What Kind of Hugger Are You?

By: Emily Maggrett
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
What Kind of Hugger Are You?
Image: Gpointstudio / Cultura / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Good hugs, weird hugs, creepy hugs or overly polite hugs ... which kind do you deliver? You might think your hugging style is friendly but professional, but it's possible that the people you hug feel like your heart isn't really in it. Or you might think that your hugs are kind and gentle, while those you clinch dislike how you press your body too closely against theirs and allow the embrace to go on for waaaay too long. 

In this quiz, we're going to discover exactly what kind of hugger you are, by asking some questions about your physical boundaries, typical hugging style, how you feel after you hug others and more. We'll also inquire about how comfortable you are with physical intimacy, public displays of affection and sharing your emotions. 

The stereotype is that extroverts tend to give big, bold bear-hugs, while introverts opt for a more subtle touch, but is this true in your case? Or are you a shy librarian who offers the sweetest hugs in town, or a bold pastor who impersonally side-hugs even the closest members of his flock? If you want to know once and for all which type of hugger you are, it's time to play this quiz!

On a scale of 1 to 10, how chill are you?
I'm a bit neurotic.
I'm frosty like an ice cube.
I'm not as calm as I appear.
I have ZERO chill and everyone knows it!
How long do you usually know people before you hug them?
IDK, years?
I hug people after our first meeting.
I never initiate hugs, so it depends on the other person's preferences.
I carefully wait six weeks to seem casual, but it's not casual since I'm paying such close attention to our hug timing.
In your opinion, what's better than hugging?
Chocolate chip cookies
True love
A dry martini


How many seconds should a good hug last?
Three seconds, I think?
Seven seconds at least!
Two seconds is fine.
20 seconds, please!
When other people hug you, do you blush?
(Gulp) Yes, sometimes.
No, what?
Nah. It's just a hug.
Only if I'm hugging my crush (but I have a lot of crushes!)
Do you think that it's appropriate to hug your coworkers?
Not really
No, but I'll hug clients.
Yes, if my coworkers are into it.


How do you like to be hugged?
From the sides, bodies not touching
Tightly and for a long time!
Quickly and without a lot of fuss
Tenderly, with our bodies in full contact from knees to neck
Where do you put your arms when you're hugging someone?
I put one arm around their shoulders and leave the other by my side.
I wrap both arms around the other person and pull them toward me.
I delicately put both arms around their neck, disengaging in the same motion.
I wrap one arm around their shoulders and the other around their waist.
Are you comfortable with public displays of affection?
Nope, except maybe for holding hands.
Naturally! You shouldn't have to hide your love.
Not really; my relationships are nobody else's business.
I like them so much that other people have told my partner and me to stop.


How big is your "body bubble"?
I want people to keep at least 4 feet away from me.
I prefer a distance of about 3 feet, but I don't care if people get nearer.
Coming within 2 feet is fine; any closer is weird.
I'm a "close talker," I'll get within inches of you!
Did you grow up in a family where people hugged a lot?
Mom was a hugger, Dad wasn't.
Yes. Our family is really close.
No. I don't recall my parents hugging me very often.
I guess we hugged a normal amount?
It's your birthday and your coworkers have chipped in to buy a cake for you. They're singing "Happy Birthday." How do you feel?
Shy and grateful
Pleased and proud
Secretly bored or confused
Overwhelmed with joy


Do you feel nervous when other people touch you casually?
Yes. It surprises me unless I know them well.
No. We're all just humans, right?
No, but I prefer that others keep out of my space.
Yes. What does it mean? Is this the beginning of something?
A toddler you don't know very well asks you for a hug. What do you say?
"Let's ask your parents first."
"Sure! Come here, little one!"
"Sorry, but this is a silk shirt."
"Me? Are you sure?"
How tightly do you squeeze people when you hug them?
I don't squeeze them at all.
I squeeze the air out of their lungs!
I lightly clasp them, then back off.
My grip is pleasantly firm.


Which TV grandma do you crave a clinch from?
Sophia Petrillo from "Golden Girls"
Madea from Tyler Perry's "Madea" films
Lucille Bluth from "Arrested Development"
Granny from "The Beverly Hillbillies"
Have you ever cried in public?
Yes, when I was a little kid.
I cry at the movies, at the grocery store, whenever I see a cute dog ...
I would rather die than cry in public.
I cry when I'm overcome (or when I want someone else to notice I'm suffering ... )
Are you good at reading social cues?
Not as good as I'd like to be
Yes, that comes easily to me.
Yes, although I find socializing exhausting.
No, and it makes me very sad.


Do you avoid hugging others out of fear of offending them?
Yes. I'd rather err on the side of caution.
Nah. People know my hugs have good intentions.
Yes. That's why I would never start a hug, only return one.
No, is it possible to offend others with hugs?
At gatherings, are you clingy, aloof or the life of the party?
I'm nerdy but try to talk to lots of people.
I'm the life of the party and lead all the activities!
I'm a bit aloof but do my best to network and be polite.
My partner says I can be clingy, but I don't see it.
Do you think group hugs are dumb or awesome?
They're dorky.
They're awesome!
They're dumb.
They're transcendent!


If you were offered three months paid vacation alone in an island mansion, what would you say?
"Sounds lonely, but I probably need the 'me' time."
"Sorry, but I can't leave my friends and family for that long."
"I've packed my bags and am ready to go!"
"As long as I have internet access, this sounds like fun."
How does hugging usually make you feel?
Vaguely ashamed
Happy and connected
Way too thrilled
When someone gives you a compliment, how do you react?
I stammer and say, "Aw, shucks."
I say, "Thank you!" and grin.
I thank them and compliment them right back.
I feel deeply moved and make sure to record the event in my diary.


Are you physically affectionate with anyone other than your partner? Do you high-five others, clap them on the back or kiss them on the cheek?
No. I hug my mom and my partner and that's it.
Yes. It's platonic, but I like showing others I care.
I'm a big high-fiver.
I'm always hugging and massaging other people, even when they don't ask me to.
In high school, were you on the wrestling team?
No, I was in the choir.
Yes, I won many trophies!
No, but I was class president.
I wanted to be on the wrestling team but got cut at try-outs.
What's your love language?
Acts of Service. I show others I care by doing things for them.
Quality Time. I need one-on-one time with my partner to feel good about life.
Words. I like being praised by my partner and giving praise to them.
Gifts. There's nothing that makes me feel more affectionate than a good present.


Which Hollywood hunk would you most like to be hugged by?
John Krasinski (Jim from "The Office")
The Rock
Jon Hamm (Don Draper from "Mad Men")
Steve Buscemi, John Waters or Willem Dafoe
You've had a terrible day. How will you comfort yourself?
Talking to my partner
Playing video games
Do YOU think you're a good hugger?
No. I know my hugs aren't good but I'm not sure how to fix them.
Yes. People often say so!
I don't know. I don't really think about it.
Yes. I think my hugs are distinctive and memorable.


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