What do you know about the movie, "Glory"?

By: J. Reinoehl
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What do you know about the movie, "Glory"?
Image: Freddie Fields Productions

About This Quiz

The inspiration for "Glory" came after the author, Kevin Jarre, walked across Boston Common and noticed the Civil War memorial had African-Americans in it. It had never before occurred to him that men of all skin tones fought in that war. How well do you remember the movie, "Glory"? Find out by taking this quiz.
How was Captain Shaw injured in the opening battle?
He lost his leg.
He lost his arm.
He was shot in the side.
He was injured in the neck.
“So, it’s your neck, right Captain? Well, the surgeons are all busy, but I’ll fix you up.”
In which northern town was the regiment recruited?
New York.
African Americans served in both the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, but racist feelings, even in the northern states, had prevented them from serving until the 54th formed. The Emancipation Proclamation contained a clause that allowed for them to volunteer and organize as troops.
Washington, D. C.
In the beginning of the movie, which civil rights leader did Captain Shaw meet at the party?
Sojourner Truth.
Frederick Douglass.
"Robert, have you met Frederick Douglass?" “Mr. Douglass.”
Booker T. Washington.
Harriet Tubman.


Who played Col. Robert Shaw?
Jon Cryer.
Matthew Broderick.
Matthew Broderick (born March 21, 1963) had his first big hit with "Wargames" (1983) and followed that with "Ladyhawke" (1985) and "Ferris Bueller’s Day Off" (1986). He also supplied the adult voice of Simba in "The Lion King" (1994) and Despereaux in the "Tale of Despereaux" (2008).
Alan Ruck.
Johnny Depp.
What was the number of the regiment Colonel Shaw led?
“Well, I could use your help, Robert… I’ve submitted your name, Robert, to be commissioned Colonel of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry.”
Which four men shared a tent?
Forbes, Shaw, Searles, and Mulcahy.
Searles, Rawlins, Sharts, and Trip.
Although Colonel Shaw is a historical figure, Trip, Rawlins, Searles, and Sharts were not. The writer wanted them to represent the types of men who volunteered, instead of anyone specific.
Trip, Forbes, Searles, and Montgomery.
Rawlins, Forbes, Searles, Mulcahy.


What punishment would the troops face if caught by the Confederates?
Returned to slavery or put to death.
"In accordance with President Lincoln’s wishes, you men are advised that the Confederate Congress has issued a proclamation. It reads: Any Negro taken in arms against the Confederacy will be immediately returned to a state of slavery. Any Negro taken in Federal uniform will be summarily put to death. Any white officer taken in command of Negro troops shall be deemed as inciting servile insurrection and shall likewise be put to death."
They would all be enslaved.
They would be imprisoned for the rest of the war.
They would be beaten.
What disability did Sharts have?
He was mute.
He was blind in one eye.
He stuttered.
Some men came from as far away as the Caribbean to enlist in Shaw’s 54th. Two of Frederick Douglass’ sons, Charles and Lewis, also joined.
He was missing one finger.
What nickname did Trip call Searles?
White bread.
" I'd be happy to teach you. It would be my pleasure." “Hey, look here, Snowflake. I ain’t got nothing to learn from [you]?”
Brown sugar.
Sweet potato.


Although Sharts was a good shot, what complaint did Shaw have about him?
He wasn’t physically fit.
He couldn’t read.
His insubordinate attitude.
How slowly he reloaded and how poor he shot while under fire.
The army manual, Casey’s Infantry Tactics, stated that men should be able to fire three rounds per minute. Most modern re-enactors can only manage one-and-a-half to two rounds per minute.
How did Trip respond when Sharts asked him what he had been doing since he ran away from Tennessee?
"Taking what I can get."
"Helping others get free."
"Hiding in the back woods of Michigan.”
"I’ve run for President."
"I’ve run for President. I didn’t win, though."
Which actor portrayed Major Forbes?
Errol Flynn.
William Moseley.
Colin Firth.
Cary Elwes.
Cary Elwes (born October 26, 1962) is a native of Westminster, London, England. His mother was a shipping heiress and designer, and his father was an artist. He met his wife, Lisa Marie, at a Malibu chili cook-off in 1991. They have one daughter.


What did Shaw demand from the quartermaster?
Blue uniforms.
"I want 600 pairs of shoes and 1,200 pairs of socks and anything else you’ve been holding out on us, you piece of rat filth… I see. Pity."
What punishment did Trip receive for being absent without permission?
He was flogged.
Although flogging was a legal punishment at the beginning of the Civil War, the Union Army banned it in August of 1861. By law, Trip needed to be court martialed, convicted, and sentenced before being punished.
He was shot.
He was sent South as a slave.
He was hung.
How much did the government try to pay the troops each month?
"You men enlisted in this regiment on the understanding that you would be paid the regular army wage of $13 a month. This morning, I have been notified that… You will be paid $10 a month."


Why did Montgomery shoot one of his own men when they were looting the town?
The soldier was shooting at a Secessionist.
The soldier was burning down a church.
The soldier was hitting a white woman.
Colonel Montgomery began his Civil War career by practicing guerrilla warfare (jay-hawking) on the South, so his troops remained undisciplined and conducted similar raids once he joined the military. He was fanatical about freeing slaves and punishing those who were pro-slavery. There is no record of him looking down on African Americans in or out of the military, and he helped Harriet Tubman free 800 slaves in one of his raids.
The soldier was raping a slave woman.
What order did Montgomery give that Shaw disagreed with?
Burning a town.
"Tell your men to set torches and prepare to fire the buildings… That is an order."
Attacking a white woman.
Hanging a deserter.
Digging a latrine.
What were General Charles Harker and Colonel James Montgomery doing illegally?
Pillaging mansions.
False quartermaster requisitions.
Burning mansions and towns.
All of the above.
The real General Charles Harker was not corrupt and did not live to be an older man. He achieved the rank of Brigadier General in his 26 short years, dying in the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain while leading his men to inspire them.


