Which anime series should you watch?

By: Artimis Charvet
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which anime series should you watch?
Image: n/a

About This Quiz

With so many options to choose from, it can be hard to know which show to binge-watch next. Take our quiz and find out which anime should be the next on your must-watch list!
How do you feel about new technology?
I'm always an early adopter.
I'll try something if I have a use for it.
I prefer to wait until the bugs are worked out.
I don't even want a smartphone...
What do you value most in people?
Do you think love can bloom even on a battlefield?
Maybe platonic love, but not romantic.
Yes, absolutely.
Only if you're on the winning side.


Do you tend to focus on the past, present or future?
All of them at once.
Do you want to have kids?
Yes, I want kids of my own.
Yes, but I would adopt.
I like working with kids, but I wouldn't be a parent.
No. I don't like kids.
How was your relationship with your parents?
My parents loved and supported me.
High pressure, but they were always on my side.
Actively unpleasant.


Do you lose your temper much?
All the time, people are so dumb sometimes!
Only when a situation warrants it.
I usually control it pretty well.
I am just chill, nothing rattles me.
How often do you party?
As much as possible.
Once a week.
About once a month.
Just on special occasions.
Do you trust your heart or head?
Balance is needed between the two.
I trust a different part of my anatomy!


If you could teleport anywhere, you would:
Travel through time into the future.
Travel through time into the past.
Go on a well-deserved vacation somewhere beautiful and tropical.
Find and take out my enemies.
You never leave your house without:
My necklace or amulet.
My first aid kit.
A good book.
Some sort of weapon.
People think you are:


How do you prefer to spend your free time?
Learning something new.
Helping others.
Mentoring tomorrow's leaders.
Plotting the downfall of my enemies.
Are you a sore loser?
I try to learn from my mistakes, win or lose.
Losing is never an option.
I don't accept defeat.
There is no losing or winning in life.
If you could have any power, what would it be?
The power to protect.
The power to heal.
The power of knowledge.
The power to destroy.


Do you believe in magic?
I believe it's possible that magic exists somewhere.
I believe in myself and that's about it.
I believe all things are possible, so yes.
For the purposes of this quiz: Yes, I believe in magic.
Do you like helping others?
It's becoming a new hobby of mine.
Yes, and it's my job to help others.
I like helping others through teaching.
No, I do not like to help anyone but myself. Unless, of course, helping someone else would benefit my cause.
Do you enjoy making other people uncomfortable?
No, I don't, although I always seem to somehow unintentionally make others feel uncomfortable...
No, I go out of my way to comfort others.
I enjoy using discomfort as a learning tool.
Yes, it's one of my favorite hobbies.


What are you fighting for?
Friends and family.
The prevention of the end of the world.
The right to follow my dreams.
What do you look for most in an anime?
Lots of action.
Amazing animation.
Which element do you feel drawn to?


On a scale of 1-5, how athletic are you?
Things aren't going your way. How do you react?
I brush it off.
I hit the gym and work it off.
I pout and cry.
I carefully analyze what went wrong so it doesn't happen again.
What's your reaction to studying?
Well, I've got to do well!
I hate it.
Do I have to?
It's necessary!


Where do you feel most inspired?
At home, alone.
At work.
On vacation.
Of the following, which relates to you most?
"Love is so short, forgetting is so long."
"Resist much, obey little."
"Is there no way out of the mind?"
"When someone shows you who they are, believe them; the first time."
How does the world end?
With bliss.
With a fly buzzing.
With a bang.
With love.


When I am pissed...
I keep things to myself.
I sulk.
Everyone knows it.
My friends get an earful.
Where would you rather live?
In a faraway exotic place.
In the suburbs.
In a quiet house in the country.
Love is...
Like a red, red rose.
Wonderful for those who find it.
Nice, but I can live without it.
A dog from hell.


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