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About This Quiz
The Internet may not be the Wild West that it was when everybody was surfing it 20 years ago, but it doesn't mean people are any smarter. We all make mistakes. It's just that they last forever on the Internet. We bet that we can figure out your biggest Internet mistake. Take the quiz and see!Advertisement
Compared to 5 years ago, how much do you use Facebook?
Far, far less.
A little less.
About the same.
Much more.
Compared to 3 years ago, how much do you use Twitter?
Much less.
About the same.
A little more.
Much more.
What are you wearing in the most revealing photo of yourself online?
Bikini/Bathing Suit.
You have no revealing photos online.
If you were a parent and found out that your 16-year-old son or daughter had posted a nude selfie, what would you do?
You wouldn't be happy, but what can you do, it's out there.
Figure out a way to get it off the Internet.
Explain to your child why what they did was illegal.
Tell them they are going to regret it and ground them for a month.
What would you say to your friend if you saw they had Tinder on their phone?
Nothing because you do too.
You'd ask them to tell me about how it's worked out for them.
You'd condemn them for using a hook-up app.
You'd pretend it was horrible, but be jealous because you don't have the guts to try it.
What is the first thing you do online in the morning?
Check your email.
Play a game.
Look at a social media app.
Check news or weather.
What percentage of the time that you access the Internet is it through your phone?
Do you spend more time texting or talking on your cell phone?
It's equal.
You don't own a cell phone.
What do you think of someone who breaks up over text?
It's the worst way possible.
We text with our phones now, it's like breaking up talking on the phone 25 years ago.
At least they avoided a messy in-person scene.
They are a coward, but you get it.
Which emoji do you use the most?
Smiley face.
Laughing crying face.
Pile of poop.
Thumbs up/Thumbs down.
What do you think about females who do OOTD videos?
Great outlet for creative style.
As long as they're pretty.
What's an OOTD video?
Sad and craving attention.
What is the biggest effect of social media on people who have grown up with it versus older people who haven't?
The younger people have better interpersonal communication skills.
The younger people are desensitized to sex, violence, swearing and plenty of other bad things.
There is almost no difference.
The younger people have worse interpersonal communication skills.
What's your absolute favorite thing to find online, but you'd never admit publicly?
Other people with your non-mainstream beliefs.
Personality quizzes.
People to date.
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