What Makes You Unattractive to Others?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What Makes You Unattractive to Others?
Image: RyanJLane/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

It's a fact of life that not everyone is going to be attractive to everyone else. Sure, some people seem to be beautiful and perfect and elevated to a weirdly impossible standard, but that's not the usual order. Average, everyday people just have to roll with the punches. 

You really strike a chord with some people and with others, things just never seem to click. Sometimes that's a simple matter of taste—some people are more attracted to a redhead than a brunette, for instance. Other times it goes a little bit deeper and can reflect on personality and attitude. It's hard for some people to be attracted to a person who shares vastly different opinions on politics, for instance. Or even very different tastes in books and movies. Intelligence, compassion, drive, and loyalty can all make you look less or more attractive to another person as well. Good looks only go so far, but having the total package can really sell you.

So if you've ever wondered why it was that someone just didn't seem that interested in you, maybe we can get to the bottom of it. It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you, just that for some people you're not what they want. Tell us a bit about yourself and maybe we can figure out why!

What are you doing on a Friday night at 9:00 pm or so?
Getting ready to party.
Catching up on work.
Why does that matter?
Sitting on the sofa watching Netflix.
What's the first thing you do when your alarm goes off in the morning?
Hit snooze.
Head to the bathroom to get ready for my day.
Turn it off, obviously.
Maybe check my phone.
Do you feel like breakfast is the most important meal of the day?
Who eats breakfast?
I don't usually have time for that.
All meals are important.
I do love a big, greasy breakfast


Say you're in an elevator and someone is running to catch it. Will you hold the door?
Sure, why not?
I have places to go to.
They can catch the next one.
Are you the first to arrive at a party or the last to leave?
I barely have time for parties, so probably neither.
I wouldn't want to be either, really.
I'll get there when I get there and leave when I need to.
How often do you go out to eat?
On weekends I like to.
I usually order in.
Probably more than I should.
Whenever I feel like it.


When you've got a night out planned, how much time do you usually spend getting yourself ready?
It can take a while.
Too long.
As long as it needs to take.
I'm pretty much always good to go.
Do you ever throw parties at your home?
All the time.
I haven't done that in years.
I don't see the point.
If people want to come over, they come over.
Do you have a lot of responsibilities at your job?
My job is pretty chill.
Too many.
Enough, I guess.
I dunno, what's a lot?


What's your go-to move for when you want to let a partner know you're interested in getting frisky?
Spending a few hours dancing and partying.
I'll send a text.
I can just come out and say it, I'm an adult.
I usually let them make the first move.
How often would you say you go out on dates?
A couple of times a week or so.
I can't remember the last time.
A couple of times a year maybe.
I go out with people, I'm not sure if they're dates.
What's a perfect date in your opinion?
Dinner, drinks and then club hop until sunrise.
A night off of work.
Dinner at someplace that's actually nice.
Maybe a movie or some games.


Are you usually able to express your feelings to others?
Sometimes, sure.
Depends on the feeling.
I can let people know when I'm not happy about something.
I don't think it matters that much.
How well do you deal with rejection?
If it happens it happens, I'll move on to something that can distract me.
I'd rather avoid it.
Pretty badly.
It's part of life.
Do you have any habits that other people have told you are rather annoying?
Do I? I don't think so.
Yeah, you could say that.
A few, I guess. I can't remember.


How do you handle disagreements with other people?
I try to avoid that sort of thing.
I try to power through.
I make them see things my way.
I don't have time for that.
Have you ever been accused of being rude?
Not that I can recall.
Maybe once or twice, but not really.
Some people say that.
I think so.
What do you do to keep yourself healthy and in shape?
I drink light beer sometimes.
I try to eat right.
I work out a lot.
Um ... hmm.


If you receive poor customer service at a store or restaurant, do you do anything about it?
I go somewhere else.
I'll complain to management.
I'll put them in their place.
Maybe a bad Yelp review if I remember it.
Are you able to laugh at yourself?
For sure!
Not really.
Why would I do that?
All the time.
Do you get jealous if your significant other is going to hang out with an attractive friend?
If they're just friends, no big deal.
Alone? I might get jealous.
Why would they do that without me?
Not really.


Have you ever hit another person in anger?
Of course not.
I have defended myself before.
No way.
Be honest: Would you ever laugh at a fart?
I mean ... if it was a funny one.
Of course not.
Are you serious? I'm an adult.
Heck yeah, I would.
Would you rather hear about someone else's job or talk about your own?
There are so many more fun things to talk about.
Talk about mine.
I can't imagine being interested in someone else's job.


If you've had an exceptionally long, hard day would you ever go to sleep without showering even if you knew you smelled bad?
I've passed out before showering, so sure.
I'd rather shower.
Gross. No.
Yeah, I can shower later.
What's better, a hamburger or a hot dog?
Late night street hot dog? So good.
I'd rather have a burger.
Can I have both?
Which underrated superhero is the best of the best?
Martian Manhunter
Beast Boy


Are you a go-getter or are you more of a relaxed person?
I'd rather party than waste time.
I go and get and then get some more.
I do what I need to do.
I do like to relax.
Do you prefer spending time with others or being alone?
I like to party with lots of people.
I need alone time.
Depends on the people.
Doesn't matter to me.
What do you do if someone doesn't call you back when you expect them to?
No big deal, I've got other people to talk to.
I get annoyed.
I call them.


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