What Furry Speaks to Your Soul?

By: Mariana Sabino
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What Furry Speaks to Your Soul?
Image: Dayzer Husky via Youtube

About This Quiz

Ah ... furries. There's a reason you had stuffed animals as a child. They're super cute, cuddly and provide warmth and comfort. And yet each animal, even in its stuffed toy form, has their own personality and attributes. Were you somehow more drawn to your stuffed bear than your stuffed dog, even though you may not have been able to explain just why that was the case? Did you read "Alice in Wonderland" and say to yourself, "Look at that rabbit! I'd follow him anywhere!" 

How about cartoon characters? Which ones do you watch and go, "Yup, I get you. I know just what you're thinking." Maybe you can't put your finger on it, but the qualities that particular furry embodies just resonates with you. Call it a soul connection, if you will. A connection that has its own reason for being. It just is ...

With this in mind, we've concocted a quiz that will help you identify which fursona most appeals to your style and personality. Knowing this will give you a good inkling of what kind of furry speaks to your soul in a profound way. Curious? Answer these questions honestly and find out which furry really brings out your true personality! C'mon, let your fursona decide!

1 Ideal Sunday
LaylaBird/E+/Getty Images
An ideal Sunday afternoon involves what?
Playing sports with my friends
Getting a massage
Taking a friend on a hike in a sweet spot
Reading a book and watching the sunset
2 Desert island
fotoVoyager/E+/Getty Images
If you had to take one object with you to a desert island, what would it be?
My favorite dessert
A mirror
A board game
A guitar
3 Disagree
Adene Sanchez/E+/Getty Images
When you and a loved one can't agree on something, what do you do?
I squirm and run.
I play them a little tune.
I seek to outsmart them.
It depends on what they arouse in me.


4 Wink at party
Mixmike/E+/Getty Images
You're at a party and someone cute winks at you. What do you do?
It depends. If I'm really attracted to them I'll bat my eyes and give them the come hither.
I offer to buy them a drink through the bartender.
I go right on over with a smile and a witty little line I just thought of.
I wink right back at them.
5 monogamy
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
How do you feel about monogamy?
I like to play the field.
I'm OK with it, but I like to keep my options open.
I'm a romantic, what can I say?
As long as the beast in me doesn't get the upper hand, I'm fine with it.
6 Romantic date
D-Keine/E+/Getty Images
What's your idea of a romantic date?
Playing kickball, showering, then going out for a hamburger and beer
Going to a fancy restaurant, eating caviar, and listening to classical music
Eating fondue while camping under the stars
Going to a movie stocked with plenty of Raisinets and popcorn


7 Collar
Image Source/Image Source/Getty Images
Would you wear a collar?
For a little while, sure
I'd rather put on the collar than wear one.
I'd have some fun with it.
I might wear it if it's a really pretty collar.
8 Affection
Sally Anscombe/Moment/Getty Images
How would describe your style of showing affection?
Come with me and I'll show you.
I'll let you please me.
I'll do whatever you want. I love to please.
I'll watch out for you.
9 Sense of humor
Fernando Trabanco Fotografía/Moment/Getty Images
How do your friends describe your sense of humor?


10 Blaring Music
Phil Fisk/Cultura/Getty Images
Someone blares their music, what do you do?
I'd find a way to turn it down.
I'd plug in my earbuds.
I'd reason with them.
I'd roar in anger.
11 Decorating
Witthaya Prasongsin/Moment/Getty Images
What's your decorating style?
12 delayed gratification
Geber86/E+/Getty Images
How would you feel about delayed gratification?
I'm generally impulsive, but will bide my time.
I can wait until I no longer can.
No problem. I like to pounce at just the right time.
I'm known for my patience.


