What High School Stereotype Were You Based on This Personality Assessment?

By: Jennifer Post
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What High School Stereotype Were You Based on This Personality Assessment?
Image: FatCamera / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Ah, high school. A time during which kids are becoming adults and people are coming into their own and really finding out who they are. But not everyone has a great high school experience, and movies and pop culture like to put everything into boxes. Movies like "Mean Girls" and other teen comedies separate students based on their interests and act like people with varying interests can't possibly be friends. They couldn't be more wrong. That's not to say that it doesn't happen, but in real life, friend groups are made up of all kinds of kids with all kinds of hobbies. 

Stereotypes are quite frowned upon these days, but sometimes you just can't help feeling like a stereotype. And honestly, you can own your stereotype, too. Do you love cheerleading and being peppy? Great! Rather be in the library? That's cool too! Just because you are put into a certain stereotype doesn't mean that's how you always have to live your life or have to limit yourself to that for the rest of your life. Either way you look at it, everyone knows that high school stereotypes are very real, even if not as limiting as movies would like you to believe. 

So, of which high school stereotype would you have been a part? Take this quiz to find out!

When you were doing homework, did you set a schedule and stick to it?
I just winged it
I'd make a schedule, but didn't always stick to it
Homework wasn't really my thing.
Did you often have mood swings during stressful times at school?
Not mood swings, but I definitely would get stressed.
Nah, I can handle stress very well.
Oh yes, I'd freak out.
I had mood swings, but I don't think it was school-related.
Before sitting down to get work done, how much prep time do you need?
A few days
Depends on the work
Just a few minutes to get organized
I prefer taking breaks throughout working.


How often did you miss school?
Very infrequently
Only for emergencies
I had perfect attendance.
About once a week
When finishing an assignment, do you take a second look or just call it done?
Done and dusted
Never hurts to double check
I give it three looks.
If I finish an assignment, I just trust that it's right.
Are you good at making tough decisions?
I don't know if I'm good, but I'm quick.
Not really
I take time to thoroughly think things through.
Yeah, because in the end, it doesn't really matter.


Rules are a big part of high school. Were you a rule-follower or breaker?
Follower when it counted
I broke rules with which I didn't agree.
I never broke the rules.
It was rare if I followed anyone's rules.
During school, expressing feelings isn't necessarily encouraged. How are you with that now?
I still tend to keep things to myself.
I have always been very open with my feelings.
I cry more from books than from my own feelings.
You have to feel things in order to express them.
Not finishing a task in high school isn't really an option. How did you handle that?
I always finished things. It just took me a while.
Schoolwork was no problem.
Why start something if you're not going to finish it?
I finished what I was interested in.


Do you feel like you live a care-free life?
Totally, life should be fun.
In certain areas of my life, yes
I tend to be more regimented.
Someone somewhere is always trying to control me.
Did you often think bigger than the walls of your high school?
I lived from day to day.
College was a big part of my mind.
I was always thinking about the future.
I knew there was more out there, but I didn't spend too much time thinking about it.
Are you a detail-oriented person?
Not particularly
Paying attention to detail is the only way to success.
Life is in the details.
I'm more of a big picture person.


Did high school teach you anything about life?
It taught me how to be myself.
Note-taking skills
Definitely not how to do taxes, that's for sure
Do you approach situations calmly and rationally?
I tend to get hot-headed.
I approach situations enthusiastically.
Not at first, but I get there
I actually do
Was high school a big cause of worry for you?
Nah, it was fun.
Yes, but only because kids can be cruel
I took hard classes, so sometimes I'd worry that I took on too much.
You have to care about something in order to worry about it.


Was your sense of imagination nurtured or squashed in school?
I didn't really have a need for imagination.
Definitely nurtured
In some classes nurtured, in others discouraged
I'm not much of an imaginative person.
Was it easy for you to make friends?
Easy breezy
It took me a bit to find my group, but once I did, I was good.
I didn't really care about making friends.
I'm very personable, so it was easy.
How often could you be found at a party on the weekends during high school?
Every weekend
I could be found at cast parties.
Both Friday and Saturday nights, and usually during the week, too


In high school, you have to interact with all kinds of people. How has that helped you in life beyond school?
I can get along with almost anyone.
It makes it easier to go places where I won't know anyone.
It hasn't really; I'm still pretty quiet.
I can help those less fortunate.
Was your bedroom messy or clean during your high school years?
Pretty messy. Sorry, mom
I like the term organized clutter.
It was pretty dark and dingy.
Are you an early riser?
Not anymore
I am if I don't have a choice
I wake up early naturally because I go to bed early.
Early afternoon


When you were tasked with an assignment that you thought was impossible, what would you do?
Work on it for as long as I could
Ask for help
I'd figure it out eventually.
Probably give up
Did high school teach you to adapt to various situations?
Not so much school, but the sports I played
It really did
In limited situations
I think I was pretty good at that before high school.
Do you prefer to work alone or with a team?
Always a team
A team for most things, but not everything
I work best alone.
I'll work with people if they can help me.


If you were coming up on a deadline and weren't quite finished, how would you handle that?
Ask for more time
Quickly finish it
Stay up all night
Do as much as I could
Not everyone gets positive feedback during high school. Was there a time a teacher wasn't happy with you?
I had to miss a lot of classes for pep rallies.
My mind tends to wander when I'm not interested in something.
No, never. Or at least I didn't know about it
I was often criticized for talking too much.
What types of things did you enjoy doing outside of school?
Playing video games
Watching movies
Getting lost in the woods


How did high school impact your career path?
It helped me narrow down what I wanted to do.
I always knew what career I wanted, even before high school.
It didn't
It definitely made me not want to be a teacher.
What was the most useful piece of advice you were given?
Just take the shot.
Picture the audience in their underwear.
If you don't understand something, do it until you do.
You can't ignore things forever.
Can you name one word that described you during high school, and one that describes you now?
Determined, ambitious
Enthusiastic, theatrical
Nerd, professional
Loser, freelancer


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