In which Broadway musical should you Star? Quiz

By: Ashley D
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
In which Broadway musical should you Star? Quiz
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

"Forget regret, or life is yours to miss. No other road, no other way. No day but today!" If you recognized these lyrics from the popular Broadway musical, Rent, you're ready for this quiz! With tons of musicals that have shown the amazement of breaking out into song and dance, which one are you?

If we take it back in time to the 1850s, you'd see the first Broadway musical, The Elves, hitting the bright stage. Since then, the doors have opened to shows like Rent, Chicago, Phantom of the Opera, West Side Story, and The Lion King. With tons and tons of storylines lighting up the Broadway stage, which one are you?

You might be overcoming all the odds and breaking the barriers of what people think of you! You'd pair well with Wicked. We're sure you've been "Defying Gravity" all along.

If you're a bit posh, maybe you're more like The King and I. Like the characters, you're noble, and a bit stubborn, but you're always willing to treat everyone fairly, even if you don't always like their opinions!

Maybe you're romantic and deep like West Side Story or adventurous and charismatic like The Lion King. Are you strong and unbreakable like Rent or perhaps a bit more mysterious like The Phantom of the Opera?

There are tons of Broadway shows out there, but which one does your personality identify with? Let's find out which show will have you lighting up the stage!

Which of the following do you think is most important?
If you got in trouble, what would be the most likely reason?
Got caught doing something scandalous
You led a revolt that turned violent against unfair policy
You started a rumor about someone that wasn't true
You accidentally started a fire while cooking
Which of the following lyrics would be your anthem?
"I know to trust my own true mind"
"Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise"
"I'm gonna be a celebrity, that means somebody everyone knows"
"I'm through with playing by the rules of someone else's game"


Which of the following traits do you find most important in a significant other?
Which of the following college majors suites you best?
Which would you rather do on a Sunday?
Read a book
Attend a political meeting or rally
Going to auditions or practicing my monologue
Hanging out with friends


Choose a song writer...
Mark Mancina
Irving Berlin
John Williams
Stephen Schwartz
Would you prefer to sing or dance?
Do you want the lead role?
Of course!
I just want the best part for me many lines do I have to memorize?


Pick a Broadway diva to be your coach...
Betty Buckley
Kristin Chenoweth
Idina Menzel
Bernadette Peters
Which song would you prefer to sing -
I told you, I don't sing!
Everything's coming up roses
Choose an audition song -
"Not for the life of me" - Thoroughly Modern Millie
"The Sound of Music" - The Sound of Music
"Good Morning Baltimore" - Hairspray
"Agony" - Into the Woods


Choose a magical land:
Kings Landing
Choose a dream job...
Circus Preformer
Wedding Planner
How do you take your coffee?
With a little sumthin' in it
I'll make it myself, you can never be too safe!
Start pouring sugar and I'll tell you when to stop.
I haven't touched it in years.


How did you meet that special someone?
Just randomly bumped into them.
We've been friends forever.
They were my knight in shinning armor while I was in distress.
I lost power in my apartment and he lit my candle
What are you afraid of?
Why should I be afraid of anything?
Not taking down The Man!
Not reaching my goal
My prince taking too long to rescue me...
When confronted with a problem I might....
Dance all night
Whistle a happy tune
Ease on down the road


If I could be anywhere right now, I'd be...
At a soup kitchen
At a carnival
Rocking it at a jazz club
Home with family
What would cause you to burst into song?
I want to calm the children
I want to seduce someone
I want to teach someone
I want to prove a point
If I weren't a Broadway star I might be a...
An activist
A nurse
A gypsy
A farmer


How do you feel when you wake up in the morning?
"I hate my life, can I please go back to bed?"
"What a BEAUTIFUL day! Not a care in the world!"
"I feel like dancing!"
"Coffee, I need Coffee..."
What motivates you the most?
Where would your dream home be?
I don't care, just put a roof over my head
In the wild
On a farm
In a busy city


How important are friends to you?
They're my entire world!
Can't live with them, but can't live without them.
I like to be by myself.
People are to be used, not to be made friends...
How do you do in social situations?
I thrive.
I just try and be myself.
I prefer quiet time.
I am the life of the party!
Which would you rather wear?
Anything warm
Something that matches my hair
Something with sparkles!
Anything pink


Life motto?
Listen to your heart!
No worries!
Dance it out!
All for one and one for all!
Your biggest secret is...
I have a dream to live in a 50's suburb with a husband two kids and a big, enormous, 50inch TV.
There's a voice in my head that teaches me to sing. I think its the angel of my father.
I want to be a broadway producer
I have a shrine to my Momma in my closet
What's the worst thing about the world?
The fact that everyone shuns me :(
Ugliness/ rude people


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