What Percent Cat Are You Actually?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What Percent Cat Are You Actually?
Image: Image by Chris Winsor / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Dogs are considered to be a man's best friend, but cats deserve a place as the quiet, introverted and caring BFF too! In fact, humans and cats aren't all that different from each other, as many of them share similar personality and behavior traits. Some of these include being curious, resilient and a little bit shy sometimes. But not all cats are shy, as many of them can be quite chatty! Take the Burmese or the Japanese bobtail cat for instance. Both of these cats love attention and they're not shy about meowing to their owners in an adorable manner.

And if you love to eat, then you might be more like a cat than you realize. Although their diet mainly consists of dry and wet food, cats can also eat some whole grains, canned fish, cooked eggs and some types of vegetables (such as winter squash or steamed broccoli). Cats also can't eat foods like onions, raisins and macadamia nuts, so if you share the same disapproval, then that's all the proof you need about your feline status! But if you still don't believe that you're actually a cat, then it's time for you to take our adorable quiz now! 

When friends or family members run over to you for a hug, how do you feel about this?
On a scale of 1-10, how independent of a person are you?
During your days off, would you rather sleep in for 12 hours or wake up early to be productive?
Sleeping = magic
I'd like to sleep for 8-9 hours on my days off.
It depends on what I have to do for the day.
I'd rather wake up early to be productive.


If you were a type of cat, which of the following would you be similar to?
Munchkin cat
Maine coon cat
Persian cat
Sphynx cat
Are you the type of person who gets scared easily by noise?
Yes, you read my mind.
Only when the noise comes out of nowhere
It depends on how loud the noise is.
No, I'm a fearless creature.
When you're having a problem in life, do you tend to solve it yourself or rely on others for help?
I never ask other people for help.
It depends on how hard the problem is.
I'll usually try to solve it myself, but I know my loved ones will always be there if I need help.
I prefer to ask others for help.


If you saw a random pencil on a table, would you be tempted to knock it over?
Yes, it would be hard not to.
I occasionally feel this way.
It depends on where the pencil is on the table.
Why would I do this?
Which of the following weather patterns matches your typical mood?
Are you excited about making new friends in life or is this something that you shy away from?
I hate meeting new people.
I'm indifferent about it.
It depends on who I want to be friends with.
I love making new friends.


Would other people describe you as a logical person or are you more creative in nature?
I'm both of these things.
I'm more logical.
Creativity is my specialty.
I'm not really sure.
Your friend just compared your personality to the famous Grumpy Cat! What are you going to say to them?
"You're absolutely right. Now go away."
"I'm only a Grumpy Cat to you, my friend."
"I guess it's just a matter of opinion."
"What? I'm not like the Grumpy Cat at all!"
Let's be honest here: You're secretly a soft teddy bear on the inside, right?
Who is spreading these lies about me?
If I am, I certainly don't know about it.
Yes ... but don't tell anyone.
Yes, and I'm proud of it!


Do you secretly have a vendetta against taking a bath or shower or is this a ridiculous notion?
Yes, because water is evil.
That's both ridiculous and true.
I slightly hate taking a bath/shower.
That's just ridiculous.
It's a sunny day today! Are you going to go out for a run or stay indoors to relax?
I hate exercising, so I'd rather stay indoors.
I'll most likely stay indoors, but I might go out for a run with a friend.
Maybe I'll do both of these things.
Going out for a run sounds like a blast.
If you saw an empty cardboard box on the ground, would you be tempted to try and sit in it?
Of course!
Maybe ...
Only if no one was around
No, that's just dumb.


Oh no! Your best friend just got fired from their job! Are you going to give them a big hug to make them feel better?
Ugh ... fine.
Only if they were really, really upset
Probably not
Of course!
Which of these awesome cat superpowers would you like to acquire for yourself?
Super stealth
Super sight
Super hearing
Super speed
Uh oh! You've got a 10-page essay that's due by tomorrow! Are you going to start it now or not start it all?
I'd rather not write this essay at all.
I'll just do it tomorrow morning.
I'll start it later tonight.
I'll definitely start the essay right now.


Do you think that being super popular is more of a blessing or a curse?
A big curse
A small curse
A tiny blessing
A huge blessing
Pick one of these fun cat toys that you secretly want to play with!
Cat condo
Catnip mice
Crinkle balls
Ripple rug
Pretend that you're a cat for a moment. Where would you hide to get some much-needed beauty sleep?
Under the bed
Under a table
In the bathroom sink
I wouldn't hide anywhere.


You've got one opportunity to change your current name to one of these adorable cat names!
Which of these cat activities sounds the most fun to you?
Watching TV
Playing with toys
We know that you secretly have a mischievous side to your personality! Are we right or wrong?
You're right, but I don't care.
Guilty as charged
Well, it depends on my mood.
You're so wrong about me.


On a scale of low-maintenance to high-maintenance, where do you fall on this spectrum?
I'm more high-maintenance, but I'm also low-maintenance on my days off.
I'm 50/50 with this.
When it comes to trying new types of exotic foods, is this something that you fear or look forward to?
I hate trying exotic foods.
It depends on what the exotic food is.
I don't mind trying a tiny sample of something new.
I'm definitely open to trying new types of foods.
Are you the type of person who gets jealous of other people very easily?
No, I could care less.
A little bit
Yes, but I try to keep this a secret.
Yes, very much so.


As a cat, would you have the roar of a lion or would you be as quiet as a mouse?
I would be as quiet as a mouse.
Can I be a leopard?
I would be both a mouse and a lion.
I would definitely be vocal like a lion.
Whoops! It looks like someone accidentally spilled some milk on the floor! Are you going to clean this up yourself?
No, I would just walk away like nothing ever happened.
I'll tell someone else to clean it up.
It depends on how much milk I spilled.
Of course, it's my mess to clean up.
Which of the following personality traits resonates with you the most?


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