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About This Quiz
Don't even try to pretend that you are innocent. Everyone has little faults, but do your faults add up to a deadly sin? Are you full of sloth or wrath? Let's find out!
What is your biggest bad habit?
I tend to eat too much.
I have wandering eyes.
I'm a huge procrastinator.
I get jealous easily.
Are you religious?
Yes, I am very religious.
I am more spiritual than religious.
I am not as religious as my parents.
I'm religious about certain things.
Can you stick to a diet?
No, diets are impossible.
I do fairly well with diets.
I think diets are ridiculous.
As long as the diet has beer, yes.
What is the best way to eat ice cream?
Ice cream is best right out of the carton.
Ice cream is best with hot fudge.
Ice cream is best on a hot day.
I don't eat ice cream.
Do you consider yourself in shape?
I am in fairly good shape.
I really need to get into better shape.
I'm not as in shape as others.
Which television show do you like most?
"Married with Children."
"Breaking Bad."
"The Walking Dead."
Would you ever star on a reality television show?
Sure, but it would be a boring show.
I would love to go on a show like "The Bachelor."
If I get a makeover, sure!
Who has been your favorite U.S. president?
John F. Kennedy.
Bill Clinton.
Barrack Obama.
George W. Bush.
Which actress do you find most attractive?
Elizabeth Hurley.
Emma Watson.
Jada Pinkett Smith.
Winona Ryder.
Which of the following are you most likely to collect?
Coke memorabilia.
Trading cards.
How well can you dance?
I can cut a rug!
I am best with exotic dancing.
I can do the "Hokey Pokey."
I have two left feet.
Are you a funny person?
I have a very dry sense of humor.
My friends think I'm hilarious.
I can be funny.
I'm not normally funny.
How often do you cook?
I cook a few times a day.
I cook once a day.
I cook a couple times a week.
I rarely ever cook.
Do you have a hidden talent?
I have many hidden talents.
Yes, I'm a good singer.
No, what you see is what you get.
I don't hide my talents.
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