What Crystal Brings You Positive Vibes?

By: Monica Lee
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Crystal Brings You Positive Vibes?
Image: Jasius/Moment/Getty Images

About This Quiz

When you understand that every object in the universe has a vibration, force or pull (think gravity), you can understand how different crystals when held, worn or placed close to the body can interact with your personal energy. And although crystals can be used to bring physical healing to different parts of your body, in this quiz we will help you find the perfect high-energy crystal for your mental well-being.

In this quiz, you'll be asked a series of questions that will help us understand your current state and mood. You'll be queried on your likes, dislikes, social interactions and attitudes. Then, we'll match you with the perfect crystal to cleanse any negative energy and thoughts. This crystal will turn up the volume on those clear-thinking, positive vibes that help you live life to the fullest. Be aware that the crystal selected for you is just a start, as it is dependent on your mood at this moment. If your long-term goals are financial abundance or a passionate romance, you may want to add more crystals into your physical space to help you achieve the future you've envisioned. Start this quiz right now and get ready to be energized!   

Which of these situations makes you the most envious?
Watching an influential person speak because I wish I could be like that
Watching a couple who are clearly in love
Seeing the light in someone's eyes who is inspired
Seeing someone who is completely carefree
How would you describe your energy level?
Low - a general feeling of malaise
Low to medium - I'm moody.
Medium - I have days when I'm up and days when I'm down.
Medium to high - I want more high-energy days.
If your friends were asked about your love life, what would they say?
It is what it is.
I need more romance in my life.
It's good, but with more effort it could be better.
I've got a solid partner.


Are you more logical or emotional?
More logical than emotional
More emotional than logical
Would you say you love yourself?
Depends - some days yes, some days no
No, not really
I always feel I could be a more positive person.
If you could take on someone else's persona, what kind of person would it be?
Someone who is confident
Someone who attracts love like a magnet
Someone who is passionate about a goal
Someone who is living life for their own happiness


You're at a party and you don't know many people. Where will we find you?
Nursing a beer, hoping someone will talk to me
Checking out the people to see if anyone looks interesting
Making meaningless chitchat
If you ordered these traits from most important to least important, what would it look like?
Purpose in life, love, financial freedom
Love, financial freedom, purpose in life
Purpose in life, financial freedom, love
Financial freedom, purpose in life, love
Which of these would make you the happiest?
Having a grand purpose
Being in love
Being positive
Being motivated


If you could wish for something for a loved one, what would it be?
Good health
True love
Positive thoughts
Financial abundance
What angers you most?
Human suffering
Mistreatment of animals
What hobby would you most likely take up?
Playing a musical Instrument


How did your last romantic relationship end?
They told me I was nice but the effort/commitment wasn't there.
They said I was too needy.
They wanted someone who was more upbeat and fun.
I ghosted them.
What is your primary goal in life?
To excel in my career
To build a loving family
To be happy
To be adventurous
What trait do you appreciate most in a romantic partner?
A sense of humor
A passion for life


What is one of your most unflattering personality traits?
Lack of motivation
What do you do when you hate the world?
Have a glass of wine
Take my mind off of it with snacks and Netflix
Post it on social media
Get out of the house and take a walk in the sunshine
Which quote feels like you?
"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.”
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart."
"I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter.”
"Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.”


What kind of people do you avoid?
Dimwitted people
Hardened people
Unhappy people
Unmotivated people
Which of these words describes you when you're at your best?
What is your current relationship status?
It's complicated.


Which of these dates sounds the most fun to you?
Going to the movies
Dinner at a fancy restaurant
Seeing an improv or comedy show
A walk along the beach
You hate it when your partner is what?
If you have an ailment, what typically is affected?
Respiratory system
Heart health
Digestive system


Where do you go to relax?
My garden
Hanging at home
A trendy bar
A beach
What are Sundays great for?
Sleeping in
Doing chores
Are you shy or outgoing?
More shy than outgoing
More outgoing than shy


How would your best friend describe your wardrobe?
What is the first thing you do when you get up?
I hit the snooze button.
I check social media.
I get coffee.
I stretch.
Do you give good advice?
I don't get asked for advice much.
I'm a bit emotional, so I don't know how good my advice really is.
I'm okay. I haven't had any complaints.
I give practical advice.


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