Which 'Brady Bunch' character are you?

By: Ashley D
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which 'Brady Bunch' character are you?
Image: ABC

About This Quiz

Even though the "Brady Bunch" first debuted half a century ago, it remains one of the most popular television shows ever!

Perhaps it's because viewers could see a little of themselves, or a version of what they'd like to be, in these characters. There were the parents, Mike and Carol, who were present in their children's lives and had a lot of patience. And, of course, how would the family have gotten by without Alice, the housekeeper who was a bit harried, but who worked hard and went about her day with a great sense of humor?

Then there were the kids. Greg was the cool, older sibling who liked to compose songs while Marcia, the eldest of the girls, was the pretty one who had no trouble getting dates. Jan was the smart, sassy middle child who didn't feel like she got enough attention while Peter, another middle child, was your all-around nice kid. Lastly, we had the two youngest: Bobby, who constantly had bold ideas and tried to prove he was old enough to "hang" with the big kids, and Cindy, who was super cute but had to learn not to be a tattle tale.

So which member of the Brady clan do you most identify with? Take this quiz to see where in the Brady household you would best fit in!

In high school you were ______.
The geek
The jock
The popular kid
The adventurous one
How would you get your crush's attention?
I'd confidently walk up and ask them out.
I'd wait patiently until they ask me out. I'm more of a traditionalist.
Nothing; I assume they're not interested.
I'd "accidentally" run into the person and ask if they'd like to go to the movies.
It's board game night. What would you like to play?
Candy Land


When things don't go my way...
I'll put on some tunes and dance around the room until I cheer myself up.
I cry. I'm only human, after all.
I'll hole myself up and daydream about being in some far off, exotic place.
I'll hit the gym to release some tension.
If you joined the circus, what would be your role?
Trapeze artist
Which of these job titles would you most like to have?
A sound engineer
Skydiving instructor
A scientist
A fashion designer


Time to turn on the TV! What would you like to watch?
"Dancing With the Stars"
"American Gladiators"
Monday Night Football
You're best known for your _____.
Which section of the newspaper would you grab first?
Sports section
Technology section
Entertainment section
Lifestyle section


How do you feel about football games?
Can I be the quarterback?
I'd prefer something more exciting.
Sure, I'll go to one.
I avoid them at all cost!
It's your night to cook. What's for dinner?
Lemon risotto
Wood-oven pizza
Vegetarian lasagna
It's time for the school play. What would be your role?
The lead, duh!
I would be the comic relief!
I'd be the stage manager to keep those actors in line!
I'll be the choreographer.


It's time for a vacation! Where are you headed?
Los Angeles
Let's go see a show! What would be your pick?
A live concert
A Broadway musical
A magic show
A monster truck rally
What kind of dog is your favorite?
A German shepherd
A poodle
I prefer cats.


What would you do on a sunny day?
Hang out in my treehouse
Play baseball
Ride a bike
Which musical would you watch more than once?
"Jersey Boys"
"Beauty and the Beast"
"The Lion King"
The person you admire most is...
A TV star
An activist
A musician
An athlete


What do your weekend plans consist of?
Spending time outdoors
What do you enjoy reading?
"Choose Your Own Adventure" books
Romance novels
Comic books
When it comes to dating and relationships, which mantra best describes you?
There are plenty of fish in the sea.
I'm in it for the long haul.
It's time to take a leap of faith!
You gotta play the field!


Choose the vehicle you'd most likely own.
A sport utility vehicle
A motorcycle
A convertible
A hybrid car
What trait do your friends admire most in you?
My maturity
My can-do attitude
My honesty
My creativity
What are you most likely to say?
"Check out that groovy car!"
"It's so beneficial for me to surround myself with sophisticated individuals."
"That sure is stupid."
"Age ain't nothing but a number."


If you were going to put on a groovy 70s outfit, what would you wear?
A tight shirt that laces up in the front, with a big belt and form fitting jeans
A body skimming turtleneck and plaid pants
A shirt with a big collar - and equally big hair
A plaid dress
If you were in a band, what role would you most likely fill?
Lead singer
Backup vocalist
Describe your idea of a fun date.
A picnic in the park
Going to an observatory
Going to a car show
Checking out an art exhibit


What's your living situation like?
I live in a house with a white picket fence.
I live in a camper.
I rent a studio apartment.
My house is midcentury modern in style.
You're given a chance to swim in the ocean with sharks. What's your response?
"I'll pass."
"Let's go!"
"Can I bring my surfboard?"
"I'd rather observe them from a safe distance on the research vessel."
What's your favorite dessert?
Apple pie - it's so American!
Creme brulee - I love using a torch!
Brownies - it goes down well with milk to keep one strong!
Strawberry shortcake - gotta love that cream in the middle!


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