13 Feeling low
Sornranison Prakittrakoon/Moment/Getty Images
What do you do usually when you're feeling low?
I shake things up.
I sleep it off.
I listen to music.
I eat.
14 Small dog
Zoonar RF/Zoonar / Getty Images Plus
When a small dog threatens to nip at your heels, what do you do?
I always have a few tricks up my sleeve.
I show him who's in charge.
I faint.
I distract them with a tune.
15 Party invite
Thomas Barwick/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Someone invites you to a party at the last minute. What do you do?
I go, of course!
I consider my options.
Ah, good, I'll have an excuse to decline and stay in.
How rude! I should have been the first one to be invited. I'll ignore the invitation.


16 Cut you off in line
Tim Robberts/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Someone cuts you off in line. How do you react?
I assume they're in a big hurry, and don't take it personally.
I look at them disdainfully and point out their "mistake".
I make a joke.
I stew.
17 Attractive
Morsa Images/DigitalVision/Getty Images
What's really attractive in a mate?
Their playfulness
Their seduction skills and scent
Their wit
Their beauty
18 Best Friends
RyanJLane/E+/Getty Images
What attracted you to your best friend?
Their goofy ways
Their dark side
Their sense of adventure
Their loyalty


19 won the lottery
jhorrocks/E+/Getty Images
What would you do if you won the lottery?
I'd buy a party house and have all my friends over all the time. I'd spare no expense to entertain!
The lottery. Really? That's for common people.
I'd go around the world multiple times.
I'd save the money for a rainy day.
20 Compliments
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
A total stranger compliments you. How do you react?
Well, of course ... I am striking.
I'd make a joke about their good taste.
I'd wonder about their motives.
I'd resist the urge to hug them. Or ... maybe I would hug them!
21 Spry Grandmother
Jessie Casson/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Your spry grandmother calls to say she's coming over for a visit. What do you do?
I'd leap for joy!
I'd wonder what kind of goodies she'd bring me.
I'd look for something special to host her.
I'd clean up the house. A little.


22 Paranoid
Image Source/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Do you believe someone is out to get you?
Nah, not really
My horoscope says so.
Sure, but so what?
I'd rather not discuss it.
23 Concert Tickets
joshblake/E+/Getty Images
Your friends give you tickets to see a band you're not crazy about. What do you do?
I'd toss them.
I'd go anyway. Maybe I'll change my mind about the band.
I'd find a friend who might appreciate those tickets.
Hm. No idea. That's a conundrum.
24 yelling I love you
izusek/E+/Getty Images
Someone blurts out that they love you when you least expect it. How do you respond?
Oh, boy! I love them back automatically.
Really? I'd roll my eyes but say thank you.
A hippie, huh? I'd assume they love all humanity.
Hm. I would wonder ...


25 leash
sdominick/E+/Getty Images
How do you feel a about a leash?
Not too crazy about it
It depends on my mood.
As long I as I get to play around with the idea
I detest them.
26 Cooking
mixetto/E+/Getty Images
It's your turn to cook tonight. What are you making?
Vegetarian Pad Thai
Beef bourguignon
Hot dogs. No, meatloaf.
A salad
27 Late to a meeting
sanjeri/E+/Getty Images
You're late to an important meeting. How do you excuse yourself?
I tell them all about the traffic, the puddles, not finding my keys ...
I pretend I'm on time.
I hop in with a smile and a distracting tidbit of information.
I sigh and say I'm terribly sorry.


28 Dirty Talk
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
How do you feel about dirty talk?
I like to keep it light but frisky.
Mmmm. Lure me with a double entendre.
Let's play, baby!
I like it a little wild.
29 Neighbor chatting
Image Source/Image Source/Getty Images
Your neighbor shows up to chit-chat. How do you feel about that?
Great. I was just about to go over there!
Argh! The dullard!
Come on over! Amuse me. If not, I'll find a way to amuse myself.
I'm not sure. I'd offer them a cup of tea, though.
30 Slip on banana peel
Jacobs Stock Photography Ltd/DigitalVision/Getty Images
You slip on a banana peel and stumble, almost falling down. How do you react?
I'd make fun of myself.
I'd be mortified, but would raise up my chin and keep going.
I'd hide for a week.
Again? I'd shrug and keep going.


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