What Terrible, Annoying Song Is Your Ex?

By: Olivia Cantor
Estimated Completion Time
7 min
What Terrible, Annoying Song Is Your Ex?
Image: AaronAmat/iStock / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

About This Quiz

There will always be that one movie, book, food item, cafe or place that will remind you of an ex. We've all been there. But there's one pop culture product that's sure to remind you of a terrible or annoying ex: a song.

Whether that song is equally terrible or annoying is beside the point. You'll end up hating that tune, for sure. We're also sure that the song is about love and its different permutations. For example, couples who have a "theme song" often choose songs about accidentally discovering love, falling in love again or finally finding the love they want. When they break up, though, that hopeful song turns into a bitter reminder connected to that particular ex. Now that's how an innocent song becomes terrible and annoying to you!

But what if the song that triggers memories of your ex is indeed terrible and annoying to begin with? Maybe it's one of those repetitive dance club hits played at every bar in town. Did your ex dance to it, making it memorable in that aspect? Did you two make fun of that song together, an act which formed an endearing memory? Maybe that terrible song made you closer in some aspect. While you were together, it may have lost its annoying quality. But when you split up, the bitterness turns that quirky song into a hateful one for you again.

No matter the case, let's just move with it and see if any of these choices remind you of an ex. We picked some cheesy ones and cliché ones, of course. If it closely resembles your ex, tell this DJ, OK! Let's groove!

Were there a lot of "conceal, don't feel" moments in your relationship?
Nah. We're mostly preoccupied with partying.
Conceal is right! Like my partner concealed dancing with others while I'm doing serious stuff!
More of philosophizing for us, not concealing
OMG yes! It's like walking on eggshells all the time with that one.
Most of the time, did you understand what your ex was talking about?
Nah. We just had small talk all the time. And that's fine.
That one went on and on about dancing outside. Without me!
That one sounded gibberish from time to time, now that you mention it.
Only if I gave it much effort. And that's tiring, OK?
As a couple, did you both look forward to the weekend?
Yep! Definitely!
Well, that ex looked forward to going out during the weekend ... but without me!
Sure, but they're gone too fast ...


Did your ex move in repetitive manners that it looks so annoyingly choreographed?
Repetitive is good. Like partyin' partyin' fun fun fun! Just like that!
OMG yes! You'd think they invented a new dance craze or something.
Nah. They liked bobbing their head up and down, though. Repeatedly.
Not a concern for me
You somehow knew your boo was cold from the start. So did that ever bother you?
No such issue with us
Not my problem. That ex was always hot!
I tried to ignore it, hoping it would change. Alas, it didn't.
Nope. The cold never bothered me anyway.
Which of your ex's habits annoyed you the most?
Driving so slow! I want fun and fast!
Flirting with others
Many, but I try to transcend all flaws.
Not following what I said


Foodie fights: Was there a vegan or non-vegan tension there?
We're not vegans. Not a problem.
Big time. I am a vegan; the ex wasn't. Such a struggle.
None. I tried to be accommodating, and so did that ex.
It's more of an introvert versus extrovert issue for us.
Did you "go through all the pain and strife" with that last one?
Nope. That's so serious.
More like I have to go through betrayal
All. The. Time.
Nope. I just turned away and slammed the door.
"Partyin' partyin' fun fun fun!" Does this sum up your relationship somewhat?
Simplistically, it did!
More like clubbing and dancing, but only for my partner
Not really
We hated parties.


As the jealous type, were you irritated when others "come and dance beside" your ex?
Nah. That's how it is in the party scene.
It's a common occurrence. Yes, still very irritating nonetheless.
Who says I'm the jealous type?
Jealousy doesn't suit me or my ex.
Is your ex the type who gets one thought that "crystallizes like an icy blast"?
Nah. We don't have much thoughts.
Thinking is not my ex's pastime.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
That ex was indeed steadfast in thinking, and also utterly stubborn!
Did you feel that your ex won't care when you "get old and start losing your hair"?
Hm, we never gave that much thought.
That ex only cared about their own hair!
I got that! Yes!
I don't have such expectations from that ex.


