What do you know about the movie "Crocodile Dundee"?

By: J. Reinoehl
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What do you know about the movie "Crocodile Dundee"?
Image: Rimfire Films

About This Quiz

"Crocodile Dundee" was highly successful in America and abroad. It won three Academy Awards and one Golden Globe and was nominated for many more. How well do you remember "Crocodile Dundee"? Find out by taking this quiz.
What was the name of Crocodile Dundee's safari business?
Happily-Ever-After Quests.
Once-Upon-a-Time Walkabouts.
Never-Never Safaris.
"Never-Never Safaris?" "Yeah, um, never go out with us. If you do, you'll never come back. Right, Wal?"
Out-Back Tours.
What was the name of the town in Australia where Crocodile Dundee was from?
Walkabout Creek.
The Walkabout Creek Hotel (and pub) is actually located in McKinlay Shire, Queensland, Australia. When it went up for sale in 1986, it was listed at $1.25 million (Australian dollars).
Byron Bay.
Broken Hill.
Which city was Sue initially from?
New York.
"Don't worry. I'm a New Yorker."
Los Angeles.


How did Crocodile Dundee get Donk to spill the beer on top of his head?
He hit him in the gut.
He slapped him in the face.
He kissed him.
"Crocodile Dundee" was the second highest grossing movie of 1986. "Top Gun" was the highest grossing movie that year.
He punched him in the side.
What is the aboriginal custom of wandering around to find new places?
"A walkabout?" "Yeah, that's an aboriginal habit. It means to, uh, wander around and, uh, discover new places."
Why did Sue want to interview Crocodile Dundee?
She found him attractive.
He was paying her to promote his tour business.
He was raised by aborigines.
He survived a crocodile attack.
In Australia, 30% of all crocodile attacks are fatal.


What kind of meat did Crocodile Dundee say crocodiles liked to eat?
Aged and tenderized.
"Well, you see, crocs don't like fresh meat… A croc will grab you, take you down to the bottom of the water, and roll you over and over and over until you stop kicking. Then he'll take you away to his meat safe somewhere—rock ledge, log—down under the water, jam you under it, tenderize you a bit."
He said they only eat fruits and vegetables.
How does Sue's adventure alone in the outback end?
A crocodile ate her.
She makes it to their meeting point unscathed.
A poisonous spider bites her, and Crocodile Dundee carries her to safety.
Crocodile Dundee saves her from a crocodile.
The #1​ tip for avoiding crocodile attacks is to stay away from water where crocodiles are known to live. Although crocodiles are fast and can move at speeds of 10 miles per hour, they have a very short endurance and don't like to be away from water.
What was the real reason Crocodile Dundee was out in the wilderness when he was injured?
He was poaching.
"It's full of crocs. What do you reckon he was doing?" "Just a… poacher, eh?"
He was on a walkabout.
He was looking for an aborigine wife.
He was legally hunting kangaroo.


When Crocodile Dundee and Sue were camping in the outback, what kind of poisonous snake does he nonchalantly kill?
Boa constrictor.
Coral snake.
King cobra.
King brown snake.
Despite its name, the king brown snake, or mulga snake, is in the black snake family. Its bite contains enough venom to kill an adult weighing up to 140 pounds. It is one of the longest venomous snakes in the world.
How did Crocodile Dundee respond when Sue said, "What are you going to do? They're shooting these kangaroos for fun."
"Well, there's no law against that."
"What are you going to do? They're shooting these kangaroos for fun." "Well, there's no law against that."
"I think I'll join them."
"They'll pipe down in a few."
"I am going to get away from here."
How did Crocodile Dundee scare the kangaroo hunters away?
He made them think police officers had surrounded them.
He propped up a dead kangaroo and made it look like it was shooting back.
Kangaroo hunting (culling) is one of the most controversial activities in Australia. Although the government supports it (as long as the kangaroos are killed by a single shot to the head), many say populations are declining, especially populations of larger, male kangaroos.
He released a crocodile on them.
He made ghostly sounds to scare them.


Why wasn't Sue allowed to go to the corroboree?
The aborigines would kill outsiders.
Women were forbidden to go there.
"No. Women are strictly taboo at these turnouts."
Crocodile Dundee was afraid she would take pictures.
She couldn't dance.
Which actor portrayed Crocodile Dundee?
Paul Hogan.
Paul Hogan (born October 8, 1939) was probably most famous to Americans for his role as Crocodile Dundee and his Australian commercials, but he also had starred in his own, "The Paul Hogan Show," before starring in the film. He went on to star in "Flipper" and "Lightning Jack."
Tom Selleck.
Robert Redford.
Steve Irwin.
Why did Neville Bell say Sue couldn't take his picture?
She had her lens cap on.
"Oh, no, you can't take my photograph… You got lens cap on."
He didn't want bad publicity.
He believed it would take his spirit away.
He said it was too dark without a flash.


Who played Sue Charlton?
Linda Kozlowski.
Linda Kozlowski (born January 7, 1958) began her career on Broadway after graduating from Juilliard where she studied opera singing. She married Paul Hogan in 1990 and played opposite him in "Crocodile Dundee," "Crocodile Dundee II," "Crocodile Dundee Los Angeles," and "Almost an Angel."
Debra Winger.
Charlotte Blackwood.
Meg Ryan.
Why did Crocodile Dundee say there weren't any crocodiles in Echo Lake?
A crocodile skin disease had spread through the area.
Poachers had killed them all.
It contained mineral water.
"That's mineral water. Means no crocs."
The snakes ate them.
Where did Sue want to take Crocodile Dundee after their adventure in the outback?
Los Angeles.
New York City.
New York City gets almost 60 million visitors each year. It would take about 23 hours to fly there from Sydney, but can take up to 50 hours depending on layovers.


