What Animal Will You Be Reincarnated As?

By: Marie Hullett
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Animal Will You Be Reincarnated As?
Image: suebg1 photography / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Followers of religions like Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism believe in reincarnation, which means that a living being begins a new life in a different physical form after death. Greek philosophers Socrates, Plato and Pythagoras also believed in the concept, as do many indigenous cultures, North Americans and European peoples across the globe. If you subscribe to this belief system, basically, you better get used to your soul, because you're going to be stuck with it for a long, long time. 

Reincarnation is also called transmigration or rebirth, and some religions allege that the karmic traces you leave behind in your current life will determine who you become in the next. So, be careful, or you might end up a worm!

If you think that no one knows what happens when you die, think again. When you take this quiz, you'll find out what you'll be reincarnated as; that way, you can start preparing for your next life right away. Perhaps you'll need to acquire a taste for cat food, learn to climb trees, or swing from vine to vine. So, will you be a feisty feline or a majestic elephant? A graceful bird or a playful dolphin? Answer these questions to find out! 

You just got a raise! What do you spend your extra cash on?
Gourmet food
Put it in savings
Are you hungry right now?
No, I just had a bite to eat.
I could maybe have a snack.
I'm always hungry.
You're on vacation, finally. What are you most excited about in your foreign travel destination?
The natural environment
The people
The museums
The food


Do you believe in soul mates?
Yes, absolutely
No. I'm fine on my own, personally, anyway.
I believe there are multiple soul mates out there for someone.
Oh great, it's group project time. What role do you take on?
Organizing and presenting the finished product
The creative "idea person"
The analyzer - you check and re-check every last detail.
I just do it all myself.
When did you move out of your parents' house?
I left the nest as early as possible and never looked back.
I still live with them.
In my early 20s
In my late 20s


Congrats, you just won $1 million! Wait, there's a catch. (There's always a catch). Which of these scenarios would you choose?
You win $1 million, but you can only travel by plane or unicycle from now on.
You win $1 million, but you can only buy things that cost less than $2.
You win $1 million, but you can't ever leave your house.
You win $1 million, but you'll hiccup non-stop, forever.
Where do you get your lols?
Stand-up comedy
YouTube videos of people tripping
"The Office"
"The Big Lebowski"
You're at the club and the music is bumping. How are your moves on the dance floor?
I am basically Michael Jackson.
Not amazing, but I know how to have a good time!
Um, you can find me on the wall.
I have two left feet.


Which emoji represents your soul?
The sun emoji
The water wave
The sleepy face
The banana
How's your memory?
I can remember stuff for school.
It's alright.
What did you just say?
I never forget anything. Ever.
So, it's a lazy Saturday morning. How will you spend it?
Staring out the window
Watching funny YouTube videos
Sleeping, of course
Eating brunch and more brunch


It's time to queue up Netflix and order pizza delivery. What's the most important topping on your pizza?
Banana peppers
Now that you're enjoying your pizza, what will you watch?
"Stranger Things"
"Russian Doll"
"The Crown"
OMG, you're at Disney Land. Which Disney princess do you want a pic with?
Snow White
Sleeping Beauty


Which conspiracy theory sounds the least insane to you?
Lizard people ("reptilians") rule the world.
The earth is flat.
No one ever landed on the moon.
Would you still work if you didn't need the money?
No, I'd have fun instead.
No, I'd sleep.
Yes, I like my job.
Love 'em or hate 'em, who's your favorite Kardashian if you had to choose?


How full or empty is your glass of life?
Half empty
Half full
There's like, a drop.
If you had to follow one of these diets, which would you choose?
Which Jason Momoa do you love most?
Conan the Barbarian
Khal Drogo
Baywatch Jason Momoa


You've been cordially invited to tea with a member of the British royal family. Who do you hope it is?
Meghan, Duchess of Sussex
Prince Harry
Kate, Duchess of Cambridge
Queen Elizabeth II
It's karaoke night! How was your performance?
Honestly, Mariah Carey Mariah Shmarey.
What I lack in vocal abilities I make up for in a killer show.
You can't pay me to drag me up there!
Could be better. Perhaps a bit awkward.
You're looking to pick up some new skills and have some fun. Which class will you enroll in?
Lyrical dance
Scuba diving


Everyone has them. What's your vice?
Where would you most like to live?
In the jungle
By the ocean
In the desert
In a savanna
What do you want most in this life?


You can teleport somewhere instantly, right now. Where will you go?
A hot air balloon in Turkey
A white sandy beach in Hawaii
My bed
A jungle cabana in Thailand
Hit me, baby, one more time. Which '90s pop star would you most likely have owned a poster of back then?
Celine Dion
Britney Spears
Whitney Houston
Justin Timberlake
How will you die?
Of old age
Climbing an epic mountain


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