What's your '80s style?

By: Steven Miller
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
What's your '80s style?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

From hairstyles, fashion sense and musical tastes, we are highly confident that we can determine your '80s style by asking you a few simple questions.
Which hairstyle fits you the best?
Spiked mohawk.
Medium-length and feathered.
Big hair.
High fade.
Which band is most appealing to you?
How would you describe your general attitude?
Positive and upbeat.
Flashy and Intense.
Dark and moody.
Rebellious and fun.


Which '80s slang term are you most likely to use?
What's your damage?
I've got to get motorin'.
That is totally bad.
Grody to the max.
Which jacket would you most like to wear?
I'll just go with a feathery scarf.
Colorful suit coat.
Adidas hoodie.
Metal-studded leather.
How much makeup do you wear?
I never wear makeup.
I wear quite a bit, but always very dark colors.
I wear a ton of makeup, and it's very colorful.
I wear some makeup, but it's pretty understated.


Do you smoke?
Yes, I smoke a lot.
Only when I'm at a party.
I'm trying to quit.
I never smoke, cigarettes that is.
How likely would you be to wear sunglasses at night?
I might do that once in a while, but it wouldn't be a regular thing of mine.
It's possible, things are so flashy around me that shades might be helpful.
I can't imagine ever doing that.
I would do that all the time.
How new are most of your clothes?
They are all very new.
A lot of my stuff is older with a lot of my own personal touches added to the outfits.
I like things to be well-worn. I shop at the second-hand store mostly.
They're pretty new, but I do like my stuff to be comfortable.


Do you have any tattoos?
I have ink all over my body.
I have a few tattoos, but my clothing makes most of the statement for me.
I have one tattoo that is very special to me, but it is hidden.
I don't have any tattoos.
How many piercings do you have?
I have a few more than usual.
I just have one or two ears pierced.
I have a lot of piercings all over my body.
Are there any holes in your clothing that you have created purposely?
I don't purposely put holes in my clothes, but there are some there anyway.
No, all my clothes are just like they were in the store.
I have some clothes with holes in them.
I have holes in most of my clothes, and it is totally on purpose.


Which '80s female singer do you like the most?
Cyndi Lauper.
Olivia Newton-John.
Vanessa Williams.
Which '80s male singer do you like the most?
Michael Jackson.
David Bowie.
Bryan Adams.
Robert Smith.
How appealing is the Polo brand to you?
It's very appealing to me. I love everything by Ralph Lauren.
That is way too bland for me. No thank you.
That stuff is the absolute worst, and so are the mindless drones that wear it.
I don't mind wearing some Polo stuff, but it is pretty ironic when I do.


How likely are you to pledge a fraternity or sorority?
There is no way that would ever happen. I detest those organizations.
It would be pretty unlikely. I'm a bit too showy for their taste.
I'd only be interested in the Que Doggs.
It's a sure thing. I totally want to be in one.
Are you more masculine or feminine in your style?
I'm pretty androgynous in my style.
I'm slightly more feminine in my fashion sense.
I'm very masculine in how I carry myself.
I'd describe it as more asexual.
How likely are you to wear a tie?
Maybe to a formal event, but it would be pretty rare for me to wear a tie.
I might tie it around my head or something, but I'd never wear it how you are supposed to.
I wear ties or other formal attire quite often.


Would your fashion style fit in at the country club?
Nope, they would kick me out in a heartbeat.
Absolutely, I would totally fit in there.
I don't think so. I'm pretty sure I would cause a lot of ruckus if I walked in there.
Well, not as a member, that is for sure.
How do you feel about tight-fitting leather pants?
I like the look, but it doesn't really fit into my scene.
That's totally my style. I would rock that look.
That's way too flashy for my sensibilities.
I might be able to pull off that look.
How much hairspray would you use?
Very little.
A ton.
I would need something stronger than hairspray for my ideal look.
I wouldn't use any hairspray


How likely would you be to incorporate face paint into your look?
I could see maybe doing a black tear under my eye or something like that.
Oh yeah, I'm definitely going all white with a black star around my eye.
I have no interest in wearing face paint.
I might put on some face paint in support of my football team, but that's about it.
Would you be interested in dyeing your hair a different color?
Yes! I want to do something that is a bright neon color.
I might put some light highlights in there, but nothing too extreme.
There's no way I'm dyeing my hair.
Oh yeah, I'm going all black.
Which piece of jewelry is most appealing to you?
Gold chain.
Nose ring.
Lots and lots of shiny and sparkly items.
I'm not really all that into jewelry, but it would be something small, understated and expensive like a diamond ring.


Which color of clothing best fits your personal style?
Earthy tones.
Would you want to integrate a graffiti theme into your fashion?
That would fit my style perfectly.
I might work that in there somewhere, the colors are nice and bright.
No, that would be totally tacky to me.
I'm more likely to be the one painting graffiti on a wall.
Do you like to wear clothing that shows your support for a sports team?
I might do that once in a while, but I generally like to be a little more classy than that.
I doubt it. I'm not all that into sports.
No, that's way too commercial for my style.
For sure. I have a bunch of sports-related clothing.


How would you feel about sporting a Kangol hat?
I suppose I could see myself wearing one under the right circumstances.
It's pretty unlikely. That's just not really my look.
Oh yeah, those things are so cool.
I would never wear one of those, not in a million years.
Would you ever wear a full-length track suit?
Throw a bunch of glitter and sparkles on there and I might be down.
Only if I was actually running track.
Absolutely. That style was so fly.
No way. That is totally not my style.
Would you consider a boom box on your shoulder to be a fashion statement?
Of course it is, and a mighty great one at that.
I could see that, but I probably wouldn't carry it on my shoulder.
Only if we disassemble it and use pieces from it to make an outfit.
Not at all. Although it did kind of work for Lloyd Dobler in "Say Anything".


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