Where are you in the wolf pack?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Where are you in the wolf pack?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

As humans, we feel that we are above wolves because of our ability to progress as a civilization, but when it comes to building their own little tribes and societies, wolves simply can't be beaten.  Every wolf in its society knows exactly what role it has, and every wolf is also totally suited to its role. 

The Alpha is the leader of the pack, and usually the toughest wolf.  They make all the tough choices and decide what is going on, when it is going to happen, and dictate roles in the pack. Betas are the right-hand man of the Alpha, they help with the hunts and with keeping the pack in line, and every once in a while they try to take over the Alpha wolf's role. Then you have Deltas, who are the leaders of the middle of the pack. Then come Iotas, who are pups that just grew up to adults or newcomers to the pack who have yet to prove themselves. Then you have the Omegas, who are wolves who are either troublemakers, or disrespectful, basically, these are the wolves that don't care a whole lot about rules, or what they are expected to do in the pack! Take this quiz to find out where you rank in the wolf pack.

You got cast on Survivor! What is your strategy?
I will take the lead right away and show everyone else what to do.
I will find someone who looks strong and hang out with him, and let him take all the heat.
I will just hang in with the group and try not to make any waves.
I will just lie to people and try to get them to do what I want.
You are stranded on a boat with three other people. One of them falls into the ocean. What do you do?
Dive in and try to save the person.
Steer the boat while someone else dives in.
Wait for instructions, because I don't want to do the wrong thing.
Watch, and hope no one asks me to help.
Which would be the most likely thing for you to do when in a group?
Provide food.
Stand guard while the others sleep.
Hunt in a group.
Hang out and take it easy.


You're in a club trying to meet someone. How do you do it?
I just roll right up and start talking.
I go up with one of my buddies.
I like to approach in a big group.
I usually just wander around the edges of the club, waiting for someone to get separated from their friends.
You disagree with your teacher about something in class. What do you do?
Argue with him about it openly.
Wait to see if someone else argues with him first, then jump in.
You don't do anything until most of the class disagrees, then you join in.
You don't say anything, but later leave him a bad review on Ratemyprofessors.com.
Did you pick on people in high school?
No, that wouldn't be cool.
Not usually, but if someone else did I might join in.
If the larger group did, then I might.
I was the one that was picked on in high school.


You are a Red Sox fan and you move to New York. Do you start rooting for the Yankees?
No way, are you kidding me? Red Sox all the way.
No, but I would keep quiet about being a Red Sox fan.
No, I would start rooting for the Yankees.
No, but mostly because I don't ever root for what is popular.
Who are you in the band?
Lead singer
Lead guitarist
Bass player
Which Beatle are you?
John Lennon
Paul McCartney
George Harrison
Ringo Starr


Would you make a good boss?
Without a doubt.
I might, if I had the right support from my coworkers.
No, I would hate that.
No, people wouldn't take me seriously.
You and your partner are going out. Where do you go?
My favorite dance club.
Our favorite dance club.
Everyone's favorite dance club.
My partner's favorite dance club.
Your best friend committed a crime. What do you do?
Turn her in.
Give her an alibi.
Nothing. I don't even want to deal with it.
Take the blame.


There is one piece of pizza left. Who gets it?
I would like it, but you can have it if you want.
I want it, but only if you don't.
Who are you on Game of Thrones?
Jaime Lannister
Tyrion Lannister
Podrick Payne
Theon Greyjoy
What would you rather do in your village?
Protect everyone
Stand guard


What is your greatest quality?
Easy to please
What are you in a crime thriller?
Police officer
Bad guy
A monster is after you! What do you do?
Fight it.
Run until I can get to safety.
Yell for help.
Prepare to die.


You find out your partner is cheating on you. What do you do?
Leave. Who need her anyway?
Try to work it out, but tell her things need to be different.
Ignore it and hope she doesn't leave me.
Blame myself - it must have been because of something I did.
Why did you venture into another pack's territory?
To challenge their leader.
To scout and see how strong they are.
To see if they might accept me into their pack.
I had no reason, I got here by accident.
How often do you work out?
All the time. I have to challenge myself to be my best.
All the time. I have to look as good as everyone else.
Not often, but I do go with friends sometimes.


How much do you like having other people around?
It doesn't matter. I am fine by myself.
I like being around people because I find it fun.
I like being around people because I feel safer.
I don't like being around people.
You hear someone say that your best friend is ugly. What do you do?
Call them out and tell them to check themselves.
Don't say anything then, but tell my best friend what they said.
Ignore it and don't say anything.
Agree with them.
Pick a Baldwin.


Which movie do you like best?
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Mean Girls
American Pie
You're losing a fight you can't win. What do you do?
Fight to the death.
Fight until you have nothing left.
Give up and shake hands.
Who are you on Seinfeld?


Would you lie to get something you want?
No, I don't need to lie to get what I want.
No, I would just work hard for it.
Only if I thought I wouldn't get caught.
Of course I would.
Pick a rapper.
Dr. Dre
Snoop Dogg
Vanilla Ice
What is your view on life?
Life is here for the taking and it is what you make of it.
What's most important is friends and family.
The key is not to get too high or too low.
It's pretty much awful. I wish I could stay in bed all day.


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