About This Quiz
"Bob's Burgers" is an American animated sitcom which premiered on Fox in January of 2011, but has been airing on Adult Swim from 2013. The show was created by Loren Bouchard. It follows the Belcher family of five - parents Bob and Linda and their three children, Tina, Gene and Louise - who run a burger restaurant on Ocean Avenue, below the apartment where they live.
Many people love the show is its tongue-in-cheek humor and slightly naughty moments. People also love the Belcher family members, who each have their own quirks and unique personalities. Viewers also enjoy watching the rivalry which exists between Bob and the other restaurants on the same block, specifically Jimmy Pesto's Pizzeria.ÂÂ
After a series of mixed reviews of its first season, the show was listed as one of the Greatest TV Cartoons of All Time by TV Guide and it also won the Emmy Award for Outstanding Animated Program in 2014 and 2017.ÂÂ
Which character from the animated sitcom "Bob's Burgers" are you? Will you turn out to be one of the Belchers, or will you turn out to be one of the secondary characters? Take this quiz if you would like to find out!
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