What % of Your Dog Are You?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What % of Your Dog Are You?
Image: jin chu ferrer / Moment Open / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Dogs and humans have been companions for thousands upon thousands of years, since dogs effectively domesticated themselves on the steppes of Central Asia. Since those early days, dogs and humans have developed a complex and mutually beneficial relationship. Dogs help humans hunt. Dogs help humans maintain and guide their herds. Dogs protect property and guard sleeping camps. Dogs are our workout companions. Dogs are our silent therapists. Dogs are indeed our very best friends. We even see ourselves in our dogs, ascribing human characteristics, even ones personal to us or to our family members, to dogs in our bonding efforts.

In all of this thinking about how dogs are like us, have you ever considered how much humans are like dogs? Dogs learned the behaviors that separate them from other canids by spending time with us, so their way of being is as much a reflection of us, as our behaviors, developed in the presence and example of dogs, are influenced by them. When you look at your pup, do you think "that dog is like me" or do you think "I am like that dog"? It's time to parse out the differences. 

Take this quiz and we will determine what percentage of you is your dog!

How often do you forget to walk your dog?
A few times a week
Very rarely
Every few months
Which of these movies did you like the most?
"A Dog's Purpose"
"Old Yeller"
"Air Bud"
Who feeds your dog?
I do, unless my dog feeds him/herself.
I pay someone for that.
Usually me, unless it's someone else in my family.
I do it when I can, and my dog walker does it the rest of the time.


What is the best smell in the world?
Animals that have been dead and rotting outdoors for a few days
Fresh bread
How long are you willing to play?
Until I fall down from exhaustion
I don't like playing.
A few hours at least
An hour or so
How important to you is the approval of others?
Very important! I want them to love me!
I don't care about what other people think of me.
I care a lot.
I care a bit, but not all that much.


Where is your favorite place to hang out?
The park
The pub
How emotionally demonstrative are you?
Very. I'm a big hugger.
I'm totally reserved.
I kinda wear my heart on my sleeve.
I tend to emote every once in a while.
What do you do all day?
I run around and have fun.
I sit in a chair and use my brain to do thought work.
I deal with people all day.
I translate ideas into action with people.


What time of day are you happiest?
Early afternoon
Quitting time
How do you feel when you get caught doing something naughty?
Very guilty
I'm immune to guilt.
Pretty guilty
I feel a little bad, but mostly about being caught.
What's your favorite activity when hanging out with family?
Outdoor sports
Party games like Pictionary


How do you fit into your peer group?
I'm friendly with everyone, most of the time.
I don't like to hang out with them under any circumstances.
I'm usually fine with my peers, though there's that one...
I'm happy to spend time with them, but I can be aloof sometimes.
How are you employed?
I'm a full-time, valued employee.
I'm retired.
I'm a freelancer.
I'm part-time.
Which of these is closest to describing your job?
Doing the field work following another team making moves
Keeping things tidy
Moving assets around
Emotionally supporting an important player


How many courses do you like to have at dinner?
As many as possible
What color is your furniture?
The color of my hair
Who usually walks your dog?
I do.
My dog walker
Someone in my immediate family, usually me
Usually a dog walker, but I do it once a day


How much of your diet is meat?
Almost all of it
None of it
Most of it
Some of it
What really gets your blood pumping?
A chance to impress a loved one
Watching sports on TV
Being in a crowd of excited people
Tickle attacks
What's your idea of a great night out?
Tiki party
Going to the theater
Outdoor concert in the park
A friend's barbecue


Which of these random events would make you happiest?
A bunch of dead birds falling from the sky
A package of lovely clothing arriving in the mail, unbidden
I can fix a thing by hitting it enough times.
I make a new friend.
How would you define your relationship with your significant other?
I love them more than anything or anyone.
I don't like being in this relationship.
I love them more than anyone I've been with, romantically, except maybe for someone early on I never got over.
I like them a lot, but I'm not ready to commit.
What sound makes you happiest?
The sound of keys jingling
The sound of money riffling
The sound of my SUV starting up
The sound of cooking food


What is the most beautiful sight in the world?
Seeing my family at the end of the day
Monet's Water Lilies
An apple tree with apples falling from it
Freshly fallen bed of snow
What's your favorite spa treatment?
Mud bath
How many people is "too much people"?
More than six
No such thing
More than 10
More than 20


How often do you second guess yourself?
All the time. Wait! No! Wait ... yes, actually. All the time.
Very rarely
How do you feel about bathing?
I hate it.
I adore it!
I don't like it much.
It's fine, but I take no special joy in it.
Did you just hear that?
Yes! I'll get it, whatever it is! I'll be back in a couple of hours! Bye!
No. What do you think you heard?
What? Where!? Lemme at 'em!
I think so. I'll have a look in a minute.


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