What's your celebrity name?

By: David Copper
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
What's your celebrity name?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

You're on your way to superstardom -- no doubt about it. You've got the talent, the personality and the entourage. But will your fans call you? Take the quiz and find out!
What is your favorite color?
How do you feel about makeup?
I don't leave the house without it.
I wear very little.
I don't really care either way.
What is your ideal kind of dog?
An adorable little poodle to put in my purse!
An attack dog
A big cuddly rescue dog
I'm allergic to dogs, sorry.


How did you impress people in school?
With my hair
In gym class
By being an 'A' student
With Star Wars trivia
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Several hours
Five minutes
Ten minutes
thirty minutes -- I have to deal with my acne.
How do you feel about relationships?
They're great, but they can be a distraction.
I like them short.
I dream of getting married someday.
They're nice, but I haven't had many.


Your favorite kinds of jokes?
I like jokes where others are being mocked.
I like them easy to get.
I like clean jokes that aren't too mean.
I like jokes that challenge my intellect.
Do you like parties?
As long as I'm the center of attention!
As long as there's not too much chit-chat
I love hosting parties!
I'm a little awkward at parties.
Do you wear glasses?
Only sunglasses
No, glasses are for sissies!
I wear reading glasses.
I can't see without them.


Which of these things would you never do?
Attend a football game
Go to a fashion show
Kiss on the first date
Fight somebody much bigger
How much would you sacrifice for love?
Nothing! Take me as I am!
A little -- for the right girl.
I'd sacrifice everything for love!
I'd sacrifice everything except my slide ruler.
How would you describe your vocabulary?
I speak only the King's English.
I swear like a sailor.
I always keep my language clean.
My vocabulary can get a little geeky.


How comfortable are you with being nude?
I'm comfortable -- for the right price.
I don't care one way or the other.
I'm extremely shy when it comes to my body.
I'm a little shy about it.
Which of these places are you likely to be spotted?
A fancy nightclub
A dive bar
A trendy coffee house
A library
Your ideal US vacation spot?
Los Angeles
Las Vegas


How are you at driving?
I let others do the driving.
I'm great!
I'm a little clumsy.
I'm okay.
Are you a good dancer?
All the boys say so.
I hate dancing!
I'm light on my feet.
I'm lousy.
Are you good at making people laugh?
Yes, when I'm telling stories.
I'm too serious for jokes.
I try to be funny. Sometimes I am.
I tend to make people laugh on accident.


Your ideal worldwide vacation spot?
Paris, France
The UK
Tokyo, Japan
What do you friends like about you?
My charm, darling!
The fact that I can protect them in a fight fight.
My kindness
My smarts
What is your favorite language?


Your favorite Gilligan's Island character?
The Skipper
May Ann
The Professor
Which of these have you been called?
A bully
A tattle-tail
A geek
What do you think of pie?
I love it -- when I'm not dieting.
I love it all the time!
I love cooking it.
I prefer pi.


Your favorite article of clothing?
A good long dress
Sweat pants
A sun dress
A t-shirt featuring my favorite movie
What do you use to get out of trouble?
My eyes
My fists
My sweetness
My brain
Your favorite 70s movie?
A Star is Born
The Way We Were
Star Wars


Your ideal movie-related career?
A movie star
A stunt man
A caterer
Special effects creator
Which of these would you be horrible at?
A maid
A librarian
A soldier
A dance instructor
Favorite TV show of all time?
Project Runway
Breaking Bad
General Hospital
Star Trek


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