What Do Your Dreams Mean?

By: Teresa M.
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What Do Your Dreams Mean?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Dreams have been analyzed and utilized by everyone from Freud to the shaman, but do you know what your dreams mean? This quiz will lead you to the path of enlightenment that your unconscious self is trying to tell you about.
How many hours of sleep do you get every night?
3-4 hours.
5-6 hours.
7-8 hours.
9 or more hours.
Do you have recurring dreams?
Yes, I have them all the time.
I have had a few recurring dreams.
I'm not sure.
Have you every dreamed about flying?
I have dreamed of flying in a plane.
I have dreamed that I could fly.
I don't think I have dreamed about flying.
I once dreamed that I was a bird.


Why do you think we dream?
I think it's a chemical in our brains.
I think it's a reflection of our lives.
I think dreams tell us our futures.
I think that dreams are lost thoughts.
Do you often dream about your loved ones?
Yes, I dream about them all the time.
No, I don't really dream about people I know.
I always have dreams about my coworkers.
Have you ever had a naughty dream?
That is none of your business!
I love naughty dreams.
I have had a few.
I wish!


Would you ever put a dreamcatcher in your bedroom?
Sure, they look really cool.
Yes, dreamcatchers keep the bad vibes away.
No, I don't need anything like that.
I have one in my bedroom now.
Which celebrity would you like to dream about?
Angelina Jolie.
Owen Wilson.
Tina Fey.
Charlie Sheen.
What kind of dream do you like the least?
I do not like the dreams that make me think the alarm is going off.
I don't like sad dreams.
I don't like scary dreams.
I don't like dreams that make no sense.


Do you have a lot of nightmares?
I have had a couple nightmares.
Yes, I have a lot of nightmares.
No, I can't ever recall having a nightmare.
Which dream do you find the scariest?
Dreams of my teeth falling out would be horrifying.
Dreams of my hair falling out with be scary.
I don't like dreams with monsters.
Dreams of falling would freak me out.
What is the last thing you do before going to sleep?
I turn off the TV.
I program the alarm.
I turn off the lights.
I have a snack.


What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
I make coffee.
I take a shower.
I make the bed.
I run for work.
Who are you most likely to talk to about your dreams?
Do you believe that dreams are ourselves in a parallel universe?
No, that's a little insane.
You never know.
There are a few theories about it.
I do not think parallel universes exist.


Do you believe we have spirit guides in our dreams?
No, that is also insane.
Anything is possible.
I believe we guide ourselves.
I believe our brains are just resting.
Do you believe there are symbols in our dreams?
I believe that we find what we choose to see.
I believe there are all sorts of symbols in our dreams.
I do think some things are symbolic.
I believe we should pay attention to everything in our dreams.
Do you believe that what we eat affects our dreams?
I'm sure it does have some biochemical reaction.
I have never heard of anything like that.
I have heard that tomatoes can cause bad dreams.
I have heard that alcohol can mess with dreams.


Do you like to have dreams?
I enjoy them.
I love to sleep just so I can dream.
I don't really remember a lot of them.
It depends on the dream.
How often do you remember your dreams?
I remember my dreams most of the time.
Sometimes, I can get them out of my mind.
I rarely remember them.
I remember some of them.
What do you dream about most often?
I dream about money.
I dream about loved ones.
I dream about weird stuff.
I dream about falling in love.


Do you have a dream dictionary?
There's such a thing?
Yes, I do have a dream dictionary.
No, but I do have some books by Freud.
No, but I would like to have a dream dictionary.
Do you look like yourself in your dreams?
I rarely see myself in my dreams.
I look like a younger version of me.
I look exactly like myself.
Sometimes, I'm an older version of myself.
Have you ever seen an animal in your dream?
Yes, I have seen cows in my dreams.
I've seen birds in my dreams.
I have dreamed about the family pet.
I'm sure I have.


Have you ever had a dream that felt real?
All the time!
I have had a few very realistic dreams.
I have had a couple dreams that bothered my emotions.
My dreams are always strange.
Would you ever participate in a dream study?
Do I get to sleep a lot?
Sure, that sounds interesting.
How much would it pay?
How do you most often feel when you wake up from a dream?
I feel confused.
I feel loved.
I feel like something is going to happen.
I feel ready to go to work.


What color would you use to describe most of your dreams?
Which science do you think should study dreams?
Do you believe your dreams predict the future?
Not really, but I don't rule anything out.
Yes, I do believe we can learn a lot about the future.
I believe dreams help us make decisions about the future.


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