Which Ancient Symbol Represents Your Soul?

By: Mark Lichtenstein
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which Ancient Symbol Represents Your Soul?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Early philosophers, religious leaders, and scientists (such as they were) developed symbols to represent aspects of the soul. Connecting with one was seen as a rite of passage. Which one best represents your soul?
How religious are you?
I'm not really religious per se.
I don't care about any god or gods.
I consider myself more spiritual than religious.
I'm very religious.
Are you "spiritual?"
Not even a little.
I consider myself more spiritual than religious.
No, I am religious.
Do you get annoyed when other people try to foist any kind of religion or spirituality on you?
No, it is their way.
Yes, they should stop.
No, I expect it from somewhere.
Yes, because only my god is the right one.


What do you want most in life?
To live in balance with the world as well as keeping a balance within myself.
To have all the money, all the pleasure, and all the fun!
To live in a way that makes God happy.
What is the point of existence?
To achieve balance.
Living as long as possible.
Living according to the will of God.
Are you pretty even-keeled?
I am.
No, I'm very aggressive.
I try to keep focused to keep my temper under control.
No, I can be emotional.


What keeps you up at night?
I worry about the environment.
I worry about my business.
I worry about my health.
I worry about my soul.
Who would you pray for?
My family.
My God.
Have you ever found yourself praying from a proverbial foxhole?
Once, I seriously contemplated it.
No, that's where I lost my faith.


How close have you come to tasting death?
I've had a couple of close calls.
I've looked death right in the eye.
I've been close to dying a few times.
I've never been close to it, thank God.
What sort of work do you do?
I'm in social work.
I'm in finance.
I'm in medicine.
I'm in the priesthood.
Are you pursuing your dreams?
I'm trying to find meaning in my dreams.
I am! Thanks for asking.
I only dream of living as long as possible.
I don't believe in dreams.


How morally upright are you?
About half the time, I do the right thing.
Who cares?
I do my best.
I do what I am capable of, but I'm a sinner.
Is good a self evident absolute?
It depends on your culture.
No, because it doesn't exist.
Yes, it is.
No, you need to be told.
Is good determined by a godhead?
No, it is a universal law.
Good doesn't matter, so who cares?
Good is a relativistic term.


Is it possible to see the future?
Not for sure.
I think it is.
Only God can see the future.
Does free will exist?
Existence is like a highway, there are many exits, but we are confined to our choices by the path of the roadway.
Yes and no.
Do you seek balance?
That's the goal.
I don't like balance.
In a matter of speaking.
No, I seek order.


Do you seek power?
Only as much as I should have.
Yes! All the power!
I only seek to live life.
I seek knowledge of the divine, and that is power.
How often do you consider the limits of your mortality?
Every day.
It consumes me.
I meditate on it all the time.
Every night before I sleep.
How important is knowledge?
It's only half of what matters.
It's the most important thing, after power.
It's only as useful as being alive.
It can be useful, or it can be sinful.


What is the most important kind of knowledge?
Knowledge of the soul.
Knowledge of the world.
Knowledge of life after death.
Knowledge of the divine.
How much do you worry about others?
About half the time.
All the time.
I always keep them in my thoughts and prayers.
What is it you worry about if you worry about someone else?
How well we work together.
If they'll get in my way.
How much time we have together.
I worry about the fate of their soul.


Do you spend a lot of time obsessing over some small aspect of your appearance?
No, they all are of equal importance.
Just my hair.
I obsess over how I appear, morally.
What is "time?"
Time is a loop.
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Time is what makes us tiny.
Time is the measure by which we are judged.
What is "power?"
Only half of the equation.
The end all be all.
Life is power.
True power belongs to God.


What is the highest form of love?
The love of one's self.
An eternal love.
The love of God.
Which culture resonates with you?
East Asian.
Western European.
North African.
Middle Eastern.
How squeamish are you?
It depends on the circumstances.
Not at all.
Not about most things that make people uncomfortable.


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