What Country Song Should Be Your Theme Song?

By: Jody Mabry
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Country Song Should Be Your Theme Song?
Image: CMA Compilation

About This Quiz

Country music can speak to the soul. Whether you're stuck in a rut or falling in love, we'll tell you what your country theme song should be!

Country music began in the early 1920s in the southern states of America. Some of the earliest singers included performers like Jimmie Rodgers and Vernon Dalhart. In the decades that followed, stars like Johnny Cash, George Strait, Reba McEntire and Dolly Parton took center stage in our hearts.

If you feel like you're in a rut, maybe you're like Johnny Cash's "Folsom Prison Blues." You might feel like life is passing you by, but we're sure you're going to come out on top soon! If you're trying to open yourself up to a relationship that seems like it's not meant to be, you might be dealing with a "Complicated" situation like Carolyn Dawn Johnson. Does the Zac Brown Band have you enjoying the small things in life? Maybe you're feeling nostalgic about the past, and Alan Jackson knows how to tap into that vibe better than anyone you know. 

Answer these questions, and we'll let you know if you're singing the blues or if you'll be drinking a cold beer on a Friday night!

What is the most important thing to you in a job?
I don't want to be locked away in an office.
I want to work with a bunch of cute people.
I want to work in a fun environment.
I want flexibility and the opportunity for advancement.
What is your opinion on dating coworkers?
I'd date anyone who wanted to date me.
I'd love too, but what if things didn't work out?
If you've known each other a long time, then why not?
You should go for it.
What's your work personality?
I'm the strange person who sits in the corner and eats at the desk.
I'm the quiet one everyone seems to like.
I'm the office clown.
I'm the boss. You know, everyone's best friend.


What is your ambition at work?
I just want to get through the day.
I use work as a relationship dating service.
I want to make enough money for my weekend life.
I want to get ahead in life.
How big is your family?
It's just me.
I have a small family and a couple friends I consider family.
I have a huge family that uses every excuse in the world to get together.
I have a big family, but they live far away, so I don't see them much.
Who understands you the best?
My books
A close friend I grew up with
A sibling
My parents


What is your favorite family tradition?
We didn't have too many traditions growing up.
Christmas brunch
Thanksgiving dinner
The annual family picnic
Who would you call if your car broke down?
Roadside assistance
My parents
A sibling
A good friend
Which is your favorite activity when you're home alone?
Watching TV
Listening to music
Going for a run
Meeting new people


What is your favorite kind of movie?
Dark mysteries
What extracurricular activity did you participate in during high school?
Hanging out with friends
Choir and theater
Marching band
Where do you like to hang out on Saturday night?
At the subway
With friends at a quiet restaurant
At the bar
At a house party I'm throwing


Where did you meet your best friend?
While getting into trouble
At work
In college
A childhood sports team
Do you have anything in common with your friends?
Not really
Some things
Our sense of humor
How often do you see your best friend?
Once a year
Every couple months


How many friends do you have?
One or two
A few
A ton
Just lots of acquaintances
What is your comfort food?
Warm bread and butter
Ice cream
Fried chicken
Mashed potatoes with gravy
Are you a good cook?
No, I tend to eat out a lot.
I'm pretty good at cooking anything that's prepackaged.
I'm an excellent grill-master.
I'm an amazing chef.


Does your family have a traditional meal?
Does cereal for dinner count?
We each have a specialty.
Our summer fried chicken picnic is a tradition!
Our Thanksgiving is traditional.
What do you snack on during the day?
Sunflower seeds
Were you a popular kid?
Only with my parents
Not really
Kind of


What was your childhood like?
Fun and quiet
Wild and crazy
Which of these would you collect?
Garbage Pail Kid cards
Old books
Baseball cards
What is your best personality trait?
I'm humble.
I'm generous.
I'm loyal.
You can always depend on me.


What is likely to get you in the most trouble?
My mouth
Poor spending habits
How much is in your checking account?
Less than $5
Over $5,000
Between $100 and $999
Between $1,000 and $5,000
What is your plan for retirement?
Ha! Good one.
I have a 401K and IRA.
The lottery


What's the poorest you've ever been?
My card was declined for a pack of Ramen noodles.
I've never really been poor.
I slept on a couch I found on the curb for a year.
I had to live out of my car for awhile, but at least it was mine.
What is the most important thing to invest in?
My career
My happiness
My beer collection
My future
What happened to your dog?
I don't want to talk about it.
She's fine and cuddling with me now.
He choked on a bone.
My ex took off with him.


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