What Grease Character Are You?

By: Artimis Charvet
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
What Grease Character Are You?
Image: Paramount Pictures/Allan Car Production/Robert Stigwood Organization/Polydor Records

About This Quiz

HOPELESSLY DEVOTED ... to this quiz! You better shape up and find your identity! If you were in the '70s, greasing around, figure out which character you are from the iconic film!

In 1978, the popular musical film Grease, was released. The film follows the love story between two high school students. Starring John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John, the film stars bad boy Danny Zuko and good girl Sandy Olsson. The film also introduces other characters in Danny and Sandy's crew. Which one are you?

Are you leader of the pack, Danny? You might be the ultimate bad boy, but you've got a charming and soft side to you. Maybe you're the sweet Sandy. You might seem prim and proper, but you know how to let your hair down and have fun!

If you're a bit rough around the edges, maybe you're fellow Greased Lightnin' member, Kenickie. Or are you his love interest, Rizzo? If you are, you're tough and sarcastic! You're not one to play games, but everyone knows you're a loyal friend! Are you It-girl Marty, or maybe you're sweet and sensitive, Frenchy? Maybe Putzie, Doody, or Jan?

Which character is the one that you want? TELL ME MORE, TELL ME MORE, find which Greaser you are!

Summer Lovin'...
Happened so fast
Had me a blast
Shouldn't continue into fall....
Is stupid
Pick a 'Breakfast Club' character:
Andrew "The Athlete"
Allison "The Basket Case"
Brian "The Brain"
Claire "The princess"
Bender "The Criminal"
How would your friends describe you?
Always there for help.
A little cold-hearted but you mean well.
Very kind and happy but lacking in self confidence.
Very determined and competitive.


A cute guy winks at you in the hallway, what do you do?
Smile, walk over to him, and start flirting.
Wink back and do something to show off.
Laugh at the thought that they think they stand a chance and flaunt your stuff right by them to let them know what they're missing.
Wave and smile. Maybe he'll come over and ask me out.
How easily are you influenced by peer pressure?
I'm not completely innocent. I'll try things once but that's it.
Not easily. I do what I want because of me, not because of my friends.
I pretty much go along with what my friends do.
Not influenced at all. I'm usually the cause of the pressure.
Pick a 'Grease' song:
Summer Nights
Hopelessly Devoted
Greased Lightnin
Beauty School Dropout


What kind of guy do you go for?
Someone who is tough and good looking
Someone who is in a leadership position. A man in charge is very attractive.
Oh, I'm not that picky.
Sweet, romantic, tall, and handsome
What senior superlative would you most likely get?
Biggest Flirt
Miss / Mr Independent
Most fun to be Around, Friendliest, or Most Dependable
Cutest, Most School Spirit, or Most Changed
You accidentally dyed your hair pink, what do you do next?
Try to dye my hair again
Run away
Rock it proudly


What is your favorite Dessert
Strawberry Milkshake
Funnel Cake
Chocolate Cupcakes
Ice Cream
What is your favorite print?
Polka dots
I prefer Solid Colors
What grades did you get in school?
Straight A's
Mostly B's and C's
D's across the board
I failed out, but I have other talents.


What would you most likely get sent to the principal's office for?
Ditching School
Getting caught making out
I wouldn't get sent to the principal's office
We go together like...
Peanut butter and Jelly
Rama Lama Lama Ka Dinga Da Dinga Dong
Sneakers and Shoe laces
Oil and water
Who would you rather dance with?
The bad boy
The quarterback
The hottie from another school
Who ever will have me


What's your biggest vice?
Casual Sex
None of these
Pick an Accessory:
Pink Jacket
Leather Jacket
Poodle Skirt
My deepest, darkest secret is...
I cried during Bambi
I'm a crossword puzzle prodigy
I lied about my age
I don't have any secrets I'm an open book


Which first date would you prefer?
Grabbing a milkshake at Frosty Palace
What is the worst thing someone could say behind your back?
I'm easy
I'm stupid
I'm boring
My hair sucks
What are you more likely to do on a Friday night?
Got o a football game
Hang with friends
Go to the movies
Go out drinking


Which group were you a part of in High School?
I wasn't really in a group
I was in a gang not a group, get your wording right punk!
What's your best feature?
My attitude
My hair
My wardrobe
My optimism
What's your drink of choice?
Coca Cola


Favorite school subject?
Home Economics
How would you describe your style?
Spunky and Adventurous
Understated and classic
Sexy and Precocious
Simple and Carefree
What do you look for in a partner?
Sex Appeal


Who is your Greaser dream man?
Danny Zuko
How's your hand-jive?
Award winning
Not the best, but super sexy
I'm too uncoordinated to dance
Who do you want to go to the drive-in with?
The Hot one
The Sweet one
The Popular one
The Funny one


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