Which Bennet Sister Do You Look Like?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Which Bennet Sister Do You Look Like?
Image: YouTube

About This Quiz

Are you familiar with the Bennet sisters of Jane Austen's iconic 1813 novel, "Pride and Prejudice?" Do you fancy yourself resembling one of them? Based on your answers to the following 30 questions, we can tell you which of the Bennet sisters you most resemble.

Each of the Bennet sisters has her unique personality. And, based on Jane Austen's ability to create a character in the reader's mind, each of the Bennet sisters also has a well-developed appearance. Do you look most like Elizabeth, the stylish one; most like Mary, the plain one; most like Jane, the natural beauty; or most like Lydia, the vivacious one? 

By answering questions such as "do you care about being appropriate in your department," "do you look your most comfortable playing piano," and "have you ever been described as handsome," you will give us enough information to gauge which Bennet sister you most resemble. Our formula is based on mannerisms and personality, and it's very scientific (not really, but it is fun), so if you're game for finding out which of the Bennet girls you look like, this is the quiz for you.

Are you ready to find out which of the Bennet sisters you most resemble? Let's get started.

Do you dress on trend?
I set the trend.
I follow the trend.
Do you spend a lot of time on your looks?
A fair amount
Not much - but I don't need to.
So much time
Would you say you have a natural look?
Yes, sometimes too much!
Yes, mostly


Are you more stylish or fashionable?
Mostly stylish
Entirely stylish
Entirely fashionable
Do you care about being appropriate in your deportment?
Not much
Quite a lot, yes
Entirely, yes
Not at all
Do people consider you conventionally beautiful?
I certainly think so!


Do you care much about your looks?
Not at all
Yes, I admit it!
Very deeply
Do you just love a new bonnet?
Once in a while
I like one but I don't mind if I don't get it.
Do you curl your hair?
I have to have the maid do it; I'm not good at it.
No, that's a hassle.
My hair holds a natural ringlet, like a cartoon princess.
Yes, I'm good at it.


Do you like to stand out?
I like it fine.
Of course not
I don't mind it - it does just happen.
I need it.
Do you ever dress eccentrically?
People say so, but I don't care.
Not at all
I dress brightly, sure.
Do you dress conservatively?
Yes unless I'm exercising
All the time
Most of the time


Are you always first on the dance floor?
It depends on what's playing.
No, I do not like to dance.
I wait until someone asks me to dance.
Of course!
How do you feel about your complexion?
I like it.
I don't have feelings about it.
I love it.
I paint it to make it better.
Is it what's on the inside that counts?
Yes, but being pretty doesn't hurt.
I sure hope so.
Of course (but don't mention that I'm so beautiful I can afford to say that).
No, beauty matters, let's be realistic.


Is your sister prettier or plainer than you?
Prettier, but I'm more awesome.
Do you look your most comfortable playing piano?
I'm not that good, to be honest.
Yes, that's my safe place.
Only if it's not in front of anyone.
I don't play.
Do you take a lot of exercise?
I sure do!
I take what is healthy.
I take a little.
Only when I dance.


How's your constitution?
A little weak
I'm as healthy as a horse.
Do you like to ride horses?
Not really
I don't get to do that often.
I love it.
I like to watch men do it.
Do you flirt with all the guys?
Only the hot ones
Goodness no
No, I'm a little shy.
I sure do.


What's your best feature?
My eyes
My brain
Everything honestly
My figure
Do you laugh easily?
Not really
No, I'm quite modest.
Very easily
How modest are you about your looks?
Not very
I am modest and have a lot to be modest about.
A little
Not at all


How callused are your hands?
A little - I like to play outside.
Fairly - I knit, sew, and do a lot of crafts.
Not at all
Not really
Could you be accurately described as vivacious?
Yes, I can
Not a jot
I'm too demure for that.
Which parent do you take after, looks-wise?
My mom, mostly
Definitely dad
Definitely mom


Do you wait to be asked to dance?
It depends on who is there.
I don't know, I don't get asked.
Of course
I tell whoever I want to dance with that they should ask me.
Do you get a lot of dates?
Quite a few
None at all
I get the ones that matter.
I get all of the dates.
Have you ever been described as "handsome"?
I sure have
I can b
No, I'm too girly


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