What Predator Do You Turn Into When the Sun Goes Down?

By: Raj Chander
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What Predator Do You Turn Into When the Sun Goes Down?
Image: mallardg500 / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Humans are at the top of the food chain. But in the natural environment, there are plenty of stunning predators that know how to stalk and kill prey with a brutal efficiency that only Mother Nature could provide.

Wolves, for example, may not be the strongest or largest animals around, but they make fierce predators when teaming up with their peers to take down a much larger target, like an elk or bison. Their intelligence and teamwork make them dangerous hunters.

On the other hand, a predator like a tiger is a solitary hunter. While these big cats are relatively fast, they can't always outrun their prey, so they must rely on stealth and surprise to take down other animals for consumption. A tiger doesn't make itself known until the last possible moment, when it's too late for their prey to do anything about it.

Human beings may keep themselves dignified and upstanding at work or with our families, but when the sun goes down and we get an opportunity to really let loose, our internal predators come out. Curious which animal (or mythical) predator is most like you? Hit the quiz below and we'll give you the scoop on your inner beast.

Predators operate at all different times of the day. When do you feel most active and effective?
At night, especially under the moon
Any time of day, as long as it's in my own environment
Early evening into the night
Many predators work well with fellow animals. Do you like being out with others at night?
No, I'm more of a solitary hunter.
No, other people interrupt me from my mission.
From time to time
Yes, I love hanging out with people, but they sometimes end up as prey ...
Every predator has someone trying to grab their dinner. What's your take on competitors?
I can simply out-muscle them to get what I want.
They aren't as fast as me.
I know how to befriend them and undermine their efforts.
They won't see me coming until it's too late.


Let's say you came across someone looking for a handout. How do you respond?
I'd sympathize with them and try to help if possible.
Ignore them, unless they seem like prey
Yell at them to go away
Try to find a way to use them to my advantage
Some predators hunt for an entire group. How do you feel about sharing what you've achieved?
It's fine depending on who I'm sharing with.
People can have whatever scraps they can get from me.
I always share with my immediate family members.
I don't share unless I have to.
What are you most likely to be doing on the weekend?
Quietly enjoying myself with a book or movie
Resting and regaining energy for the week
Partying with my friends


Every predator has been involved in some epic hunts. How often do you tell stories about hunts?
As animated as possible, while in a large group
I set the stage slowly and eventually build up to a conclusion.
I'm not big on bragging; I only talk about it if I'm asked.
The way you hunt defines your spirit. What's the most powerful part of your body?
Most predators are also driven to procreate. How do you feel about having kids?
When I find the right person, I'll have them.
I want to fall in love first.
It's not a huge concern. If it happens, it happens.
Family is very important to me, and I want multiple kids.


What's your current relationship status?
I date around a lot but nothing serious.
I'm single.
I'm in a committed relationship.
When I find the right person, I'll settle down.
Every famous predator has their favorite meal. What's your go-to dish?
Which of these countries would you most want to live in?


When you're not working or hunting, what's your favorite form of recreation?
Spending time with family
Socializing with others
Exploring new places
No matter how tough they seem, every predator has weaknesses. What's your biggest fear?
Getting forced out of my environment
Being separated from the ones I love
Not being accepted by my peers
Losing my physical abilities
Which color are you most likely to wear?


Most predators are creatures of habit. How do you spend your mornings?
Relaxing and getting ready for the day
Usually. I'm sleeping.
Trying to figure out what I want to do that day
Thinking about my goals for the day
Even predators sometimes need a boost. What do you do for extra motivation?
Reconnect to my environment
Move around to get energy
Watch some motivational videos online
Verbalize my desire to get amped up
As a predator, what's your opening move to get the upper hand against your prey?
Talking to them to get them to lower their guard
A bite to the neck
Hitting them as hard as possible
Pouncing on them out of nowhere


Many of nature's famous hunters are carnivores. What's your favorite kind of meat?
Predators have to select their meals carefully. How do you choose your prey?
I go after the ones who are isolated.
I try to attack prey that's weak or disabled.
I go for a target I can overpower easily.
I stalk what I want carefully, before attacking.
What kind of music would you be listening to on your hunt?


Some predators are social animals. What do others appreciate most about you?
I'm friendly and easy to talk to.
I'm graceful and elegant.
I protect the ones I love.
I'm direct and straightforward.
Speaking of your social circle, predators are choosy about who they associate with. What's your friend group like?
People with similar goals and mindsets as me
I'm usually alone, but every once in a while, I'll find a kindred spirit.
I prefer to be around family.
I don't have many friends, but the ones I do have are close.
Predators all have their own unique lairs. What does your dream home look like?
A mansion deep in the jungle
A wooded cabin or house
A penthouse in the city
A colossal house by the beach


Celebrities are often compared to nature's apex predators. Which celeb are you most similar to?
Kobe Bryant
LL Cool J
Jonah Hill
Dwyane Johnson
It's amazing to watch a predator in their natural habitat. Where are you most comfortable?
In my own house
At the beach
In the woods
In a jungle
Films can inspire us to achieve. What movie do you watch to get excited about your hunt?
"The Usual Suspects"


Predators have been revered for centuries. Which ancient civilization do you most identify with?
Ancient Greece
Ancient India
Ancient Maya
Ancient Rome
At the end of the day, predators are still animals. How do you show a potential mate that you're interested?
Showing off my natural charm and outward flair
Displaying my raw power
Chatting them up to learn about them
Flirting with some physicality
What kind of tools would you use on your hunt?
GPS and map
A disguise
A club
A motorized vehicle


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