Which Blues Brother are you?

By: Jody Mabry
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Which Blues Brother are you?
Image: The Movie DB

About This Quiz

Just out of prison and tasked with a mission from God to save their childhood home, Jake and Elwood Blues try to "get the band back together." Which "The Blue Brothers" character are you? Take this quiz and find out!
How do you like your toast?
Buttered extra crisp toast.
Dry white toast.
I hate toast.
Like everyone else; with butter and jelly.
Who would you be in a band?
Manager, lead singer (on occasion), and harmonica player.
The bassist.
Trombone player.
Lead singer.
What would you eat for dinner?
Four chickens and a Coke.
Just water.
Fried chicken.
Peanut butter pie.


Which musical style do you associate with?
Indie rock.
Grunge rock.
What would you accept as payment to play in a bar?
French fries.
The chance to play.
Cash money.
Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
Mostly an introvert.
I'm a people person.
A bit of both.
I'm extremely extroverted.


How tall are you?
About five and a half feet tall.
Six feet tall.
Over six feet tall.
About five feet tall.
How do you think God will send you a message?
Through a stained glass window.
A burning bush.
An itchy mustache.
A voice in my head.
How would you kill the Blues Brothers?
A bomb.
An assault rifle.
Poisoned chicken and Coca-Cola.
Knock down the home they grew up in.


What is your favorite Blues Brothers band member name?
Donald "Duck" Dunn.
Birch "Crimson Slide" Johnson.
Tom "Bones" Malone.
Tom "Triple Scale" Scott.
How many members makes an ideal band?
What is your favorite kind of food?
Soul food.
Southern food.
Tex-Mex food.
BBQ Food.


Which is your favorite John Belushi movie?
"Animal House."
"The Blues Brothers."
"Continental Divide."
Which is your favorite quote from "The Blues Brothers?"
"Four fried chickens and a Coke."
"I'll have some toasted white bread please."
"We're putting the band back together."
"Oh, we got both kinds. We got country and western."
Which is your favorite John Belushi "Saturday Night Live" sketch?
"Little Chocolate Donuts."
"Samurai Delicatessen."
"Dueling Joe Cockers."
"The Killer Bees."


Which of these is your favorite Dan Aykroyd movie?
"The Blues Brothers."
"Spies Like Us."
What city would you first want your band to play?
New York.
San Francisco.
New Orleans.
Why would you rejoin your band after 20 years?
God told me to do it.
I got nothing better to do.
I just lost my job.
I want to get away from the family.


What is a good excuse to not get back in the band?
I have a headache.
I was never very good anyway.
I'm tired.
I have family responsibilities.
What is the coolest item you wear?
A sunglasses.
A fedora.
A sports Jacket.
How would friends describe your personality?
Way too crazy for my taste.
A go with the flow type of person
Loud and obnoxious.


Which are your favorite type of movies?
Music documentaries
Which would be the coolest to drive?
The Bluesmobile.
A motorcycle.
Police car.
Which store would you like to drive through at a mall?
Pier One Imports.
Orange Julius.


Which is your favorite bad review of Blues Brothers?
"Desperately unfunny" - Newsweek.
"$30-million wreck." - Los Angeles Times.
"This is some weird movie. There's never been anything that looked quite like it; was it dreamed up in a junkyard?" - Roger Ebert.
"the frail plot of The Blues Brothers with car chases and crack-ups, filmed with such avid, humorless starkness on the streets of Chicago that comic sensations are virtually obliterated" - Washington Post.
Who would you set up your band with?
My brother.
My best friend.
Some strangers I met online.
No idea.
Who do you dislike the most?
Illinois Nazis.
Crazy ex-girlfriends.
People who work for Pier One Imports.
Country Western fans.


Who is your favorite Blues Brothers actor?
John Belushi.
Dan Aykroyd.
Carrie Fisher.
Aretha Franklin.
What would have been the best decade to form a band?
Why would you go to prison?
Drug use.
Visiting someone.


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