Where in the Harry Potter World Do You Belong?

By: Kennita Leon
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Where in the Harry Potter World Do You Belong?
Image: The Movie Db

About This Quiz

Sometimes it's hard to figure out exactly where you belong in the world. It can be even harder to figure out if we're speaking about Harry Potter's wizarding world. Take this quiz to find out where you belong in this world.
How well do you know the wizarding world?
I don't know very much about the wizarding world.
I know the wizarding world pretty well.
I know quite a lot about the magical world.
I know everything about the magical world.
How would you get around?
By broomstick.
By portkey.
By floo powder.
By apparition.
Where in the wizarding world seems the most magical to you?
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Hogsmeade Village.
The Ministry of Magic.


Which Hogwarts location would you go to if you wanted to relax?
The Common Room.
The Prefect's Bathroom.
The Library.
The Great Lake.
Which founder of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is your favorite?
Godric Gryffindor.
Helga Hufflepuff.
Rowena Ravenclaw.
Salazar Slytherin.
Which item is the most important thing to have at Hogwarts?
A wand.
Good friends.


Who would sign your permission slip, allowing you to go to Hogsmeade?
One of my godparents.
A sibling.
My parents.
I would (illegally).
What's the first store you enter when you arrive in Hogsmeade?
Zonko's Joke Shop
Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop/
Hog's Head Inn.
Which item from Filch's banned objects list are you most likely to try to smuggle back into Hogwarts?
Skiving Snackboxes.
Love potions.
Baruffio's Brain Elixir.
Fanged Frisbees.


What accolade are you leaving Hogwarts with?
Quidditch Captain.
Master Duelist Badge.
Head Boy or Girl.
If you had to have a job at the Ministry of Magic, which of the following would it be?
Minister of Magic.
Which Ministry of Magic Department would you want to work in?
Department of Magical Law Enforcement.
Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes.
Department of International Magical Cooperation.
Department of Mysteries.


Who would you want to be your boss?
Justus Pilliwickle.
Barty Crouch Sr.
Amelia Bones
Corban Yaxley
Which Harry Potter character would you want to work for you?
Draco Malfoy.
Ron Weasley.
Hermione Granger.
Harry Potter.
For which of the following reasons are you likely to get fired from your job?
For breaking the rules (for good though).
For being fooled/manipulated into doing the wrong thing.
For conspiring to take my boss's job.
For selling classified information.


Which of these curses got you use to get sent to Azkaban?
Avada Kedavra.
Who in Azkaban would you turn to for help and protection?
Sirius Black.
Rubeus Hagrid.
Mundungus Fletcher.
Bellatrix Lestrange.
Which Azkaban inmate would be your archenemy?
Dolores Umbridge.
Augustus Rookwood
Lucius Malfoy.
Igor Karkaroff.


How would you escape from Azkaban?
Slip through the bars and transform into my Animagus form, then swim to shore.
My friends would blow the place up.
Make the dementors loyal to me and walk out of the place.
I would use a Polyjuice Potion to switch places with one of my loyal followers.
Which Deathly Hallow would you want?
The Invisibility Cloak.
The Resurrection Stone.
The Elder Wand.
All three of them.
How would you die in the wizarding world?
I'd get killed trying to take down a dark wizard.
I'd die of natural causes.
I'd get killed by some magical creature whose nest I stumbled upon.
I'd die in Azkaban.


How do your best friends describe you?
They'd say I'm loyal.
They'd say I'm kind.
They'd say I'm intelligent.
They'd say I'm cunning.
How do you feel about bullies?
I despise them.
They're just cowards.
As long as they don't bother me, I don't care.
I am a bully.
Which insult would offend you the most?
It would offend me if someone called me boring.
It would offend me if someone called me rude.
It would offend me if someone called me ignorant.
It would offend me if someone called me weak.


Which of these skills are you most proud to possess?
My ability to adapt to new environments.
My ability to make friends.
My ability to absorb information.
My ability to get what I want.
What do you like doing when you're home alone?
I like to listen to music.
I like to go shopping online.
I like to catch up on my reading.
I like to sleep.
Where would you end up on a Friday night out?
At a barbecue.
At a beach bonfire.
At a game night.
Out clubbing.


What scares you the most?
The dark.
Enclosed spaces.
What would you see in the Mirror of Erised?
I'd see myself living a life of adventure.
I'd see myself surrounded by loved ones.
I'd see myself having knowledge above all others.
I'd see myself having riches beyond my imagination.
Which Harry Potter book is your favorite?
Either "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" or "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets."
Either "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" or "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire."
Either "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" or "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince."
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows."


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