What Type of Girl Do You Belong With?

By: Tasha Moore
Estimated Completion Time
7 min
What Type of Girl Do You Belong With?
Image: PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

There are so many types of females to choose from, so we will narrow down your choices with this personality feat of the relationship sort. After you've admitted your mild-to-moderate kinky desires, take note of the gal-pal type we'll know is right for you!

To get your juices flowing and your libido stimulated, think about what you find attractive in different types of females. A sassy lady is sweet, motherly and full of vigor. She'll pick up your spirits without even trying, but sometimes she can drive you crazy with blatantly incorrect facts that she spews just to hear the sound of her own voice.

Then there's the intelligent type of lady, full of supreme sense. Her mind can analyze logic problems better than the best computers on the market. However, her lack of practical wisdom is alienating, and it gets icy cold when you're around her and she goes off tangent.

But the gloomy girl saves the day with her solid mental bank of worldly info and emo appeal. If it appears as if she's not listening to you, don't worry - she most definitely is. She's just paranoid and conjuring a load of what-if scenarios in her noggin.

These aforementioned types are just a trickle from the lady pond. Take a dip in this personality test and see what girl you catch!

woman reading newspaper
suedhang / Cultura / Getty Images
Your supreme female reads the news daily, right?
Only the gossip columns
"News Daily." Attempting to retrieve publication. Does not compute.
If you can't read, it makes sense then that you won't read.
Ever wonder why news is called news? It's the same old bad news over and over and over ...
couple in autumn
franckreporter / E+ / Getty Images
How would you express your true feelings for your girl-to-be?
(Buffering ... )
Something to the effect of, "I could do so much better than you."
" ... Once inside, gonna tear till there's nothing left to find."
Ouch, baby!
muslim woman with book
Hillary Kladke / Moment / Getty Images
Can you admit one reason why intelligent ladies are top choice?
"Where" number "won"! "Where" number "won"!
(Face palm emoji)


Emilija Manevska / Moment / Getty Images
You already know that she snoops through her neighbor's trash. Is she a keeper?
One man's trash is another homeless man's makeshift dwelling.
Why is she so nasty, though? Baby girl needs a hug.
You and "baby girl" need to get a life!
Seek and ye shall find extortion evidence.
woman on computer
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you rock with ladies that "borrow" content online?
We're all on borrowed time anyway.
I don't rock with thieves.
By "borrow," you mean steal, right?
"Borrow" is not a valid online task.
lonely road
Oscar Wong / Moment / Getty Images
"I walk a lonely road." Who said this?
Alternative music group Green Day; lyrics from "Boulevard of Broken Dreams," 2004
"Boulevard of Broken Dreams"? Come here, Baby, you need a hug!
Dunno, don't care.
Me, every second of the day.


couple being cute
Raphye Alexius / Image Source / Getty Images
What is a term of endearment for your ideal mate?
The one to my zero
Boom, boom bae!
Greed seed
Like, this is so absurd!
no kiss
pkline / E+ / Getty Images
You go in for the kiss and she yells: "Ew! Your breath is stinky!" What do you do?
You want a free meal out of me, you're just gonna have to deal with this halitosis.
Such a reaction requires hesitation. Kissing is not recommended.
My breath is a product of my malodorous environment.
Let's give this girl a round of applause.
woman reading
images by Tang Ming Tung / Moment / Getty Images
Are you able to spell "intelligence" to find your right girl?
If I do, that wouldn't make much sense.
Are you actually telling me what to do right now? I just want to be clear about that.
You know it!


Image Source/Zero Creatives / Image Source / Getty Images
She wants a green shake the first thing in the morning, but you're dying for a breakfast burrito. Do you compromise?
I'm driving to get the burrito; she can hike it from there.
A shaken breakfast burrito may increase risk incidence of indigestion.
Shake ma bon-bon! Shake ya bon-bon!
Yeah, a delicious cross between a breakfast burrito and a green shake. Not!
man buying stuff
Longhua Liao / Moment / Getty Images
Are you willing to shop for her feminine products?
Please allow 5 to 7 business days for delivery.
I'll pick up some laxative too. Wanna make sure my baby is regular all the way around!
She's got two feet to get her own stuff.
My type of compatible female is old enough to not need any of those pollution items.
couple looking at each other sideways
JPM / Image Source / Getty Images
Can you confess what you love about mean girls?
I was engineered with a line of sadomasochistic code in my operating system.
She does NOT play!
THEY do not play. Actually read the question, dang it!
Always remember, they weren't born mean.


