Exactly how well did you pay attention in your high school Spanish class? Were you more concerned with choosing the best Spanish name, or gazing across the room at the captain of the football team? Or were you actually learning the importance of properly placed accents? We're about to find out!
This quiz will quickly reveal that one accent can make all the difference in the meaning of a word. For instance, did you know that the word "qué†means "what?†But takeaway the accent mark and the word "que†simply means "thatâ€! Most people think that "mas†means "more†but it actually means "butâ€! Mas with the accent, as in más, means "moreâ€! Talk about attention to detail - forgetting or misplacing just one accent could change the whole meaning of a sentence! Here's another example worth noting: do you know the difference between "mi†and "míâ€? Mi is "my†and mí is "meâ€! Oh me, oh my, you better get these right!
So let's see how well you do. It's time to take the ultimate Spanish language spelling challenge. Are you master enough of the language to detect the correct accents on these words? The tildes and accents await you! On your "mark,†get set, vamonos!
Which of the following has the correct accent?
The eñe became part of the Spanish alphabet in the 18th century when it was first formally defined. It is considered a letter in its own right and has its own place in the Spanish alphabet!
Mañana is the spanish word for tomorrow and the near future. It is used in its feminine form to express the morning, and its masculine form to express the near future!
In Spanish, the word sueño has several meanings. These include: sleep, sleepiness and dream! The etymology of the word comes from the Latin somnium meaning dream, and somnus meaning sleep.
Cuántos is the masculine plural of the adjective cuánto, meaning "how many" in Spanish. Cuántos años tienes? (How many years do you have?) Meaning, how old are you?
The Spanish word árbol comes from the Latin arbor or arborem and means tree! It is also considered a "large woody plant." The plural form of the word is árboles.
Oh cariñoso! So loving and kind! So tender and affectionate! This is the meaning of the cariñoso, but be sure to change to cariñosa when describing a female!
The Spanish word Clásico literally means, "the Classic one." As a proper noun, El Clásico refers to any soccer match between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid!
The etymology of paño comes from the Latin pannus meaning "piece of cloth." Used in a sentence, "pasarle un paño a los muebles,"meaning "wipe the furniture with a cloth."
Piñata in Spanish is the same word as in English. It is a doll filled with candy that gets hit with a hammer or stick during a party. Once the candy falls out, everyone runs to claim some.
To have many compañeros is a blessing. These are comrades, friends, buddies, colleagues and companions! Many Spanish-speaking countries use this word to refer to someone of an equal status.
"No creo que haga daño a nadie." I don't think it's bothering anyone. Daño is translated to damage in English. It is related to the term dañar, meaning to damage.
The English translation of migraña is just what it sounds like, a migraine! It comes from the Latin word hemicranÄa, which is very similar to its Ancient Greek root, hÄ“mikranía.
Acción is the Spanish word for action. It can be used to describe a variety of action: fast-paced activity, combat, legal action/lawsuit and simply as the act of getting something done.
Similar to señorita, señor is the Spanish version of the English title Mr. When it is used as a proper noun as El Señor, the meaning changes to The Lord!
Acompañar is the verb form of to accompany. Other variations of the word include acompañamiento, meaning accompaniment, and acompañante, meaning accompanying.
¡Adiós! Goodbye! Farewell! This word literally translates from Spanish as A "to, with" Dios "God" - To or With God. It is similar in Latin: Ad "to" and Deus "God."