What is your Old Person Style?

By: Bri O.
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What is your Old Person Style?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Everyone has their quirks, including the old and the young. What aspects of your personality stand out as distinctly "elderly?" Take the quiz to find out!
What's your driving record like?
I don't drive.
I've caused more than one accident.
It's squeaky clean.
I have a few moving infractions.
How do you feel about sweater vests?
I might add one to my wardrobe eventually.
I think they're cute, but I don't think I'd wear one.
I have more than a couple.
They're not my style.
Has anyone ever told you that you talk too much?
Yes, but only once or twice, and it's not true.
Yes, because it's true. I talk too much.
Not explicitly.


Do you like Jolly Ranchers or similar types of candies?
I prefer other types of candy.
Sure, they're good every once in awhile.
Hard candies are my favorite!
Not at all.
Who are you in your friend group?
The realistic one.
The wise advice giver.
The caring, responsible one.
The fun, adventurous one.
Do you enjoy sharing stories with your friends?
Not really.
I love it! It's so energizing.
Sure, but I prefer to listen.
I'll share stories with anyone - I have plenty to go around.


Are you a good listener?
I'd like to think so.
I'm learning how to be.
Yes, I prefer to listen.
No, I have a hard time stopping myself from interrupting.
How often do you use social media?
I'm not on social media.
I check my profiles every couple of days or so.
I like to scroll through my dash, but I don't post much.
Multiple times per day.
Do you consider yourself an activist?
Not in any sense.
Yes, 100%.
No, but I do care about social causes.
Sure, I'm involved in certain causes.


How organized are you?
Every aspect of my life is organized.
My life is a mess.
I like my space to be neat and tidy.
I'm organized when it comes to important things.
Have you ever stood up to "the man?"
There's no point.
Yes, many times.
What does that even mean?
I love sticking it to "the man."
Do you have any intragenerational relationships?
No, my friends are my own age.
Yes, I have both older and younger friends.
No, but I'd like to.
I have a few.


Your friends would describe you as:
Does it bother you when people touch or borrow your stuff without asking?
I can't stand it.
I love sharing!
I don't mind.
I prefer they don't, but it's no big deal.
Is it acceptable to cut across landscaping or lawns instead of using the walkway?
Absolutely not.
I do it all the time.
It's more courteous to use the walkway.
Sure, why not?


What are your grazing hours?
I don't have "grazing hours." I'm not a farm animal.
I try to eat a healthy diet and limit consumption to daytime hours.
It varies, depending on the type of week I'm having.
I don't keep a set range of hours. I graze as needed or wanted.
Have you ever unintentionally nodded off in a public place?
No, that wouldn't be safe.
Yes, I'm notorious for how often I nod off.
Once or twice after pulling a late night.
I've come close, but I'm usually able to stay alert.
Do you have a filter?
I say what I want, when I want.
I try to keep things professional.
Yes, I'm usually intentionally kind.
On my profile picture? No.


You'd describe your outlook on life as:
Are you modest?
There's no point in modesty.
I try to be.
I'm shameless.
What do you do if you aren't happy with the way things are going in your life?
I do what I have to in order to get through it.
I reflect on my circumstances so I can fully understand why I'm feeling that way.
I try to do something to change the way things are going.
I treat myself with some well deserved self-care.


Do you have any quirks?
No, I'm mostly normal.
I'm naturally quirky.
I'm a little strange, but I don't think I have quirks.
A few.
Is tradition important to you?
Yes, very important.
No, tradition is the problem.
Some traditions are.
Not really.
Do you have a hard time letting things go?
No, it's a piece of cake.
It depends on what I'm letting go.
It's not easy, but I can usually follow through.


What's most concerning about growing older?
Dealing with immature, incompetent young people.
Becoming irrelevant.
Being lonely and isolated.
Losing my youthful features and strength.
Is physical health and fitness important to you?
Sure, but I'm healthy enough without having to worry about what I'm eating or how much I'm exercising.
Yes, I lead an extremely healthy lifestyle.
Yes, but there are more important things.
I've never had to think about it. I've always been fit and healthy.
Do you wear "house shoes" (slippers)?
No, but I want to.
I have a pair, but I always forget to wear them.
Yes, all the time.
No, and I don't want to.


How do you plan to spend your retirement?
Alone and away from the stress of every day life.
Volunteering and learning.
Vacationing and relaxing.
Traveling and experiencing.
How do you feel about stereotypes?
I'm indifferent.
They're harmful and prejudicial.
Some are funny.
I'm the exception to most applicable stereotypes.
You prefer to move through life at what pace?
I don't have a set pace. I live life as it happens.
Slow and steady.
Break neck.


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