woman looking content
Justin Lambert / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When you think of nirvana in relation to your best girl, what are your thoughts?
Word-sense disambiguation required at "nirvana."
She's got a lot of nerve!
Kurt shall remain my antihero.
Not "nerve," "nirvana"! Turn up your hearing aid over there!
window shopping
David Malan / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What type of underwear do you prefer to see her in?
Titanium casings (processor heating up!)
Recycled knickers from the '50s
Lace, sugar!
She goes commando. Save the planet.
couple working together
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
Prove that you can hang with a smarty pants. Can you name the three branches of government?
Legislative, executive, judiciary
Small, medium and large
(Redirected from three branches of government)
"SML"? SMH! Dumb, dumber, dumbest answer


couple playing chess
Jupiterimages / Stockbyte / Getty Images
If you ever found out that she purposely loses the games you two play in order to boost your ego, what would you tell her?
"The force is strong in this one."
"Run for your life, my ego is on the loose."
"Please install 'lose' software before restarting."
"Girl, bye!"
woman baking
Tony Anderson / Digital Vision / Getty Images
Is your girl the type to cook and clean?
Download the javelin app.
She's every woman, sugar!
Take your traditionalist roles and shove it!
"Javelin app"? WTF? It's time to reboot HAL.
woman shouting
Zak Kendal / Cultura / Getty Images
Can you find it in your heart to love a mean girl?
No known road disruptions; 45.6 miles. Swipe left to add a waypoint.
Sure, before she breaks that into pieces.
She's missing a heart, so it's a good fit!
(Ready to install.)


couple laughing
Peopleimages / E+ / Getty Images
Does your type of diva possess an amazing sense of humor?
Humor is a sign of intelligence.
Dry, no olive please.
You know that means "Let Me Google That For You," right? Doesn't quite fit the set, Einstein! Did you score an I.O.U. on your SATs?
Willie B. Thomas / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Are you a good match for a gal math genius? What's the square root of 121?
Don't press that square root button!
Jelly beans, and they are gross!
"Gal math genius?" How lame.
man singing
Jon Feingersh Photography Inc / Digital Vision / Getty Images
What song can you sing that will get the girl?
Who's this girl anyway, Juliet Capulet?
"So you shakin that thang like who's the ish ... " Sing it with me, sugar!
"'Cause she was livin' la vida loca!"
Lyrics for "Livin' la Vida Loca": "She's into superstitions ... "


couple taking picture
Jacobs Stock Photography Ltd / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How hard is it to recall a fond memory from your past relationships?
There are no fond memories.
I don't have any past relationships that I'm fond of.
404 Error, Page Not Found :(
Laughing, hip-bumping and having a great time, pumpkin!
man about to propose
SDI Productions / E+ / Getty Images
How long will you need to date her before you pop the question?
"It's the question that drives us. It's the question that brought you here."
Honey, I'll marry her on the spot if she'll let me.
Please download the email client to use POP.
Suck! Another download? No software comes with out-of-the-box devices anymore?
traveling couple
Klaus Vedfelt / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What part of the world would your girl be from?
Where the weather is hot and the people are hotter, baby!
Anywhere but the penitentiary
213 miles to "Your Girl" Rockford, Illinois ...
Enough with the directions already, WALL-E!


soaked man
Arman Zhenikeyev / Coribs / Getty Images
After your blind date with a girl, the restaurant closes and it's pouring rain while you wait for your ride outside. Your date bails in her cozy car. Are you stunned, with no umbrella?
I need the rain to drown my tears. Thanks, inconsiderate pal!
That ain't nothing but some water.
Stunned, affirmative
If I wanted a mommy, I would have dated mommy. That's all.
man reading map
Hello World / Photodisc / Getty Images
While driving, you get lost. She's in the passenger seat playing game apps and refuses to use a navigation app to help you. Is she too mean?
Why mess up a perfectly good game that you're not even getting paid to play?
Where's my phone at in this scenario?
We are the app; don't you see, sheeple!?
At the end of fall season, observe that birds fly south. Calibrate other directions accordingly.
date night
lechatnoir / E+ / Getty Images
On your first date with a girl, do you expect her to split the bill with you?
How to: Rip the paper bill receipt at equal distances from both sides and vertically to the horizontal plane.
What do we order, vegetables? They're loaded with pesticides even after a thorough wash. The horror!
She pays for all of it for wasting my time. I just know she'll waste my time.
She needs to cough up that bill money, hunty!


happy older couple
Thanasis Zovoilis / Moment / Getty Images
As you age, will she love you like it was the first day you met?
It all goes downhill from the first day.
As long as she ages first, you have yourself a deal.
She'll always be my sugar, no matter the age.
(Hourglass symbol)
EduLeite / E+ / Getty Images
The season finale of your favorite TV show is about to reveal a serious plot twist right when she changes the channel and refuses to hand you back the remote. Does this mean splitsville?
This means war.
You may watch any show at any time with online television viewing. Download the appropriate app to a compatible viewing device.
Check with your cable provider for details.
She just saved me from radiation exposure. Thank you, butterfly!
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
You dig the jealous type, right?
I envy those who find reason to envy.
What do I have to be jealous of, baby? I mean, look at ALL of me!
The question is whether you LIKE the jealous type, bonehead.
To envy is human.


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