Where Should You Go to Elope?

By: Teresa M.
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Where Should You Go to Elope?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

You want to get married, but the dramatic, expensive deal is not for you. You want your marriage to be about the two of you, so you plan to elope! Find out where to go to tie the knot!
If you did have a large wedding, what wedding theme would you choose?
Fairy Tale.
How dressed up will you get for your ceremony?
I plan to wear something simple and elegant.
I plan to wear something outrageous.
I plan to wear a traditional gown.
We'll just go as we are.
Will you write your own vows?
We will write some of them.
We will use the ones that come with the ceremony.
We will write all of our vows.
Nothing wrong with the traditional version of vows.


What flowers would you want used in your wedding?
Are you keeping your wedding plans secret?
No, everyone knows we want to get married.
No, but we don't want a huge wedding.
Yes, but I think all our friends know anyway.
Yes, we like to keep everyone guessing.
What color will you wear when you get married?


How long have you been a couple?
We have been together a long time.
We just met.
We've been together for a very long time.
We're not a couple yet.
How would others describe you as a couple?
We are serious about one another.
We are hilarious.
We are earthy.
We are utterly insane as a couple.
What will you do on your wedding night?
That's personal!
We'll probably party.
We will take a long walk and talk about our future.
We'll probably just go home.


What trait do you most like in another?
Who will perform your wedding ceremony?
Most likely, a local priest will do it.
The in-house reverend.
I'm not sure yet.
The local judge will perform our ceremony.
Where will you live when you get married?
We already live together.
We will buy a house.
We will get an apartment.
We will stay with my parents for a while.


Will you hold a reception?
Yes, we will have a reception when we return home.
We will have a huge party after the ceremony.
No, we don't need a reception.
We might wait until after the baby comes.
Which wedding gift would you most like to receive?
A trip to Hawaii.
A wine cooler.
A gift card.
Which wedding gift are you most likely to regift?
I would never regift!
Napkin rings.


When it comes to your relationship, who do you get advice from?
My partner.
My parents.
My siblings.
My friends.
Which holiday would you consider as a wedding date?
4th of July.
Valentine's Day.
Which television couple do you find most romantic?
Monica and Chandler from "Friends."
Fox Moulder and Dana Skully from "X-Files."
Dre and Rainbow Johnson from "Black-ish."
Carrie and Mr. Big from "Sex in the City."


Do you think you are the next of your friends to get married?
I think we are the next.
No, one of my friends is getting married sooner.
Unless a miracle happens for one of my friends, we're next.
I cannot keep up with my friends' relationships.
Do you plan to have children?
We do not need any more!
Maybe one or two.
Children are not for us.
I don't know yet.
What do you think you might miss about a larger wedding?
I will miss having some guests.
I will miss the beautiful cake.
I will miss nothing about it. Eloping is perfect for me.
I think I'll miss having a huge dress.


Will you take anyone with you to elope?
My mom will be crushed if she isn't invited.
No, that's the point of eloping.
I may ask a friend to come along.
I only need my sweetheart.
How do you think your partner would describe you?
My partner would say I'm laid back.
My partner would say I'm a lot of fun.
My partner would say I'm very loving.
My partner would say I'm spontaneous.
What drink will you use to toast your nuptials?
Sex on the Beach.


How will you let people know that you got married?
We'll live stream on Facebook.
We will send out an announcement.
We will call my mom. She will tell the world.
If they ask, we will tell them.
Who is your best relationship role model?
My parents.
My friends.
My boss.
What do you love most about your partner?
My partner makes me feel secure.
My partner makes me laugh.
My partner never lies to me.
My partner is very sweet.


Will you go on a honeymoon?
Yes. We will honeymoon where we have our ceremony.
Yes, we love to travel.
Yes, we will visit a different country.
No, we do not need a honeymoon.
Why do you want to elope?
I want a small ceremony.
We want our wedding to be just between us.
We want to start our lives together with adventure.
A big wedding is too expensive.
Do you feel prepared for marriage?
I'm 100% ready!
I know the drill.
I guess we'll find out.
Maybe someday, but not right now.


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