About This Quiz
Not so long ago (historically speaking,) there was no actor that people thought was cooler than Burt Reynolds, and there was no movie that people wanted to see more than "Smokey and the Bandit." It was a movie about fast cars, filled with great actors and a plot about sticking it to the man. Who could resist? Let's not forget the memorable characters, either!
Of course, the main character was Bandit himself, the kind of guy that was always up to something. He was so charming, that he always got away with whatever crazy plan he hatched. His best buddy was Cledus, a country singing long-haul trucker with a heart of gold and a really cool dog. Then there was Big Enos and Little Enos, two businessmen that liked to bet and cause trouble. And we can't forget Smokey himself, Buford T. Justice, a sheriff that swore constantly, but was also very determined. He never gave up trying to catch Bandit, and, as much as audiences wanted him to fail, they couldn't help but respect him on some level.
Take this quiz to find out which "Smokey and the Bandit" character you are!
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