Finish the quote: "Imagine—seven million people all wanting to live together. _____________________."
"…Makes me feel like a shag on a rock."
"…Reminds me of a bunch of kangaroos loose in the top paddock."
"…Living this close to all them people would make me go off like a frog in a sock."
"…Yep, New York must be the friendliest place on earth."
"Imagine—seven million people all wanting to live together. Yep, New York must be the friendliest place on earth."
When Crocodile Dundee goes out adventuring on his own his first day in the city, how did he get back to the hotel?
He hailed a cab.
He climbed on top of a street vendor and used the sun to get himself back.
A mounted police officer brought him back.
The New York Police Department's Mounted Unit has been in operation since 1858. Currently, there are 55 horses in the unit with about half of them stabled in Manhattan.
Sue found him wandering around and brought him back in her car.
Why did Richard pass out in the restaurant?
He was drunk.
He was choking.
He was poisoned.
He was hit.
"He said you hit him. You're not in the pub at Walkabout Creek, now."


To what type of restaurant did Richard and Sue take Crocodile Dundee his​ first night in the city?
A French restaurant.
An Italian restaurant.
The area known as "Little Italy" in New York City used to take up 50 square blocks, but an expanding Chinatown and steeply rising rents have reduced it to three blocks on Mulberry Street. Only one of New York's top-rated Italian restaurants is still located there: Torrisi Italian Specialties.
A Chinese restaurant.
A gourmet burger restaurant.
What shortened name did most of Crocodile Dundee's friends call him?
"I mean any normal man would have just turned up his toes and died but not our Mick, no. Hundreds of miles, snake-infested swamps, on his hands and knees, he crawled right into Katherine."
Who does Crocodile Dundee take to the bar his first night in New York?
A prostitute.
A taxi driver.
Since Uber became active in New York City (May 2011), it is estimated there are now more Uber cars than yellow taxis. Although Uber drivers tend to make twice the money after expenses, yellow cabs do about ten times the business.


How did Crocodile Dundee get rid of the kids who wanted to steal his wallet?
He beat them up.
He showed them his knife.
[laughing] "That's not a knife. That's a knife."
He gave them his wallet.
He Maced them.
How did Crocodile Dundee "help" the drug addict at the party?
He let him borrow his knife to cut the drugs.
He rolled a laced cigarette for him.
He dumped his cocaine into a bowl with boiling water.
The movie was partially based on Paul Hogan's experiences as an Australian in the city of New York. He also wrote most of his own skits for "The Paul Hogan Show" in Australia.
He gave him an aborigine alternative for drugs.
What did Sue's father do for a living?
He was a television producer.
He ran the newspaper.
"I thought you said your dad sells newspapers?" "…He sells a lot of newspapers."
He was a stockbroker.
He was a lawyer.


What did Crocodile Dundee do with the dogs at Sue's parents' house?
Charmed them.
Rod Ansell was an Australian who gained some fame in 1977 for reportedly surviving in the outback after a boating accident. He unsuccessfully tried to sue Hogan after "Crocodile Dundee" was released.
Killed them.
Punched them.
Ran from them.
How did Crocodile Dundee respond when Sue asked, "You're right. I guess we could all use more mates. Suppose you don't have any shrinks in Walkabout Creek?"
"Of course we do. We call them Pygmies."
"Nah, back there if you got a problem you tell Wally."
"Nah, back there if you have a problem you tell Wally. And he tells everyone in town, brings it out in the open, no more problem."
"Well, we have a few aborigines who used to shrink heads."
"What's a shrink?"
Who saved Crocodile Dundee from the pimp's thugs?
A homeless bum whom Dundee had given some liquor.
The hotel doorman, Irving.
The chauffeur, Gus.
Reginald VelJohnson (born August 16, 1952) played Gus as well as several brief roles as a police officer in "Ghostbusters," "Die Hard, Die Hard 2," and "Turner & Hooch" throughout the 80s. His best-known role is probably as Carl Winslow on the long-running sitcom, "Family Matters" (1989-1998).


At the dinner party at Sue's father's house, what question did Richard ask that upset Crocodile Dundee?
He asked Crocodile Dundee how he knew the prostitutes.
He asked Crocodile Dundee about his formal education.
He asked Sue to marry him.
"Quite obviously, I have not had a great deal of success influencing her as her editor. Perhaps I'll have more success as her husband."
He asked Sue if she slept with Crocodile Dundee in the outback.
Where did Sue tell Crocodile Dundee she loved him?
At Grand Central Station.
In the limousine.
In a subway station.
The Sydney Bridge seen out the window from Sue's hotel room at the beginning of the movie is the same bridge Paul Hogan was working on as a construction worker when he got his first break in show business. At the time, he worked as a rigger and lived in state-supported housing.
At her father's house.
Where did Crocodile Dundee want to go right after checking out of the hotel?
Los Angeles.
On walkabout in America.
"Ah, no. I thought I'd go walkabout… I'll wander around, take a look at America."


How did Crocodile Dundee get to Sue in the crowded station?
Everyone parted to make a pathway for him when he used the aborigine charm on them.
He jumped on the incoming train and ran across the top of it.
He swung through the rafters.
He walked on people's heads.
Paul Hogan won an Oscar, not for best actor, but for his screenwriting work on the film. The Oscar was shared with co-writers, Ken Shadie and John Cornell.
What was Crocodile Dundee's full name?
Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee.
"And his name, get this, Michael J. 'Crocodile' Dundee. Will you trust me?"
David "Crocodile Hunter" Dundee.
Ian P. "Crocodile" Dundee.
Paul "Crocodile Killer" Dundee.
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Rimfire Films