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About This Quiz
When it comes to finding "the one," there's no telling what type of guys will fall in and out of your love life. However, there are certain indicators, such as personality and dating preferences, that can help predict the type of guy you'll eventually spend the rest of your life with. Play on to find out more about your soul mate!
How important is romance to you?
Extremely important.
Somewhat important, but not the most important.
It's nice, but not necessary.
I really don't care about romance.
What the longest relationship you've been in?
8 months or less.
More than 8 months, but less than a year and a half.
A year and a half to 3 years.
More than 3 years.
How do you feel about motorcycles?
They aren't my thing.
They're cool, I guess.
I love motorcycles.
I don't mind them from a distance.
Have you ever dated a "bad boy?"
No, and I don't plan on it.
Once, yes.
I've dated a few.
Bad boys are all I've dated.
What's the ideal proposal look like?
I'd like it to be at my favorite place.
I'd like it to be in a picturesque setting with friends and family.
I'd like it to be on a vacation somewhere.
Proposals aren't really my thing.
Where do you see yourself at the age of 35?
I have no clue.
Married with at least one child as a stay at home parent.
Married with children with my spouse staying home and me working full time.
Married and childless.
It is important for you to be able to talk about your emotions with your boyfriend?
Yes, very.
Yes, but I also have my friends.
It would be nice, but it's okay if not.
How important is physical attraction?
Not important.
It's relevant, but not incredibly important.
It's somewhat important.
It's very important.
What type of guy would you be willing to introduce to your family and friends?
A bad boy.
A romantic guy.
A successful guy.
A nice guy.
How do you feel about chivalry?
It's not all it's cracked up to be.
It's not necessary, but it's nice.
I really appreciate chivalry from my date or boyfriend.
It's essential.
Who does the cooking and cleaning?
Mostly me, but also my spouse.
50/50 split with my spouse.
My spouse mainly.
How do you feel about drugs?
I'm fine with it as long as it's legal.
I okay with any and all drugs.
I do not like or approve of any drugs.
It depends on the drug.
You'd be attracted to a guy wearing what?
A suit and tie.
A leather jacket.
Casual everyday attire.
Clothes don't matter to me.
Are your boyfriend's educational and professional backgrounds important to you?
As long as he's doing something with his life, no.
Yes, it's very important.
It is somewhat important.
What do you look for in movie-watching partners?
Someone who won't talk during the movie.
Someone who isn't bothered by me talking.
Someone who like to cuddle while watching movies.
Someone who doesn't want to cuddle during the movie.
Would you expect your boyfriend to ask your parents for permission to marry you?
Hell, no.
It doesn't matter to me.
Yes, but it isn't necessary.
Do you have a high school sweetheart?
Yes, but we recently broke up.
Yes, and I want to marry him.
No - I wish.
Do your boyfriends usually remember anniversaries and birthdays?
Most do.
Not usually.
It's about 50/50.
How confident are you?
Very confident.
Somewhat confident.
Not very confident.
As confident as the next person.
How often do you go out?
Every weekend.
Every weekend and weekdays when possible.
Once a month or so.
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