What Rank Do You Deserve in the Military Based on This Skills and Personality Assessment?

By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Rank Do You Deserve in the Military Based on This Skills and Personality Assessment?
Image: Thinkstock Images / Stockbyte / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Before entering any branch of the military, potential soldiers, sailors and airmen are put through a battery of tests. From the ASVAB to the Physical Readiness Test, they want to make sure that you are being placed in the best possible position. During this test, we're going to take it a step further. Rather than assessing your potential, we're going to figure out what rank you could earn with the skills you have now! 

Every officer must attend Officer Training School, but not everyone is a good match for the program. We're going to go ahead and assume that you have all the right stuff to attend such a prestigious class. Once we see the way you respond to common situations and the way you handle yourself when being put to the test, it will be clear which branch and rank you could see yourself earning someday. 

Do you think you have what it takes to be a major general, or do you think you're cut out to be a master sergeant someday? Answer each question with your most honorable answer, and the rank you would actually deserve will be clear. Will you have the authority to move a fleet of ships, or will you forever be singing "Hail to the Chief Petty Officer?" Let's sum up your level of promise, and we'll let you know! 

1 soldier
Pekic / E+ / Getty Images
When you need to solve a hard problem, what's your approach?
I enlist the help of others.
I focus on the solution, and the small things handle themselves.
I cross my fingers and hope for the best.
YouTube or Google
2 military
SDI Productions / E+ / Getty Images
True or false? Leadership and administration are the same things.
3 soldier
SDI Productions / E+ / Getty Images
What's the square root of 144?


4 soldier
SDI Productions / E+ / Getty Images
When you sense conflict, how do you respond to the situation?
I try to use my verbal skills to defuse it.
I let it sort itself out.
If it's not my problem, I don't get involved.
I study the situation until I have an answer.
5 soldier
Nes / E+ / Getty Images
True or false? I am willing to put in extra work to impress others.
6 soldier
Pekic / E+ / Getty Images
Fill in the blank: Unexpected obstacles are _____.
Learning opportunities
Part of the game
A sign that something should be abandoned


7 soldiers
SDI Productions / E+ / Getty Images
Do you always think about what you'll say before you say it?
I choose my words carefully.
If it's a delicate situation, I do.
No one ever has to guess what I'm thinking.
If I'm with my friends, no.
8 soldier
DanielBendjy / E+ / Getty Images
Which of your personality traits would make you a good officer?
My work ethic
My intelligence
My positivity
My confidence level
9 soldier
vgajic / E+ / Getty Images
How often do you find yourself turning in late work?
My job doesn't work like that.
I'm never late.
I'm known for being late.
It happens once in a while.


10 soldiers
Rockfinder / E+ / Getty Images
Would you agree or disagree that others easily understand the instructions you give?
Mostly agree
Somewhat disagree
Totally agree
Totally disagree
11 spelling
Maica / E+ / Getty Images
Which one of these sentences does not contain a spelling error?
It is honourable to serve your country.
It is honorable to sirve your country.
It is honnorable to serve your country.
It is honorable to serve your country.
12 soldiers
Lorado / E+ / Getty Images
Finish this sentence: When others do not follow my advice, I ______.
Never give them advice again
Laugh at their misfortune
Try to persuade them
Let them learn the hard way


13 military vehicle
guvendemir / E+ / Getty Images
Can you locate the dipstick on a 3.2-L V6?
It depends on the vehicle.
If you give me a minute, I'm sure I could.
No problem!
I'm not sure what you mean by dipstick.
14 soldiers
LifeJourneys / E+ / Getty Images
Are you prepared to follow any and all orders given to you by a commanding officer?
Yes, an order is an order.
If I disagree with it, I will have to discuss it first.
I will unless it's immoral.
I really don't have a choice.
15 military family
DanielBendjy / E+ / Getty Images
Which of these things motivates you more than the others?
My family


16 soldier
AleksandarNakic / E+ / Getty Images
Do you stand firm in your decisions, or do you leave wiggle room?
I'm always open to negotiation.
Once I've decided, there's no changing my mind.
Sometimes, I have to rethink things.
It depends on the severity of the decision.
17 soldiers
SDI Productions / E+ / Getty Images
Are you better with numbers, words or people?
All of the above
18 soldiers
Frank Rossoto Stocktrek / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you agree or disagree that you would never cover for a dishonest coworker?
Somewhat disagree
Mostly agree


19 soldier
Milan_Jovic / E+ / Getty Images
Is it true or false that 81/9 = 9?
20 soldier reading
carlofranco / E+ / Getty Images
When you read a book, do you find yourself forgetting what you've read the previous few pages?
No, I stay focused.
It happens all the time.
It only happens when I'm tired.
I don't read a lot of books.
21 soldier
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
Yes or no? Are you prone to jumping to conclusions before getting the facts?


22 soldier
SDI Productions / E+ / Getty Images
Which part of the military's standard ASVAB would you struggle with the most?
Arithmetic Reasoning
Assembling Objects
Paragraph Comprehension
Mechanical Comprehension
23 physical test
Lorado / E+ / Getty Images
Are you physically fit enough to pass the military's Physical Readiness Test?
I might need a little training first.
No problem!
I might struggle with the running part.
I'm not familiar with it.
24 soldier
Geber86 / E+ / Getty Images
Do you feel comfortable sitting at a desk all day?
I would feel better being in a garage or workspace.
I wouldn't mind it at all.
A mix of indoor and outdoor work would be ideal.
I would rather be outside.


25 soldiers
Frank Rossoto Stocktrek / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What rating would you give your weapons handling skills?
26 soldier
Pekic / E+ / Getty Images
Would you say you are better with computers or with power tools?
I can hold my own with both.
I'm more technology-oriented.
I'm much better with my hands.
Power tools are my specialty.
27 soldiers in combat
avid_creative / E+ / Getty Images
Do you always manage to stay calm in stressful situations?
Most of the time
All of the time
If it's not life-threatening, I do.


28 soldiers
yoh4nn / E+ / Getty Images
When someone disagrees with you, do you continue to argue your point?
If I feel passionate about it, I do.
You can't change people's minds.
Sure, I like to argue.
I'm confident enough that I can let it go.
29 soldiers
Lorado / E+ / Getty Images
If you were leading a platoon, what would be your leadership style?
30 soldier testing
Ariel Skelley / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you get nervous when you have to take tests?
It depends on the reason I'm testing.
I always get nervous.
I am good at taking tests.
If I'm prepared, I don't get nervous.