Finish the quote: "If you men will take no pay, _____________________."
"…Then we can afford to clothe you."
"…Then none of us will."
"If you men will take no pay, then none of us will." “Let’s hear it for the Colonel.”
"…How shall you support your families?"
"…Then I must thank you for your free service."
Why did General Harker finally allow Shaw to lead his troops in battle?
All his other troops had been killed.
Shaw threatened to report his illegal activities.
The 101 Articles of War “earnestly recommended” all officers and soldiers attend church services and conduct themselves appropriately there. Noncommissioned officers and soldiers who swore could be fined sixteen cents and be imprisoned for numerous offenses. Commissioned officers could be fined one dollar for every offense and risked court martial.
He was drunk.
Abraham Lincoln sent the General the order to let them fight.
The reporter who followed the regiment was from which publication?
The New Yorker.
Harper’s Weekly.
"Colonel Shaw? Edward Pierce, special assignment from Harper’s Weekly… A million loyal readers want to know what happens when the 54th sees action."
The Boston Herald.
The Columbus State Journal.


Who saved Trip in the battle?
The 101 Articles of War, which was drawn up April 10, 1806, governed Civil War warfare for both the North and South. The North was further regulated by the Lieber Code, which declared (among other things) that women and children should be evacuated from cities before any bombing (when possible) and that works of art, libraries, precious instruments, etc. should be secured against all avoidable injury.
What commendation did Trip turn down?
Carrying the flag.
“We ante up and kick in, sir, but I still don’t want to carry your flag.”
An increase in rank.
An increase in pay.
A medal of honor.
Which actor portrayed Sergeant Major Rawlins?
Samuel Jackson.
Denzel Washington.
Morgan Freeman.
Morgan Freeman (born June 1, 1937) served as a mechanic in the U. S. Air Force from 1955 to 1959. After leaving the military, he began his acting career in a stage production of "Hello, Dolly!"
Laurence Fishburne.


Which fort did the Union need to attack?
Fort McHenry.
Fort Wagner.
“No one will take Charleston without first silencing the forts which protect its harbor, and the first one that must be taken is that, Fort Wagner.”
Fort Bliss.
Fort Sumter.
Who makes Shaw promise not to send him back home when he is injured?
The actual man, William Harvey Carney, who took over for the flag bearer, survived and was able to run the flag back to the Union forces—preventing its capture and inspiring his fellow combatants, despite the severe wounds he received. Carney was the first African American to receive the Medal of Honor for his effort.
The mute drummer.
Near the end of the movie, what was dangerous about attacking the fort ?
There was only a thin strip of land across which to lead the attack.
"We will proceed with a direct frontal assault tomorrow at dusk. The problem, gentlemen, is the approach. The ocean and the marsh leave only a narrow strip of sand, a natural defile through which we can only send one regiment at a time.”
They needed to scale a mountain to reach it.
The fort was located on a vast plain with no cover.
The only way to approach the fort was by sea.


What did the 54th do the night before the battle?
They got drunk.
Sing and pray.
In addition to Colonel Shaw, two officers and 27 soldiers died in the assault on Fort Wagner. Over 100 were wounded, 52 were missing and presumed dead, and 15 were captured—about 300 casualties in a troop of about 600 men. The survivors of the 54th went on to fight in other battles of the Civil War (including in the Battle of Olustee) and inspired 180,000 more African Americans to enlist.
Beg Shaw not to be the first troops in battle.
Desert the army.
Before marching into the final battle, what did Shaw give the reporter?
A medal of honor.
A talking down.
Letters and personal effects.
"Ought to be quite a show, Pierce… I wonder if you might do something for me. I have some letters here—personal things. Also, if I should fall, remember what you see here."
His horse.
Denzel Washington played which character?
Corporal Searles.
Captain Sharts.
Sergeant Major Mulcahy.
Private Trip.
Denzel Hayes Washington Jr. (born December 28, 1954) has been nominated for an Oscar seven times and won twice: for "Glory" and "Training Day." His work in "Glory" also won him one of his three Golden Globe Awards.


What rank was Rawlins awarded?
Sergeant major.
"Mr. Rawlins, this regiment was formed with the promise only white officers would be commissioned to lead it. Nothing was mentioned, however, about noncommissioned officers. Therefore, in recognition of initiative taken, not only for yourself but on behalf of the entire regiment, you are hereby awarded the rank of sergeant major."
Who volunteered to take the flag if the flag bearer was to fall in battle?
Although Fort Wagner was not captured by the North during the battle that involved the 54th, it fell later in the Civil War. The ocean has since reclaimed it, and it is no longer visible today.
Finish the quote, "Tomorrow we going to battle. So, Lordy, _____________."
"... Please come back tonight and end this war."
"… Give me courage and strength."
"… Make my feet swift and my mind sharp."
"… Let me fight with the rifle in one hand and the Good Book in the other."
“Tomorrow we going to battle. So, Lordy, let me fight with the rifle in one hand and the Good Book in the other that if I should die at the muzzle of the rifle, die on water or on land, I may know that you, blessed Jesus Almighty, are with me, and I have no fear."


What happened to Shaw in the final battle?
He died.
The memorial on the Boston Common was dedicated May 31, 1897. Veterans of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry attended the ceremony.
He lost his leg.
He was shot in the neck but survived.
He lost an eye.
Where was Shaw buried?
In Boston.
In New York.
In a mass grave with his men.
The Confederates buried Shaw with his men in a mass grave in an attempt to insult him. His family said he would have been happy with that burial.
In West Virginia.
You Got:
Freddie Fields Productions