute little balls of energy if left by themselves. The plus is that they're adorable, the minus is that you're not sure what kind of personality they're going to grow up to have. Adults already know who they are and one of the only things you'll have to worry about with them is adjusting your schedule to theirs. Seniors are very mellow lovebugs who want nothing more than a lap to snuggle on.
When you step into the local animal shelter, cats of all different colors greet you, urging you to choose them to be their human. Which one do you feel closest to? Is it a cow cat with its black and white coat? How about a tortoiseshell or calico? Nah. Your heart is with the single colored kitty.
But what color feline are you drawn to? That attraction is what will help us discern what kitty protects you and your heart. So pull up your blankets and pet your kitty if they're nearby to see if we're right!
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