Speaking of your ex's friends, were they good-looking?
Yeah, like me!
Tell me about it! Birds of the same feather, you know.
I believe real beauty isn't just skin-deep, you know.
Everyone's good-looking if you use your heart to look.
"Me time" moments: Did you have that in the relationship or did the ex object to that concept?
The ex was fine with it.
What "me time"? Other people always surrounded that ex!
I encouraged us to have it, individually.
Even if the ex objected, I had it anyway.
Any money woes in that relationship?
Nah. I just asked my parents for some allowance.
Only the ones that ex spent on other people!
We don't let that issue bother us.
No such issue for me.


Did you feel you were in a "kingdom of isolation" during the time you were together?
What isolation? We're just partying all the time!
I was! Not sure about that ex, though. Always spending time outside, without me.
We're always in isolation even if we're in a group, you know.
Story of my life during that time.
Speaking of emotional investments, did you "keep planting to find out which one grows" with your ex?
No time for that when you're waiting for the weekend to come!
Nope. I kinda sensed something's not right.
Yeah! But it's more like weeding out the bad stuff all the time, you know.
It's a futile effort.
Between the two of you, who was "kickin' in the front seat" and who was always "sittin' in the back seat" while driving?
I was always at the back seat.
That ex always sat in another car, yo!
I think the proper question is, who's driving our life?
No cars needed. That ex just drove me nuts


Was your ex speaking like they're mumbling in a foreign language?
Sounded more like Auto-Tune beeps
Every single time! Sounded like Spanish to me, though.
Sounded like a lot of bopping to me
Ever heard fractals crushing? Sounded like that.
Got issues of being too clingy?
Nope. We were always together during the weekend so no need for that.
Yeah I've got an issue all right; that ex always clings to another person!
Real love need not be clingy.
It's better to let go.
Any old exes still hovering around your ex when you were together?
Hm, not sure. We're only together during the weekend.
Yeah, a lot! Past exes and soon-to-be exes, too.
All memories of exes hover around our being anyway ...
Didn't notice


Pop culture quiz: Was there a "Star Wars" versus "Star Trek" thingie there?
We both don't watch those movies.
No issue. We just watch whatever's there.
We'd rather read books.
Yup. We watched separately to solve it.
Were you the "TGIF" kind of couple?
Totally! Can't wait for the weekend!
My ex didn't need Friday to party. Every single day is a party for that one!
We thanked every single day that we're alive.
I'm more the TGIA person: Thank Goodness I'm Alone!
"And if you're good, I'll take you home with me," your ex said. Was this how your relationship started?
My parents won't allow that!
Pretty much so. I should have known, right?
Not our story
Goodness? So overrated!


Confess! Did you cheat on your ex or did your ex cheat on you?
Nah. We just had shallow fun times, that's all.
I was the victim of that cheater.
I don't believe in cheating.
We were both cheated on ... by circumstances beyond our control.
Was your ex so private that they kept "a secret no one knows"?
Not an issue for me
So private and so flirty, yeah! Everyone knew the secret but me!
Yeah, and it was so suspicious!
I was the very private one! I don't want the ex to know my secrets.
Whose fault was the breakup, really?
It just waned naturally for the both of us.
That ex! Such a cheater and a flirt.
Hey, if it's not meant to be, then so be it.
I push people away. Maybe it's me.


About manners, did your ex speak in a monotonously irritating voice?
I'll have to admit, I found that adorable at the beginning... until it grated on me.
No, but that ex repeatedly voiced excuses that sounded so suspicious.
Not an issue for me
I didn't notice.
Was your partner the type to "let it go" during moments when holding back doesn't cut it anymore?
Oh, that sounds too complicated for us. Pass.
Well, that ex likes to "let it go" on the dance floor. All the time!
We never hold back. Maybe that's the problem.
Not the ex's. That's like the motto of my life.
Any last thoughts about that ex? Or last words?
Nothing, really. Tomorrow is Saturday. It's another day ...
Please disappear. Like ba duba dop away.
Stop calling. Let it gooooooo.


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