What Rank Do You Deserve in the Navy Based on This Skills and Personality Assessment?

By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What Rank Do You Deserve in the Navy Based on This Skills and Personality Assessment?
Image: MTMCOINS / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Whether you are thinking of enlisting or you're already serving in the Navy, you are sure to have a rank in mind. You know how hard you work and you know where you want to go in life. It only makes sense that you think you know which rank you deserve. Does your idea of a rank match up with the Navy's, though? 

The ASVAB can assess where you should start out in the Navy, but it cannot tell you which rank you could earn. During this quiz, we're going to take things a step further by examining your skills and your personality. Do you have what it takes to rise to the rank of admiral, or are you going to be an ensign for the rest of your days? Share the way you react and the things you can do with us, and we'll let you know if you're on the right track.

Can you fix your commanding officer's computer? Do you get angry when your plans are changed? Fill us in with questions like these, and we'll place you in the highest rank you could handle. Your service to your country is valuable enough, but will your deserved rank mean even more to you? Answer these questions, and you'll find out just how high you can fly. 

zenaphoto / E+ / Getty Images
If you were asked for directions, how would you deliver them?
I would draw a map.
I would use my phone to ping the address.
I have a map in my car I would pull out.
I'm great at explaining how to get somewhere.
Patrik Giardino / Stone / Getty Images
Do you have the swimming skills to keep up with a SEAL?
I could keep up with a sinking cinderblock.
I'm a good swimmer but not that good.
I'm hoping to be a SEAL someday.
I can swim well enough to escape a riptide.
3-Oil Change
tacojim / E+ / Getty Images
Are you unnerved by the thought of having to change a truck's oil?
I've done it many times.
I wouldn't know where to begin.
I'm smart enough to take it to a garage.
With YouTube University, I can do almost anything.


bwilking / E+ / Getty Images
You don't agree with an order your commanding officer has given you. Do you question it?
I never question that kind of authority.
If I really disagree, I would ask to speak to my CO in private.
If others disagree too, I would vocalize my concerns.
I have learned to follow orders and keep my mouth shut.
pixhook / E+ / Getty Images
Which one of these virtues is most important to the way you live your life?
JohnnyGreig / E+ / Getty Images
If your boss asked you to work all weekend, would you object?
I could use the extra money.
I already have plans, sorry boss!
I'll take one for the team this time.
If my boss asks, I really don't have a choice.


Manuel Breva Colmeiro / Moment / Getty Images
Are you able to type at least 35 WPM?
What does WPM mean?
I can type more than that.
I'm better at typing on my phone.
I think my speed is about 30 words per minute, but I'm not sure.
8-Deer Hunter
Matt Hansen Photography. Dynamic Wildlife Photography / Moment / Getty Images
Do you have the marksmanship skills of a professional deer hunter?
I'm not that good, but I'm not bad.
I have the skills of a military-trained sniper.
I could use a few lessons.
I'm better with a bow than with a rifle.
anand purohit / Moment / Getty Images
Give yourself a rating. What % creative are you?


Tim Macpherson / Stone / Getty Images
Your computer has crashed. Can you reboot it yourself?
I would call a tech-savvy friend.
There's one way to find out.
This is a job for the pros.
If I can remember where I put the startup disc, I can.
Ditto / Image Source / Getty Images
How would you describe your driving in bumper to bumper traffic?
12-Heart Brain
Yaroslav Mikheev / Moment / Getty Images
Do you make tough decisions with your heart or with your head?
I always follow my instincts.
When it comes to the important stuff, I turn my heart off.
I wear my heart on my sleeve.
I think I use both depending on what's appropriate for the situation.


Geber86 / E+ / Getty Images
Is your customer service voice as good as Morgan Freeman's?
I could sell scales to a fish.
Customer service is not my bag.
It's no different than my normal voice.
I'm a pro on the phone.
mstahlphoto / E+ / Getty Images
Do you have a current resume or LinkedIn profile?
I do not, but thanks for the reminder.
They are both a little outdated.
I need to post my resume on LinkedIn.
They are both current.
15-Push Up
RossHelen / Moment / Getty Images
You have to stay in shape to stay in the Navy. How long would it take you to do 20 pushups?
I hope you have all day.
Under 60 seconds
Under 90 seconds
Under five minutes


Cathérine / Moment / Getty Images
Could you create a meal with only five ingredients from the galley's pantry?
I could make a couple of dishes.
With the right five ingredients, sure.
I don't spend much time in the kitchen.
I need more ingredients than that.
artpartner-images / The Image Bank / Getty Images
Which one of your personality traits outshines all the others?
18-Battle Ship
Monkey Business Images / Monkey Business / Getty Images Plus
How would you react to losing a game of Battleship?
I would break the board.
I'm sure I would congratulate my opponent.
That's it! I'm sulking for the rest of the day.
I would challenge my opponent to another game.


Jasmin Merdan / Moment / Getty Images
What sort of speech would you give at your best friend's Navy graduation?
I would rather talk in private. Public speaking is not my thing.
Nora Carol Photography / Moment / Getty Images
Do you see yourself as more of a leader or a team player?
Teamwork makes the dream work!
Good leaders are team players.
I am much better at giving orders than taking them.
I can go either way.
Ed Freeman / Stone / Getty Images
At the end of the day, what makes you feel proudest of yourself?
Meeting a goal
Making someone laugh
Doing a good job
Paying off debt


Constantine Johnny / Moment / Getty Images
Look around your workspace. What word best sums it up?
Utamaru Kido / Moment / Getty Images
A project's deadline has been moved up. Do you panic?
I stay calm and complete the task.
I'm sure I would panic a little.
Nope. This is when I put a plan in place.
I don't like having my plans changed for me.
jayk7 / Moment / Getty Images
Do you get nervous when you take tests like the ASVAB?
I get all sorts of nervous.
Tests never make me nervous.
Being a little nervous is a good sign.
If my life depends on it, I get really nervous.


Daniel Grizelj / Stone / Getty Images
Which thing do you channel when you want to reach a goal?
Thomas Barwick / Stone / Getty Images
Would you rather work behind a desk or outdoors?
I would love a mix of the two.
I prefer to work in a garage or a workshop.
I am a professional desk jockey.
It would be awesome to work outside with nature.
pa_YON / Moment / Getty Images
Can you show us your CPR or first aid certification card?
I think I lost them.
I need to be recertified.
I should get certified.
Hold on. I'll grab them.


28-Cruise Ship
David Sacks / The Image Bank / Getty Images
If you worked on a cruise ship, which job would you rather have?
Jake Warga / Corbis Documentary / Getty Images
How would you try to defuse a tense situation amongst sailors while onboard a ship?
I would separate the parties.
We would have a team meeting.
Comedy always works.
It's not my business. They'll sort it out.
kali9 / E+ / Getty Images
If you were deployed, how would you keep in touch with people back home?
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