"Charmed" is a supernatural television show which aired for almost eight years, until May 2006. The show follows three good witches who also happen to be sisters, who combine their powers to save people from evil creatures which are not limited to warlocks and demons. Each sister is gifted with a particular power that they have to work on while keeping their witchy background secret. So which of the three are you? Or are you the long-lost Prue?Â
Are you Prue? She's the oldest of the four and is strong-willed, overprotective and a bit controlling. What about Piper? She's sarcastic and funny but hates arguments and peacemaking. Or are you Phoebe? She's the very spontaneous one who loves her powers because they help her free spirit soar. And then there's Paige. She's the youngest (and was a secret baby) of the four and has an attitude that is a force of nature. Are you sure of who you could be?Â
If you're really curious to find out which member of the Power of Three (or Four) you are, this is the quiz that'll give you the answer! Get ready to get in touch with your inner witch and charm someone!