About This Quiz
People and our creations are peas in a pod. The things we make say a lot about who we are and what our priorities are because they reflect how we spend our most valuable resources, one of which is our time. Some things are created out of unsentimental requirements, while others approach a state described as art. Some really are art. Guns can end up either end of the spectrum. Whether they're designed for military purposes, hunting, home defense, or sporting competitions, some are entirely practical while others are beautiful and some are a mix of both. Each type of gun is reflective of its setting, time period, purpose, and the resources and technology available to the creator of said gun.
There are guns ubiquitous the world over, passed down through the generations, either among hunters, collectors or rebel insurgents. There are guns specifically tuned for competitions, or specific, high-grade ammunition. Some guns exist more as a form of art than for use, with no intent to fire them. There are bleeding edge technology guns, often designed in secret, to aid special operators and make the science-fiction visions of a soldier of the future a possibility. Which gun matches your personality? Take this quiz, and you will know!
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