What's Your Southern Spirit Animal?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What's Your Southern Spirit Animal?
Image: stevecoleimages/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

The Southern United States has a lot of unique terrain that makes it home to some of the most diverse and unusual creatures in the whole country. From forests to grasslands to swamps and even dry, desert terrain, there's a lot packed into a relatively small space. That means the humans who call this part of the country home get to share it with a number of species you won't find anywhere else in the country and, in some cases, the world. The best part is that so many of these creatures share their world in a way we can enjoy as well, as long as we're careful and respectful.

Most people associate the South with the culture that has been established there - some incredible food, that classic Southern charm and some complex history. That's true of the wildlife, too. Some of these animals have been here a very long time and have endured countless changes to their environment. They're a hearty and resilient group of creatures, the perfect sort to guide you on your journey through life as your spirit animal.

The only question is, which of these Southern beasts is the right one to help guide you? Why not take the quiz and see for yourself?

Are you able to make opportunities for yourself, or do you rely on good luck getting you what you need sometimes?
No such thing as luck!
Hard work is never a bad idea.
A little luck never hurt anyone.
You'd be surprised what luck can do sometimes.
Do you feel like you have a strong spiritual side?
Not really
Not as strong as I'd like
I lose touch with it sometimes.
I think I do.
Which of these things do you think is key to finding happiness in life?
Being responsible


If you're at the grocery store and the cashier forgets to charge you for one of your items, do you point it out?
I doubt I'd notice if they didn't.
How confident are you when it comes to asking out someone you find attractive?
I am not very confident at all.
Nothing but confidence over here.
I can usually handle that sort of thing if I psych myself up for it.
I'll have some nervous energy, but otherwise I'm good.
In your experience, what's the best way to connect with someone new?
At work or school
In a bar or a club
Through friends


It used to just be Netflix out in the world, but now there's Amazon Prime, Hulu, Disney+ and many others. How many streaming services are you willing to pay for?
Just one
A couple
As many as I can
If you're home alone late at night and you hear a thump from upstairs, what are you going to do?
Ignore it.
I'll go investigate.
I'll wait to see if it happens again.
A traditional American dinner is meat, a veggie and a side dish. What's your side of choice?
Mashed potatoes
Mac and cheese
Maybe some quinoa


People have been riding horses for generations, but they're not the only animal that can handle a saddle! What would you like to ride?
When you have a big decision to make, will you handle it on your own or ask for advice from others?
I can handle it on my own.
I might ask my family.
I'll ask my friends and family.
All depends on the nature of the decision.
If we took your cell phone away right at this moment, how long could you go without it?
I could last a while.
Maybe a day
I'm sure I could handle the better part of a week.
Minutes, maybe


Your friend went to 7-11 and got a big tray of nachos slathered in queso. Would you let them get in your car and eat?
Not by a long shot
If they clean up any mess they make
I'd rather they didn't.
Sure, why not?
Could you handle living on a boat?
I'd rather not.
I love the water!
The motion might make me sick.
I suppose so, if I had to.
When you're going in to interview for a new job, do you do anything to prepare yourself?
I research the company and go over my answers to practice questions.
Other than dress up nice, not really
I'll just be myself.
I just wing it.


Ever gotten so frustrated playing a game on your phone that you swore at it?
Nah, I just stop playing if it gets frustrating.
More than once
Doesn't everyone?
Once in a while, but not usually
Horror movies seem to be more popular than ever. Do you like being scared?
Not at all
Sometimes they're fun, sure.
I prefer roller coaster scared to horror movie scared, but it's all fun.
After a long, stressful day, what's the best way to relax and unwind?
Read a book in bed
Drinks and Netflix
A big meal
A nice bath


If you could have lived in a different era, when do you think you would have fit in best?
Medieval times
Prehistoric times
Back in the Frontier days
The Victorian era
Fiction is chock-full of apocalypse scenarios. Which one seems most terrifying?
Robot apocalypse
Alien apocalypse
Zombie apocalypse
Natural disasters
When you get a chance to get away from the hustle and bustle and go camping, what do you like the most about it?
I don't go camping.
I like spending time with my friends.
I like the feeling of freedom.
I like exploring the great outdoors.


Would you rather host your whole family for a big Thanksgiving meal or go across the country to attend at someone else's house?
I'd do it at my house.
I can host, but I'd want people to help.
I'd rather travel but stay in town.
I'm much happier to travel.
You can't work all the time. Which of these vacation ideas sounds best?
Someplace historic, like Rome
An island resort
A fun destination, like Las Vegas
A theme park, like Disneyland
Do you ever wish you could go back in time and make some better decisions?
No regrets here
Yeah, there are things I wish I could do differently.
I think about it, but don't know if I could do it.


Say you found a slightly defective lamp and the genie only grants a single wish. What'll it be?
10 billion dollars
World peace
Would you be OK with your mom or dad reading all of your text messages unedited?
Not a chance
No, and not because they're bad, but because they're my business.
I'd rather that didn't happen.
Want to order some pizza? Of course you do. What are we having?
Extra cheese


If someone is starting some drama on social media, are you getting involved?
No drama for me, please.
I like to stir it up sometimes.
Not if I can avoid it
I might follow along, but I don't want to get too caught up in anything.
Do you think you're cut out to run for political office?
I could definitely do that.
I could but I wouldn't want to.
I'm happy to just vote for others, not run.
I really hate politics.
Have you ever thought about doing a DNA test and tracing your ancestry?
Not really
I already have.
I'd be interested in that.
It sounds interesting, but it's not something I'm too concerned with.


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