Which Bennet Sister Are You?

By: Ashley Duncan
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which Bennet Sister Are You?
Image: YouTube

About This Quiz

Did you read Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" AND see the movie? If so, you may have found yourself identifying with one of the famous Bennet sisters. Take this quiz to see if you most resemble the one you think you do.

Back in the day, women could not inherit property, so poor Mr. Bennet needed to make sure that at least one of his daughters made a marriage match that was good enough to support the rest of the family after Papa Bennet passed away. Surely, with five daughters, at least one was likely to make a suitable match. But having five daughters means that there are five personalities to wrangle into a marriage, and that can't be easy. Especially since most of us prefer to marry for love, not just money. Sure, a marriage that includes both would be ideal, but let's not put too much pressure on the daughters, OK?

So, if you want to know which of the Bennet sisters you're most like, make sure you've got one in mind — choose from Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty or Lydia — and then get started with this quiz to see if we agree.

Let's find out which Bennet sister you're most like.

Pick a fabric type:
What is the most important virtue in a man?
What do you do in your free time?
Play piano
Hang out with my best friend


What do you usually do at parties?
Wait until I am introduced to someone
Stick with my friends
Dance with all the cutest boys
Help the host
Chill in a corner observing
How do you feel about fashion?
I'm not materialistic.
It's part of living in society.
It's nice to look good.
It's one of my biggest hobbies.
It's very important!
How do you feel about marriage?
I hope I get married soon!
I wish someone would fall in love with me.
I can be a happy person either way.
It's ridiculous that women feel they can't live without being married.
Every man wants to marry me.


Do you like to read?
I only read when I am bored.
I read the Bible only.
I love everything, especially the classics.
I hate reading.
I don't mind stories with lots of pictures.
Do you get along with your parents?
No, not really.
Yes, I do.
They're kind of boring.
I'm the perfect daughter.
Only when they let me do what I want.
Do you have many friends?
I don't know why people dislike me...
I'm a very private person.
People say I am nice.
I'm the life of the party!
A few, but they're very important to me.


You've been invited to a ball! What's the main reason for your excitement?
I get to mingle with my friends!
I get to chat with interesting people.
I can't wait to dance with everyone.
I get to show off my new gown.
Who's excited? Surly it's not me.
Pick a pattern:
Polka dots
I like solid colors.
Who can pick just one? They're all great!
How do others describe you?
A sweet girl
A silly foolish girl
A young lady of deep reflection
The most determined flirt that ever made her family and herself look ridiculous
Some say barely tolerable, but most say very agreeable


How would you describe yourself?
I give my opinions most decidedly for a person so young.
I once thought myself a good judge of character.
I'm not so bad.
I'm a very sensible girl.
I'm a girl who just wants to have fun.
Which do you enjoy most?
Your perfect date would include:
A romantic carriage ride
A candlelit dinner
A walk in the cool night air
A quiet night at home with a home-cooked meal
A study date


How would your family describe you?
A rebel
Mother's darling
Your favorite outfit is:
Modest and classic
Sweet and romantic
What do you think of Caroline Bingley?
She is a good friend of mine.
She's very snobbish and proud.
I don't really have an opinion.
I'm a bit afraid of her.
She seems to look down on me.


Mr. Collins asks you to dance. What do you do?
Accept politely even if he is creepy
Make an excuse
Say yes. No one ever asks you!
Run and hide
Refuse to his face
How important is money in a marriage?
Not that much. You want to marry for love.
You believe in love but money is necessary.
You don't plan to marry. You aren't romantic.
Money is very important!
You want a handsome husband AND money.
You hear that Charlotte Lucas has married Mr. Collins. You:
Are very happy for them
Can't believe it
Are a bit jealous. You rather liked Mr. Collins.
Think Charlotte is crazy


Where do you want to live?
Anywhere nice and quiet
Whom would you prefer to marry?
Mr. Bingley
Mr. Darcy
Mr. Collins
Mr. Wickham
Any officer will do
Someone is spreading a rumor that you don’t like. How do you react?
You do nothing — it's probably true.
You confront the person spreading such lies.
You would help to spread it.
You spread something equally nasty about them.
Just ignore it, the truth will come out!


How do you behave when things don't go your way?
Cry and scream
Go for a nice relaxing walk
Play the paino
Resign myself to the fact and go on with life
Things always go my way
Which of these are you most likely to say?
"A person may be proud without being vain."
"The more I see of the world, the more I am dissatisfied with it."
"Laugh as much as you choose, but you will not laugh me out of my opinion."
"You do not make allowance enough for difference of situation and temper."
"Neither duty, nor honor, nor gratitude...have any possible claim on me."
Do you often hold a grudge?
Depends on the situation
Not usually


The guy you like, and who you thought liked you back, disappears one day. What is your reaction?
Oh well, there are more fish in the sea.
He probably never really liked me anyways.
What nerve! He does not deserve my attention.
You find out where he has gone, casually follow him and then wait for him to contact you.
I have more of a non-reaction.
What's your philosophy?
Learn and study all you can.
Don't take life so seriously.
Laugh and have fun.
Be kind.
Hard work and dedication pay off.
What type of art do you prefer?


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