What Sort of Person Are You Most Likely Going to Date?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
What Sort of Person Are You Most Likely Going to Date?
Image: martin-dm / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Dating is an experiment unique to the modern age. There was a time when the whole modern concept of dating wasn't part of human cultures. In some places, all relationships were arranged to one extent or another, and there were limits on who one could marry, driven in part by the fact that most people never traveled more than three miles from their place of birth until fairly recently. Indeed, for much of western history, marriage wasn't something requiring a ceremony, instead being an assumed state once a couple lived together long enough. Weddings are expensive after all, and not everyone could afford them, even a hundred years ago.

Look back just one decade, and you'll see that dating has evolved rapidly. The late 1990s saw the invention of dating websites, the 2000s saw their rise in popularity and the 2010s saw the rise of the dating app. All of these technological innovations are about reducing the amount of information for the person using the technology, narrowing profiles to details deemed essential: height, weight, religion, photo, location, Netflix and chilling preferences. This has simultaneously helped some people find love, while balkanizing the dating landscape into apps focused on specific religions, political outlooks or disinterest in serious relationships.

When you step into this situation, you should go forward armed with the knowledge of the type of person you'll next date, so you can say for sure what their behavior means. Take this quiz and we'll sort it out for you.

Do you use dating apps?
That, and picking people up in bars
That's all I use!
Yes, as well as setups and meeting people through work
How do you know it is a date?
You get into bed with them!
Someone says, "I'd like for us to go on a date" then you meet up and do.
No idea!
There's food, eaten at a table.
Are you looking for marriage and kids?
I don't know what I want.
Yes but not yet


What's the most important thing in a potential date?
Compassion and integrity
Good on paper
Sense of humor
Be honest: Are you "good on paper"?
I don't think so.
Yes, outstandingly so
More than I think I realized
How comfortable are you with your own desires?
Not at all
Not very, but more than I was


Would you break up with someone all your friends liked, if you just weren't feeling it?
My friends never meet my dates, so this is moot.
Yes. It'd be insane not to.
No, if my friends like them, they're probably good news.
Yes, but not as fast as I should.
In a straight couple, should the man pay on a date?
No, you should split it
If he offers, it is polite to say yes, but it doesn't create any obligation.
No, that means the lady owes him, which is risky.
Yes, but the lady should pay next time, or cover drinks after.
How important is dating to you right now?
Very, but it's very casual
It's getting more and more so.
Not very
Not at all


Why did your last serious relationship end?
I cheated.
I was too young for a serious commitment.
They betrayed me in multiple ways.
I haven't had one yet.
Do you know how to set and enforce boundaries early on?
Yes, generally
I do now!
No idea
I'm learning!
How high would you say your expectations are for your future romantic life?
I guess I'll figure something out.
Very high - I will probably marry my true love and have kids.
I'm afraid nobody will want me.
I haven't really thought about specifics, but I think I will do great.


How do you feel about the prospect of ending up single?
That's cool, I've got my friends and my cat.
I just don't think that is likely. I'm a good catch!
I am horrified by that idea.
I'm OK with that as long as I have meaningful work, a dog, and my wider family.
If you were flirting with someone and they tried an abusive tactic (like negging), how would you respond?
I'd just leave.
I'd say, "That's very rude" and demand an apology, then once I get it, tell them I'm no longer interested.
Honestly, I'd probably fall for it. My self-esteem isn't very good.
I'd be confused and offended, and not like them at all.
On your dating profile, do you have a lot of parameters that you describe as dealbreakers?
Nope, I'm very open-minded.
Quite a few. No point wasting someone's time.
I wouldn't dare!
No, I don't know what I want well enough to do that.


How important is your partner's earning potential?
I couldn't care less!
It's not the most important thing, but I won't pretend it doesn't matter at all.
I think it's extremely important.
It's OK if it is low, but if it is then they have to be cool with us prioritizing my career, as I am very ambitious.
What is the highest level of education you have?
Some college
I'm doing a PhD now.
What sort of area do you live in at the moment?
Small city
Midsize town
Big city


Do you think there really are plenty of fish in the sea?
Oh yes, it is teeming!
No, there are only a few fish and only one is the One.
I haven't gone looking, but I hear there might be.
Do nice guys finish last?
I don't think so.
Definitely not
People say that, but those people tend to be jerks, so I guess they might be wrong.
Would you be suspicious of someone who said they were really into you, very early on?
No, it's best to be honest.
I'd be a little wary for my protection, but I would also love it!
Every time that happens, I love it, and then it goes horribly wrong.
I would think that was very weird, and back right off them.


How soon is too soon to get intimate?
Well, while you're still at the bar is considered trashy ...
Third date or sooner is a little soon!
I let them make that call.
I wouldn't go there until we know one another reasonably well.
What is the most obvious red flag you can think of?
They're rude to the waiter.
Dogs don't like them. Dogs know.
They always have an early meeting the next day.
They don't like animals. That's just creepy.
Have you ever been ghosted?
Yes, but I wasn't very into them, so whatever.
No. Whatever screening process I use appears to have protected me!
I've never NOT been ghosted.
Yes, but in retrospect there were lots of warning signs.


Do you tend to date within your social circle?
I cast a wide net that includes all circles.
Not my immediate circle, but I'm certainly an assortative dater--that is, I date people with similar lives to mine.
No, I only date over apps and things so mostly strangers.
I have in the past due to college, but I am a little more open now.
Have you ever asked friends or family to set you up with someone?
No, they would not choose well for me.
Yes, both
No, that's desperate.
Not yet, but if they offered I might go for it
Do you consider yourself a particularly kind person?
Yes, I'm kind in my own forthright way.
Yes, kindness is very important to me, so I am proactive about it.
I think I'm not as kind as I should be.
I try to be, but I am impulsive and can be a little thoughtless. I'm working on it


Do people tend to find it easy to open up to you?
Yes, in a superficial way, which I like.
Yes, people tell me all sorts of things.
Not at all!
I don't think any more than average, but not any less either.
If you have mixed feelings about someone, how do you handle it?
Drop it. Life's too short.
Ask a few questions to see if I can clear up what's bugging me. If I can't, I'll have to end it.
Hang in there. They might be The One!
I get very confused and seek a lot of advice!
From how far away can you spot a lying jerk?
100 miles
10 miles
I can't spot one until they've lied to and jerked me around for years, and that doesn't always stop me going back for more.
About 100 yards, but I'm improving my skills.


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