About This Quiz
There will always be that one movie, book, food item, cafe or place that will remind you of an ex. We've all been there. But there's one pop culture product that's sure to remind you of a terrible or annoying ex: a song.
Whether that song is equally terrible or annoying is beside the point. You'll end up hating that tune, for sure. We're also sure that the song is about love and its different permutations. For example, couples who have a "theme song" often choose songs about accidentally discovering love, falling in love again or finally finding the love they want. When they break up, though, that hopeful song turns into a bitter reminder connected to that particular ex. Now that's how an innocent song becomes terrible and annoying to you!
But what if the song that triggers memories of your ex is indeed terrible and annoying to begin with? Maybe it's one of those repetitive dance club hits played at every bar in town. Did your ex dance to it, making it memorable in that aspect? Did you two make fun of that song together, an act which formed an endearing memory? Maybe that terrible song made you closer in some aspect. While you were together, it may have lost its annoying quality. But when you split up, the bitterness turns that quirky song into a hateful one for you again.
No matter the case, let's just move with it and see if any of these choices remind you of an ex. We picked some cheesy ones and cliché ones, of course. If it closely resembles your ex, tell this DJ, OK! Let's groove!
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