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About This Quiz
Who doesn't remember the nostalgic story of a gang of kids and their summer playing ball in "The Sandlot?" It has the humor and adventure that every kid need to experience at least once in their life. Which "The Sandlot" character are you? Well, take this quiz and play ball.
Which famous baseball player's autographed ball would you be comfortable playing with in the sandlot?
Babe Ruth.
Honus Wagner.
Ty Cobb.
Are you really asking this question?
What do you do if a baseball is hit directly at you?
Run away.
Catch it and turn three.
Play it out of the air.
Let it bounce for an easy pick up.
How do you break the ice with new friends?
I dork it up.
I'm just me.
I joke around.
I tell a story.
What's your favorite quote from "The Sandlot?"
"I don't know. Some lady gave it to him. She even signed her name on it. Some lady named...Ruth. Baby Ruth."
"You're killin' me Smalls!"
"No, I got a B once. Well, actually it was an A minus but it should have been a B."
"It's about time Benny. My clothes are going out of style."
How would you describe a sandlot?
An alley.
The most awesome park ever.
A cool place to smack the ball around.
Where I learned to be a man.
What is the first impression you give people?
I'm a little awkward.
I'm loud.
I'm a joker.
I'm cool.
Which cards did you collect as a kid?
Garbage Pail Kids.
Baseball cards.
Pokémon cards.
Football cards.
What is your favorite baseball movie?
"The Natural."
"Field of Dreams."
"The Sandlot."
"Major League."
What is your favorite Babe Ruth nickname?
"Sultan of Swat."
"King of Crash."
"Colossus of clout."
"The Babe."
How would you feel if you were the new kid?
Happy to show off my stuff.
A bit nervous.
Cool as a can of beans.
What is your favorite way to watch baseball?
On television.
Live at the stadium.
From the field.
In the movies.
If your baseball is in someone else's yard, how do you retrieve it?
Get a few friends.
Sneak over the fence.
Go up to the front door.
Build a crazy contraption.
Which is your favorite baseball team?
LA Dodgers.
New York Yankees.
St. Louis Cardinals.
Chicago Cubs.
Before a game, which piece of baseball equipment would you never leave home without?
My jersey.
My batting glove.
My ballcap.
My glasses.
How do you trick someone into kissing you?
I'm too afraid to kiss anyone.
Fall down and hope our lips meet.
Just sneak it in.
Pretend to drown to get mouth-to-mouth.
What is your favorite thing to do at the swimming pool?
Dog paddle.
Belly flop!
Hit on girls.
What most reminds you of your childhood?
Hanging out with friends.
Candy and roaming around town.
Have you ever misunderstood someone?
I misunderstand everyone.
I don't give much effort to understand people in the first place.
Has your enemy ever become your friend?
I don't have enemies.
Nope. I keep my enemies at bay.
I suppose.
Do you get along with your parents?
I do now that I am an adult.
Yeah, they're cool.
Not really.
Yes, but I haven't talked to them in a while.
What is the best weather for baseball?
Raining so I don't have to play.
Cloudy and warm.
Hot and sunny.
Any day.
What is the most confusing thing about baseball?
All the rules.
Why people don't understand baseball. It's easy people.
The distance of the bases.
The nicknames.
What is your sandlot?
The swimming pool as a kid.
Riding my bike around town.
Playing video games in the basement with friends.
An actual sandlot.